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Adam Lambert Performance + Photos At Kissmas Bash 2015 (Buffalo, NY) Full Set (MardiBlitz Periscope Via Scorpio Bert YT)

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, December 13, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, December 13, 2015

Adam Lambert was the final performer at the huge 98.5 FM Kissmas Bash 2015 event in Buffalo, NY, on 12-13-15, for nearly 20,000 fans packed into the arena.

We were fortunate to have a periscope feed by MardiBlitz, which was then uploaded to You Tube by Scorpio Bert. So while we wait for videos, here's the entire performance! (Bottom of page)

But first, some awesome professional photos!!! Posted by @FoxVegas on twitter & Facebook,  from Buffalo News Galleries

LINK TO MORE Photos HERE: Buffalo News Galleries

Periscope: Adam Lambert's 33 minute performance via You Tube


LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Thank You!!! for posting this concert here so quickly!! I live just outside of Buffalo but b/cos of my age & health I was unable to go to hear ADAM *LIVE* so this was the next best thing!! I really rely on the generosity of all my fellow Glamberts to see/hear ADAM at his concerts. Bless ALL of you for caring enough to share these with me & others like me who aren't fortunate enough to experience ADAM in person!! Light 'n Love from a very grateful Glambert ... ADAM was once again the HIT of the show!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)