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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, February 13, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, February 13, 2014


Anonymous said...

Adam does like to promote his gal pals.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG! Eat child!!!!

Anonymous said...

She looks really pretty with her hair down.very different

Anonymous said...

I like her with her hair down too.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm sorry Adam she looks terrible. Skin and bones.

Anonymous said...

Her hair is up, or am I seeing things. Definitely not pretty. She must have something that Adam is attracted to, that I cannot see..Probably so open about being attracted to him, flattery will get you everywhere.

Anonymous said...

She might look better without all the ghoulish make up.

Anonymous said...

Why some of you have to be so mean and awful in your comments!! Highly unorthodox on a fan site carrying the name of Adam Lambert, one of the kindest, most generous guy, singer/performer out there!

If someone in Adam's circle of glamily and friends ever stumbles upon this site, please know that there are civil and friedly fans on this site, too!

Anonymous said...

interesting photo,but she is really in need of a meal...unless she naturally petite

Anonymous said...

sorry, @4:18, meant to say 'friendly' (last line)

Anonymous said...

she is not a he right?

Anonymous said...

OT: Just saw fashion week news on E; was looking for Adam at the Blondes show; guess he is to busy to attend this week, if he is not there; really don't know.

Anonymous said...

@4:01PM agree. This is a more is more look I think

Anonymous said...

4:21, Ivy is a woman.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes tough love is the best love. Take my advice. Gain some meat and muscle to support those bones now. Do not wait until you are elderly.

Anonymous said...

NY problems with air flights, whole bunch cancelled leaving LAX and a bunch cancelled leaving NY. Ha Adam already filmed his work shop for AI?

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of mean comments. Just a few days ago everybody was loving her tweets about singing a duet with Adam and singing at Adam's birthday party.

This photo is from a magazine photo shoot Ivy just did. One of Adam's other friends was the stylist for the shoot and the woman who does Adam's hair did Ivy's hair for the shoot.

Anonymous said...

Nobody's shouting now @Admin to delete the rude comments????

Anonymous said...

All of you complaining about this woman that Adam thinks is so beautiful; post your picture, I dare you!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam usually goes to the fall NYFW.

Anonymous said...

what is up with Lambert and all the half dressed women lately? naked is the new black*

Anonymous said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; and Adam thinks she is beautiful; so what's it to you?

Why you got to be so "shady"?

Sound like a bunch of jealous whiners.

Anonymous said...

It's from a photo shoot for a magazine, bring your claws back in.

Anonymous said...

4:52 hell no I look like sh*t but I am not being photographed looking like a skeleton in a magazine either.

Anonymous said...

I think Ivy is a beautiful woman, and very talented.

Anonymous said...

@4:21 PM #2

Are you the opposite sex of what you appear to be? What a crazy insensitive question. If the question is serious; why don't you tweet Ivy and ask?

Anonymous said...

OH my is it one of those magazines that supports the too thin look? I though that they were out of publication!

Anonymous said...

@4:56 PM #1

Then you of all people need to shut up. The magazine evidently likes her looks, so why is it bothering you?

Anonymous said...

@5:02 PM - Poster #1

Vogue and magazines of high fashion, always feature very thin models. I think Ivy is just naturally thin. My friend's family are all naturally thin like that. Ivy is a singer; she is being photographed as such.

Some people pick on fat people; the same as they pick on thin people. All very ignorant to do so. I think if more people worried about their own health; they would be better off.

Anonymous said...

@4:55 PM

If you follow Adam, you should know that he has always said that sexy is sexy, no matter who it is.

I agree; in the eye of the beholder.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes that saying that "if you can't say something nice; don't say anything at all", is very appropriate!

Anonymous said...

We shouldn't be surprised about the mean comments. Probably left by the same people who leave mean comments about Adam.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing sexy about a skeleton with skin on. He is getting to the age where he might need glasses. That would be a nice fashion statement for him to try. Probably would look damn good in them, and give him a new vision of what the world really looks like.

Anonymous said...

Everybody, IGNORE, please!

Adamluv said...

Women can not win. We are either called too fat or too skinny. And the saddest part is that it is often other women saying this. We are our own worst enemies. And to the dumbass asking about her gender - you make the same rude remark on every thread that has a picture of someone that doesnt fit your idea of what a man or woman should look like. Pathetic. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

We already know Adam looks great in glasses.

Anonymous said...

Adamlluv there are freq drag queen pictures on this site and I don't find it pathetic to ask about gender .

Anonymous said...

Enough already with the drag queen stuff, Adam.

Anonymous said...

Brief glance of Adam and Chris on AI. Thumbs way up.

Anonymous said...

Why be so cruel with the disrespectful comments on Ivy's weight? She has probably been very thin all her life, and she has probably had to put up with rude and insensitive comments all her life. She is beautiful, and she gets to wear ANYTHING she wants now. The final revenge. Fun!

5:46pm ... what are you talking about, "Enough already with the drag queen stuff, Adam". Ivy is not a drag queen, number one. Number two, Adam's close friend Raja is a drag queen. So...what...being beautiful, kind, talented, funny and loyal are not good enough qualities for a friendship for you? Adam is wise to surround himself with so many artistic friends. P.S... Adam himself looked prettier than most females the few times he dressed in drag.

I'm so tired of those that think nothing of being mean and spiteful and judgemental of Adam's life. There is a way to have a discussion without drinking from the gutter.

Adam has a fantastic life and fantastic friends. I am very happy for him.

xo laura

glitzylady said...

@Anon 5:46 PM
Ivy Levan is not a drag queen. She's an actress, model, and talented singer. And she seems like a great friend to Adam.

glitzylady said...

I posted at the same time you did and I agree with all of your comments. I'm just beyond tired of all the crap directed to Adam here, day in and day out. And the ridiculous comments about Adam's friends, family...and everyone else who comes in contact with him.

Ivy Levan has been a model since she was 16 years old and I think she is quite strikingly beautiful. Some people are just thin. I have to say I'm more than a litttttttle jealous of that BTW. :)))) She looks healthy to me....

So much mean-spiritedness is getting very tiresome.. I'm sure Adam would not appreciate some of these remarks about his friend Ivy. I know I don't either.

And yes, there's nothing wrong with being a drag queen, if that's what one is... And again, Ivy Levan is female. She dresses with great flair and OTT style at times. Good for her.... So retro and chic..

Anonymous said...

@4:38 PM - #1

I don't think she will read your personal message to her; I think you may have to DM her; or tweet her or better yet since you are acting like a member of her family and seems to be so concered about her health; perhaps you might contact Adam and see if he could get your message to her, and see what he might have to say about your concerns. I just don't want to be anywhere in earshot of that conversation!!!

Anonymous said...

@5:27 PM

If the new vision of the world acts and thinks anything like you; color me blind.

Sorry, I know I should have ignored this creep. I promise I am done with it now!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Adam; Ivy Levan is beautiful, she also is very talented and seems like such a nice person. She seems to adore Adam. One of her most precious gifts; she has Adam Lambert for a friend, pricless!!

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine and her daughters are that thin; and eat like there is no end to their stomachs. Just in their family genes. I eat the same amount; and may as well live in the gym. When I was young I was that thin; don't worry now, I wish I had my size back. Somehow; people always think people that are thin don't eat. So not true in most cases.

Anonymous said...

Ha, glitzy, we must be psychic!

And happy to see so many others understanding and stating the same basic thoughts. There are a lot of good people here. Maybe between all of us we can drown out the meanness that creeps in. There is so much to be happy about when it comes to Adam!!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Some are naturally thin. My husband's aunt is naturally thin. Size 4 is big for her. She eats tons of things but she has a fast metabolism. She takes certain pills to reduce her metabolism.

Anonymous said...

Adam obviously likes skin & bones. I mean, look at him. He starves himself to look waif like. Too bad, since he's NOT naturally thin. He has a warped body image.

Anonymous said...

10:09 Adam looks great healthy and fit. IMO

glitzylady said...

Adam looks "waif-like"??

Which "Adam" are you talking about? Certainly not Adam Lambert. He looks fine. MIGHTY FINE :))

"Waif-like" is the last thing that comes to mind when I see Adam Lambert. "Fit and trim" describes Adam these days.

Tall and lean......................................... where was I?????


Anonymous said...

Why respond to the trolls. That is what they want.

Anonymous said...

I like her soulful voice and there's definitely an edge to her, however, she is way too skinny for my taste.

Anonymous said...

NOTE 1 -
It is possible to enjoy her voice and music without commenting her looks.
If you can't be civil about her looks, or she is not your cup of tea, please refrain from commenting. I'm sure NOBODY misses rude comments or commentors!

NOTE 2 -
The same goes for comments about ADAM, and especially about ADAM, since this is supposed to be ADAM fan site!