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Adam Lambert on Weibo!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Lam-My said...

Wahh, a beautiful bouquet held by a beautiful man; mother nature at her best. I think Adam cannon-balled himself big time into China, with a mighty bang !

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Lynn said...

Has anyone tried to vote this morning on this web site .. the votes are not counting correctly this morning...I am voting 25 times for 12 tries and it is only recording between 2 and 4 votes per 25 tries---there is no one voting against Adam as I have logged out of the site 2 x's and come back 10 minutes later and there has been no change in the numbers I closed with ????

Dee R Gee said...

Lynn, I went to the link and it came up "page not found."

Lynn said...

I just went on both of the sites - they are both the same one.. and voted then over voted to see what would happen. I got the message Than you we have already counted your vote...however 45.53 was what showed and 45.53 still showed after the voting. This morning the CHR was ok. I voted there just to see if the votes were being counted, they were this morning.