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New Adam Tweets

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, January 08, 2014


Anonymous said...

Adam having some down time?

Anonymous said...

Nice to stay connected to talk show hosts. I think he enjoyed being on Wendy's show before the Diva Show. She seemed to hava enjoyed Adam. I really enjoyed Adam on that show; just like all the shows he goes on. Networking is good for a career.

Anonymous said...

Down Time? No rest for the upcoming entertainer. Staying connected is very, very smart.

Anonymous said...

Adam the charmer is always on his game. Good for you BB. Bravo!

Anonymous said...

I like Wendy Williams show, I watch it every day, if missed I record it. She is one of the best co-hosts. I did see the show with Adam on it, and that is how I got hooked on her show. Tune in, she is good.

Anonymous said...

I now watch Wendy also. Adam has turned me on to many things!haha

Anonymous said...

I heard it is sometimes a good idea to let a talk host know that a person started watching them because they had a certain star they liked on. don't know how effective it is, but some say it has worked; at least puts it on the radar. Everyone likes new viewers.

Anonymous said...

I wish there were a list of
E-mails to these shows, or Address listings for viewers; since I don't have twitter. I hope that when Adam's next Album comes out; that Kelly and Michael will have him on. I hope the Management or Record Lable, who ever is in charge of this matter, works really, really had to get him on every show possible; like some of these other artist, they get so much exposure. That is just as good as radio or better; especially if radio is not willing to play an artist records. Just have to go around them; and thats where fans come in to support their artist in any, and everyway that they can.
All my opinion of course.

Anonymous said...

5:34, you can easily go to the show's website and find out how to email them.

Anonymous said...

Love Wendy. She and Adam got along fabulously.

Anonymous said...

I think when Adam has his next album and first single released he will probably be on Ellen first. Then he'll make the rounds. Yes, I'd like to see him on Kelly and Michael and WW from NYC. He might also visit The View and The Talk where he could be a guest co-host on both shows. Adam is articulate, smart, charming and so personable and has a great sense of humor. I have enjoyed watching him on these shows in the past and look forward to seeing him on them in the future.

Anonymous said...

Just watch first quarter of Wendy's for hot topic.
But don't care for all her reality shows topic, never watch them (those that she does).

Anonymous said...

Just read on a music forum that when Adam split with RCA (thank God) he more than likely had to sign an agreement with them that he would not sign with another recording company for a year. I don't remember when he dropped RCA but I'm sure someone here does. Glitzy??? Gimme some help?
Thanks in advance, Mary Quite

Anonymous said...

3:51 am, don't know if that rumor is true but Adam's split with RCA became public about July 12th or 13th 2013.

Anonymous said...

3:51am news about it was public in July but possibly it ended couple of months before July. Can you say the name of the forum with this rumor?

Anonymous said...

Happy belated BD, David Bowie!
Wishing you good health - and please make a duo with Adam Lambert, his so worth it and his BD is approaching fast... Luv you both!