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Vote to support Adam Lambert! The poll closes on March 17 at 3 pm et!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, March 12, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, March 12, 2015


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...We have a fight on our hands. Britney's army seem to be out in full force. All I can say is Glamberts, vote vote vote.

March 12, 2015 at 2:51 PM

Anonymous said...

I cannot find the link to vote.

Anonymous said...

I also cannot fine the link to vote. It was easy before cannot find it now. Tried and. Tried. Please put link up we need all of us to vote as much as possible one te an hour you can.

Anonymous said...

I went to Google to find it.
Who has the best fan base, Britney Army or Glamberts.
You can vote once an hour. Get out there and vote Glamberts, Adam is losing. I now have it in my favorites, so I can click on that and vote all day.

yada said...

Here we go guys. THE LINK FOR VOTING. Just scroll down to vote:

It's neck and neck - 50% & 50%....
Could go either way. Let's make it happen! :))

Anonymous said...

O.K. Glamberts -- go to Google and type in"Popcrush - Britney Army vs Glamberts"... and vote every hour!!!!

Glamberts were WAY ahead, but slacked up and Britney Army just took over.


Gabi said...

Voted and tweeted the link to Glamberts without putting Britney's name in it.

Anonymous said...

another dumbass poll for all of you to waste your time and blab on about. great

Anonymous said...

I thought as Glamberts we were supporting Adam. I know this is a silly poll, but we are either Glamberts, or we are ' don't give sh-t people" who are not real Glamberts at all. Wouldn't take much of your time to vote. Takes less time than to comment on here how you think it is stupid.

Anonymous said...

It's a who is the best fan base poll.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

OK!!! So it's a dumb-a$$ poll .. as one of you has so eloquently!?! put it NOT!! But it is a poll about US Glamberts ... not about ADAM ... it's about his followers as opposed to her followers & which fan base thinks MORE of their artist enough so that they'll take a measley five minutes out of each waking hour to VOTE!! That's what it boils down to ... which fan base CARES enough to give a little bit of their time to VOTE!! WE know we're a loyal fan base so now it's time to PROVE it by VOTING ... so .. VOTE!! That's not asking for a whole HE** -of-a-lot .. IMO!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

What a load of utter nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Glamberts don't have to prove anything.

Anonymous said...

The posters who are saying this is silly, and wouldn't waste their time voting , are obviously Britney fans, trying to sabotage our voting. Wake up Glamberts and VOTE. Ignore the Britney trolls.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

@Anon. 11:25 & 11:26 PM (obviously the same poster) ...

I don't usually answer comments such as yours ... now THAT is just a waste of MY valuable time ... but in your case I'll make an exception ... go back to your Britney website & report that your ploy did NOT work!! Glamberts are smarter than that so we'll just continue to VOTE!! for ADAM & IGnore your comments!! Bye for now ... gotta go VOTE!! VOTE!! VOTE!! FTW!! TaTa 4 now ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

We Adam fans know who we are. But don't appreciate the name calling with regard to voting for each and every poll that comes down the pike. Our power voting has been acknowledged, and it's each of our's decision and right to decide what's important to us individually to pursue. Personally, it seems like once we got involved with voting, now it's endless and now it's feels annoying. Let's vote by buying Adam's new music in April and hope that all the people who were so impressed by QAL and got on the Adam Lambert bandwagon do the same. Lord, the gay boys alone should be enough to boost him into the stratosphere. The chart toppers poll is what I'm interested in, which will validate Adam in the US and prove
his legitimate place in the music industry. All the accolades are nice, but lets put some actual dollars behind those kind thoughts.

Anonymous said...

These polls are so high school childish.