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Gorgeous Adam Lambert Glamoholic Magazine Photos!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Anonymous said...

Why is "Model" not on his resume?

Dee R Gee said...

No kidding. He is one of the best male models I've ever seen. Perfect masculine body. And the face, well, you know.

Anonymous8 said...

If they give out awards for photo shoots, this is an award winning photo shoot. I am sure this photographer/stylist/groomer would consider this their best work with Adam as their muse. They would be hard pressed to exceed this particular spread.

Some high end fashion house needs to sign him up as their model/spokesperson -I'm talking to you Tom Ford! Excuse me while I run out to get a whiff of Tuscan Leather!

Lam-My said...

'It takes a lot of extra energy to hide what and who you are.' ~ Adam
Well, Adam thinks of it in the context of extra effort which is very true and pragmatic.

I think of it in terms of honesty and self-respect and that translates to honesty and respect for other, colleagues, relationships. I feel that if one can't face up to who and what they really are, how are they able to treat others with the same dignity, honesty, respect; because you don't even believe in yourself !

I'm not referring to gay people; it's a totally different psyche because, survival is at stake, like if they say openly they are gay, they may well be ostracised for instance by their boss/company or even family/community/church. So, gay people have the right to remain silent of who they really are until they are ready. Having said that, honesty, self-respect, dignity still apply whether one is gay or straight.

Glamoholic...Very high standard of art, photography, skill. Yea, Adam is indeed a wonderful model because he looks good from any angle / any part. lwl!

CT said...

These photoshoot pics are incredible! Every time we see Adam on the cover of a new magazine and then all the additional pics inside the magazine, plus the interviews, I think okay this is the best ever......and then, comes the next magazine photoshoot and I'm blown away! I'm spending a lot of money on ordering all these magazines but it's totally worth it. Looking at Adam in these pics brings great enjoyment, doesn't it?

Well, this is a bit Off Topic, but.....I was blown away tonight when sitting in a movie theater in Westside Los Angeles, waiting for the movie to (Brooklyn, btw...fantastic movie) listening to the music playing before the start of everything when I hear the first 3 notes of a song and I grabbed my friends arm and said, "it's Adam's new song, "Another Lonely Night!" It hasn't even been released to radio yet and the movie theater is playing his song!" I was grinning from ear to ear! It made my night and I wanted to share this good news with all of you!

V Camilleri said...

It is so much fun when you hear Adam you feel like telling everyone around you Hey That's Adam Lambert - listen - isn't he awesome🎤

Shelagh said...

He is just a perfect specimen isn't he looks,talent,personality, body .....I could go on and on !!! That Tom Ford aftershave/cologne is gorgeous,hubby might well get it for Christmas !

blu said...