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Adam Lambert Liked sutanamrull's Instagram Photo

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, December 29, 2014

Posted at : Monday, December 29, 2014


Lam-My said...

Sutan has been through thick and thin with Adam...very close friends...both great artists; Sutan's canvas is the face such as Adam's and others; and Adam's canvas is his total self as he uses all parts of his body, most prominently his special gift of voice in conjunction with his handsome face and slim body.

Anonymous said...

Met Sutan dozens of times. Great guy. Super cool. I can see why him and Adam are such close friends <3

Anonymous said...

Did something bad happen to Sutan? I hope not.

yada said...

Agreed! He seems like a truly kind and sensitive person....

Anonymous said...

I got to spend some time talking with Sutan. Interesting and nice.

Anonymous said...

He was also on Diva's When Adam was the Host; along with Adam's brother Neil and his tour dancers, and Paula Adul; most or not all, were on because of Adam; I assume. Adam is always loyal to his friends and willing to reach out a hand and help them in their careers when possible.

When Sultan was in competion in the Drag Race Adam supported him and tweeted his support. The same way he did Sauli when he was competing on Skating with the Stars in his Country. Both Sultan and Sauli won in their contests! Adam was so happy for them and tweeted about their wins!!

yada said...

Sultan was pretty funny and quite clever with his part in that hilarious opening skit Adam did with Paula Abdul for Divas.... :))))

Anonymous said...

Something not so nice must have happened to Sutan.

Dee R Gee said...

I'm also wondering what prompted this comment from Sutan. From all we've seen of him, he is a good guy, talented, and a very close and loyal friend to Adam.

Molly R. said...

Being in the show business sometimes it is necessary to put your "force field up" - many people who are trying to take advantage. I am sure Adam could tell some interesting stories....
Always good to have real friends you can count on in this strange business.