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Adam Lambert Liked 2 Photos On Instagram

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, March 10, 2014

Posted at : Monday, March 10, 2014


Anonymous said...

ivy always posts cool photos and Jonny Cota is the legend behind Skingraft

Anonymous said...

he's been LEVANIZED.

Anonymous said...

Hello people... Do you see facial hair on one successful designer who is Adam's friend? Love Adam with his facial hair. Always on top of the fashion trend.

Anonymous said...

Facial hair everywhere - yuk - lol

Anonymous said...

That's life; Adam's gonna do what Adam's wants to do; it's his life! I love and accept him anyway he wants to be!! Nothing can take away from the beautiful, talented generous spirit of this man who is always so full of light and life; and non-judgemental acceptance of everyone.

Those are a few of the reasons this international super star is loved and admired by so many all around the world!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope this means that Adam has some fantastic Skincraft outfit come summer tour!!! YAY!

Anonymous said...

Is Cassidy Haley still with Skingraft? I know he was pursuing his music more seriously for a while there... does anybody know?