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Expected guests at Kodemag party tonight hosted by VictoriaJustice include: Adam Lambert!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, March 12, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, March 12, 2015


Anonymous said...

We have a fight on our hands. Britney's army seem to be out in full force. All I can say is Glamberts, vote vote vote.

Anonymous said...

Shoshana sez "Nope" to Kodemag party.

Anonymous said...

I must be really out of the loop I never heard of Kodemag or any of those people invited.

V Camilleri said...

Just voted. Will try to keep up with the once an hour😊

Anonymous said...

The vote is now 50/50 against Brittany. Vote vote vote!!!

Dee R Gee said...

I don't know anything about Kodemag either. I'll go vote for Adam again and hope to boost him up a bit. Britney has tons of fans and they all seem to have discovered this poll.

yada said...

Here we go guys. THE LINK FOR VOTING. Just scroll down to vote:

It's neck and neck - 50% & 50%....
Could go either way. Let's make it happen! :))

Anonymous said...

Name droppers; trying to get more attention to their event! Adam is probably hosts dream guest!

Anonymous said...

By saying Adam is on the list, just means they are trying to get some free publicity. Who the heck are they? They say uni-sex clothing, but all I saw on their site is clothing for females. May be this might appeal to some men who dress up in women's clothes. Don't think Adam would be interested, usually he loves a fashion show, but not this type.

Anonymous said...

Whose idea was it to put a singer with the skills of Adam Lambert up against a young women with a million teenie bopper fans?

I don't see these type of contest with other serious singers such as John Legend, etc.

I hope that when Adam's record drops; fans can put their time to better use by seriously promoting our guy where it really counts.

Adam's talents even being compared to Britney's is ridiculous!

I realize she is a talented young women with a job in Vegas and is very popular; I have nothing against her; and wish her the best; but, come on let's get real here, apples and oranges!!!

Anonymous said...

Party on Adam! Have fun hooking up with the boys <3

Anonymous said...

Brittany took the lead

Anonymous said...

We don't like trolls!!!

Anonymous said...

5:48 PM, do not respond to them at all.

Anonymous said...

Adam does not need contests or polls to prove that he is the best singer on the planet. He just needs to have the chance to peform for the masses on every TV show and award show that he can possibly get on.

I remember when fans were busy writing to Oprah about Adam and she had him on!

Anonymous said...

I agree, B. Spears against Adam; what a silly poll! We all know that Adam is on a different level of singing than B. Spears. Adam went to see her in Vegas and probably thinks she is a nice talented young lady. I don't think that Adam we be jumping for glee if he won against her.

If she wins this little poll; so be it. It certainly won't break Adam's heart; he would probably be the first to congratulate her if he even paid attention to this type of one in thousands of meaningless polls pitting entertainers against each other. You actually get noting in the end. Most people don't even know about them.

Maybe teenagers who have nothing better to do. This teen is going to give Adam some You tube and Vevo hits, I have out grown B. Spears and this kind of poll!!

Good luck to those who participate, have fun!!

Anonymous said...

This poll is for the best fans, not best singer or performer.

Anonymous said...

7:45 PM is correct, it is a fan base contest. Are Glamberts the best fans?

Anonymous said...

It's not Britney versus Adam. It's purely fan-based, time-wasting nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Do not know if we are the best; hard question to answer. The question should be who has the most time to devote to these type of time wasting polls.

Probably lots of teen fans who makeup Brritney Spear's fan base. These type of polls pitting one fan base against the other used to be kind of fun when I was younger; and Adam first got off of Idol.

Adam is a big star now and these type of polls seem childish to me, and demeaning towards Adam and his fan base. As long as we are the best fan base we can be for Adam; that is what should be important!

People that start these polls in my opinion, think that if they use Adam's name we will come running as usual; and therefore keep us from important things that really matter in enhancing Adam's career. Do they really care about Adam? I say no!!! This helps them get hit after hit on their poll and perhaps the opponent.

These kids stay up all night voting. Let them have their little win, no big thing. My goal is to help Adam win some big awards this year.

People would stop these silly polls pitting Adam and his fans against every artist known to man, if we stop the knee jerk engagement in them!

Dee R Gee said...

Are teenagers still into Britney? She's pretty old now, relative to singers who teenagers follow. She certainly still has a big fanbase, but I can't imagine a lot of her fans are teens. I could be wrong. I think she's fine and she's certainly overcome a lot of troubles. As I've said before, the only reason I vote on these polls is to keep Adam's name out there and show that his fanbase is active. I know the poll itself doesn't mean much. The minute after the "winner" is announced, it's all forgotten. Adam has won a bunch of them that we don't remember now. I'll keep voting when I can.

Anonymous said...

Obviously there are a lot of people - fans of God knows how many artists including Adam - who want to waste their time voting on these meaningless polls.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see some others questioning that we seem to be in a voting vortex. Think we Glamberts have enough moxie and recognized fan energy not to get mixed up in endless poll after poll. Getting a bit tiresome and would rather save my energy for Adam's music. I hope all the people who want him for all their events/pics will also buy his music, when it comes out. Only poll notice I really want to see him top is Billboard. #1 with a bullet.

glitzylady said...

I would like to comment about polls:

We (admins) here at Adam Lambert 24/7 post (within reason, etc..) whatever is out there concerning Adam Lambert. We like to help promote Adam whenever we can in a variety of ways, as do many fans..

If you wish to participate in the polls, whether big (Billboard) or small... do so.. If it's not your "thing", don't.. It's just that simple. Supporting Adam in whatever ways we can, big or small, is okay..

Anonymous said...

I think it's the right thing to do to post all these voting polls so they are available to us. It's also right we should get to choose to or not to vote. Sometimes the people who advocate every poll try to guilt people into doing something they don't want to. That's why the controversies start.