Gossipcop: Elton John Wants Adam Lambert For George Michael Tribute Concert?
Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, January 13, 2017
Posted at : Friday, January 13, 2017
Elton John is NOT trying to get Adam Lambert to perform at a George Michael tribute concert, despite a false tabloid report. Gossip Cop can exclusively debunk this claim. We’re told it’s not true.
According to the National Enquirer, John is planning an all-star concert to honor his late friend and collaborator, who passed away last month. A so-called “source” tells the magazine that John wants Lambert to headline the event, explaining, “Coldplay, Madonna, Elton and even Adele are going to perform, but the greatest honor of the night will go to Adam Lambert, who is going to close the show.”
The outlet’s questionable insider adds, “George was a great fan of Adam’s, and this will be the perfect tribute. Everyone has been sworn to secrecy, but details will be announced soon.” Gossip Cop, however, checked in with a reliable source close to John, who tells us the musician isn’t planning a tribute concert, and hasn’t been in talks with Lambert for one.
Elton John Wants Adam Lambert For George Michael Tribute Concert?
Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS
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A ver si el Doctor May puede influir para que Adam participe en el homenaje...seria precioso!!!!
Well Darn!. It sounds like good idea to me.
Seriously, I do wonder if George Michael had an opinion about Adam and would like to know if it's a positive one.
While I realize that Adam is not as "A-list" as those who Elton would choose, it would be nice it Adam got some small role in the tribute. Maybe not a performing role, but a small speaking tribute of some kind. I know I'm just dreaming, but I can't help hoping. Maybe Brian and Roger could give Elton a nudge about Adam? Haha! Not likely. It's nice that Elton and Adam could meet at the party that Elton gave a few years ago. He seemed to like Adam. And I agree with the idea of Adam playing George Michael in a future bio-pic. He could eve do the accent. :)
It would be nice if Adam were in a tribute for GM. However, playing him in a bio movie would not be a good idea IMO.
An actor who plays a singer in the singer's bio will have to lip-sinc that singer's voice, NOT use his own voice. George M's fans would want to hear HIS voice
Would you want a bio of Adam to be sung by someone else? It's HIS voice we would want to hear!
A sad memory.... the above photo was taken at Elton's party in the same hotel/day that Whitney Houston was found dead in one of the rooms above.
I read (back then) that the party was going on below... even while Whitney's body still remained in the room for several hours while investigators were doing their work. Evidentally there was some discussion about whether the party should be called off, but it was too late to make changes, and also Elton felt Whitney would have thought "the show should go on". Adam said it was a strange feeling, knowing that Whitney's body still lay upstairs, but that everyone spent much of the time talking about her and her amazing career.
BTW, did anyone know that while Adam was on American Idol, Elton John emailed him an encouraging note about his performances? So-- Elton was an early Glambert!
NANBERT the 4th digit of the number is placed on the second row. Tommy is in 4th place with 2160 votes and Adam is 8th with 589. You can check that the votes are in descending order.Look at other polls: 'Most Handsome American Men 2017 Poll' also follows the aforementioned rule. Tommy now has 1087 votes and Adam 1056 votes. I even looked in the source code of the webpage and the numbers are made out of 4 digits.
The party held when Whitney died was .Clive Davis's party. Not sure if the pic of Adam and Elton was there or at Elton''s Oscar watching party. Adam took .Saudi to that. He wore a black tux to both, one with a tie and one with a bow tie, so it''s hard to tell.
Adam is one of the few who could do justice to George''s songs.
O.K. I'll take another look, but I don't believe that number in the second row belongs at the end of the first number. They certainly never did that last year...the numbers were always written consecutively, one after the other, as numbers always are. In fact, there was never any number written UNDER the vote count at all then.
Would any of you Glamberts take a look at that, and let us know what you think? We need a consensus of opinion around here. I'm not sure about anything at this point.
Allysa Mentor...You may be right. I just make the connection between that photo and Whitney Houston's death. I MAY have the two parties confused...Clive Davis's and Elton John's. Elton was at both, and so was Adam.
Allysa Mentor -- I checked it out...you are absolutely right. That photo was from Elton John's Oscars Viewing Party on 2/26/2012 which Adam attended.
But Whitney Houston died on 2/11/2012, two weeks earlier, at the Beverly Hilton, where she was scheduled to attend the Clive Davis Pre-Grammy Awards Party there. By the time the party was getting started, her body had been discovered upstairs, and a full investigation was ongoing for several hours before her body was removed from the hotel.
Adam also attended that Clive Davis party the day of Whitney's death, in the Beverly Hilton, but I find no confirmation that Elton John attended it.
Sorry I was providing incorrect information. Thanks for helping me clear it up.
Also, Elton sent a HAND-WRITTEN NOTE to Adam of praise and encouragement during American Idol, according to Adam...not an email.
That's really cool that Elton reached out to .Adam during AI. I wonder if he's one of the people that mentioned Adam to Queen. Adam did say that he and Sauli were invited to sit at Elton's table for that oscar party.
Allysa, since I found out about Elton sending encouraging praise to Adam, I've wondered about that. too. In fact, Brian and Roger said they were receiving emails and calls from many friends telling them to watch Adam on American Idol.
I would love to know what actually led to Queen performing with Adam on the finale of AI-- whose idea was it originally? I always thought Simon might have played a big part in that, but maybe even Queen professed interest...they must have been intrigued by Adam by then.
Mayvbe we'll never know the WHOLE story. Maybe it was just Karma, but I doubt that. It was certainly Adam's undeniable brilliance and talent that captured everyone's attention.
I feel privileged to have been a fan since the 'beginning"!
I'm not throwing shade here (well, maybe a little) but where did Tommy get more fans voting for him than ADAM?? Sorry ... this poll gives me a huge pain ... it's hard enough to remember what time I vote every day (maybe not for you younger Glamberts) but now I have to figure out what his status is for myself!! Lotsa Luck!! This old gray head has enough trouble remembering what day it is (and I used to be sharp as a tack in my youth) and finding the lost objects that hubby misplaces!!!! Good thing I get a lot of help from GOD (I say a prayer & voila!! I find it!!) but He's probably a little tired of my inane requests!! So from now on I'm going to vote everyday at the exact same time so I don't "forget" which is too easy for me now ... the forgetting .. not the voting!! lol
Thanx for letting me vent here GlamSisters!! ... Light 'n Love
tessforADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
Lambert Outlaw... you're not alone...about remembering. Just read the exchange above to see how bad my memory has become. But, on the other hand, realize that you (and I) have a LOT MORE KNOWLEDGE crammed in our heads (due to years of accumulating it), and therefore it takes a while to winnow out the details we are currently looking for- and sort it all out correctly.
At least, that's MY theory...." A LOT MORE KNOWLEDGE"....and I'm sticking to it!
Hope that helps. And BTW, I'm just as mystified as you about Tommy's "fans"
Just a couple of words about Tommy.. and his fans.. Just like Adam has, Tommy has some very loyal fans.. And I'm guessing they are voting like crazy for him.. It's okay.. From what I've seen in the past year or so, life has been a little rough for Tommy. Not so long ago his mom passed away.. And I think he's had some other issues that have been difficult. Adam is doing more than fine and if Tommy wins the "Most Handsome Men of 2017" or comes in ahead of Adam, it's okay with me. I'll keep on voting for Adam of course, but maybe a win for Tommy would give him a little boost, something I think he may need right now.. I've met him a couple of times over the years (back in the Glam Nation Tour & Trespassing concert days..) and he was very sweet, especially to a couple of young family members, ages 8 & 11 at the time (2010). So just my feelings on this.... I bet Adam would be happy for his friend too. Because he's that kind of guy, generous and kind.
Thank you for all the info Nanbert and Allysa! That Clive David party sounds intense! Adam sayed it was somber.
Unfortunately yes Nanbert, we may never know what actually lead to the magic of Queen+Adam Lambert. Didn't Queen once say they couldn't get through and reach Adam at first? I don't think that is true, just sounds a bit weird. I think that Adam wanted to establish himself as a solo artist first to not be put in the box of " the Queensinger out of Idol" and be stuck there.
I know the change on Adams twitter has been posted but it hit me today, that he has like NO info in his bio, not even singer-songwriter, the last album, the last single, spotify-link, itunes-link...something! It's very odd to me and somewhat unsettling^^
@glitzylady: I can't get over the excelent way you express yourself. Could you PLEASE run for president? Adam will be you're running mate ;)
I wanted to bring a sign to Adams concert in Munic saying "Adam for President! Make Amerika GLAM again!" *lol*
*excellent...my spelling is obviously not *Lol*
I'd vote for you Glitzylady!!!
But, to be truthful, I'd vote for almost anyone besides who we got...LOL. I'm so anxious for our country!
I'd definitely vote for Adam for President! What a difference he would make in the world. But I honestly wouldn't wish that job on anyone!
I think we'll keep him doing what he does best: sing with that incredible voice of his, and charm the heck out of us. And brighten our days on a regular basis..
In a perfect world, everyone would be like Adam.. Gentle, sweet, kind, respectful, generous, with the voice of an angel.
Don't we wish.... I know I do. :)
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