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Digital Spy: Adam Lambert: 'Orlando shooting is not just an LGBTQ issue - this is a HUMAN issue'

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, June 13, 2016

Posted at : Monday, June 13, 2016

 Getty/Isaiah Trickey/FilmMagic

Adam Lambert has shared further thoughts on the Orlando club shootings, which left at least 50 people dead and a further 53 injured on Saturday night.
Gunman Omar Mateen opened fire in a gay club in Florida in the worst mass shooting in recent US history.
Lambert has joined the voices sharing their views on the attack, and said that it is more than an LGBTQ issue.
He wrote: "The horrible tragedy in Orlando is BOTH a terrorism AND gun control issue. It is also a horrendous hate crime. It sickens me to see commentary in my own feed of people arguing over how to classify or politicize it. 

Read more at Digital Spy

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS 



The Dark Side said...

Thank you Adam for articulating this tragedy in terms that we all understand. There is nothing political about hate, it's a human condition. As the mother of a gay son I am thankful to Adam for never fearing to speak the truth.

Dee R Gee said...

Adam's words are so simple and true. He is a deeply thoughtful person with a natural empathy.

The Second Amendment was written at a time when we needed a citizen militia that could be called up quickly when needed. People kept shotguns mounted over their fireplaces, ready to be grabbed quickly. Back then, it took a while to load a gun each time. The Founding Fathers never imagined a time when a single weapon could shoot 100 times per minute. Military assault weapons in the hands of the general population is absurd. I can't find a reasonable defense for allowing it. The social, political, psychological and religious parts of all this are another matter. But I think we could start with the issue of at least stopping the general sale of military-level automatic firearms.

LTA said...

Adam always speaks from his heart!!!:) When the haters attack Adam, they always go back to their cages and wait ha!ha! No where to go indeed!!. Dump Trump can't even salvage the haters he!he!. Love and Peace!!

krismidas said...

Amen Dee R Gee.