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Adam Lambert Photo Album. He's Gracious, sexy, simply amazing!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, March 12, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, March 12, 2015

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Anonymous said...

Awesome selection of pics!!! ♥

Unknown said...

I LOVE each one of these photos, but the fourth one does me IN! That expression!!

xo laura

JAK said...

OT.....See that little heart up there? Mine looked like that until an hour ago, now it's lying on the floor in little pieces.
My g'son's job is moving him to California. My daughter and I are filling Tampa Bay with our salty tears. We say goodbye Sunday.
We are happy for him but devastated for us.

JAK said...

PS....I agree with laura xo.....#4

Anonymous said...

JAK, all the baby birds leave the nest and try their wings. It's part of growing up. Think how exciting it will be when he comes back to visit his family at Thanksgiving or Christmas. My daughter went through this last year, when her oldest son left her state, and went to CA, she had a very hard time adjusting. But now when he comes back for special occasions , they are all the more precious. Anne Marie
I am voting as often as allowed, for Adam. Even if this is another silly poll, I don't want anyone to beat Adam.

JAK said...

@ Anne Marie....I know I'm being silly, but none of my birds have ever left the nest......they live minutes away not a couple thousand miles. My husband fixed me a cup of tea after a teary phone call from my daughter, I was crying so hard my heart hurt and I was busy with tissues. I took the cup of tea and leaned down for a sip and I guess it was the steam coming off the tea that caused it......

I sat the cup down and pushed it away. My husband said "don't you want it?" I said "no, my nose dripped in it!

Anonymous said...

JAK...I can relate....My daughter is moving to CO (from MN) on Wed 3/18/15. I never thought she would leave me/the state......I cry like a baby, too. I am happy for her adventure (new job, as well), but cry for me......easily...and a lot! xoxoxox, Cheri

P.S.....Adam is more beautiful everyday:) That helps distract me a bit:)

Jean Renard said...

@JAK-I feel your pain. My own beloved daughter has informed me that on August 1, 2016, she will be moving back to Jerusalem, Israel, with her beautiful family, 3 young children and her husband. She is expecting her 4TH baby on July 14, 2015, just a few months away. The Obama administration searched for the best micro economist that they could find and they found my incredible daughter who lived in Jerusalem at the time. They moved her whole family to Washington, DC, almost 5 years ago, but when her contract ends on August 1ST, next year, she has informed the Federal Reserve that she will not renew because she intends to move back to Jerusalem, Israel, with her family. Now, we are talking 7 thousand, four hundred and sixty-seven miles away from Scottsdale, AZ. But I know I must let her go even though my heart is entirely broken. Life can really be tough at times, but somehow we will get through it. Stay strong! Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Gracious, sexy, simply amazing. Things his long term fans have known and repeated for more than six years... and the wild ride continues!

Wonder if Adam's grandmother posts on some blog somewhere and misses her grandson while he is traveling the world...

Anonymous said...

@4:32 am, interesting thought. Though I think the main difference is Adam's home is still in LA.

I sympathize with those who just said their loved ones are moving far away. I'm sure it's not easy one bit. My 18-year-old son might be moving to another far-away state next month and I will miss him terribly. Hugs to all of you!!


JAK said...

Thanks to you all for your compassion......being a mom or g'ma is a wonderful thing but for some work takes their kids far away. This is a first for me. I'm going to miss frequent hugs from him.

I'm sure Adam's g'ma does worry about him when he's flying on a steady basis. I thought she had such a sweet face in the brief moment we saw her during Idol.

Maybe once Jamie is settled into an apartment we will feel better. I know my daughter and I will be sending him Target gift cards for essentials. (lots of them)