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Adam Lambert Tweeted: tech complaint: I got the iPhone7 which emphasizes Bluetooth as the main audio source. Why all the audio latency when watching any video?

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, April 3, 2017

Posted at : Monday, April 03, 2017

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS   


Nanbert said...

I'm so "technologically disadvantaged" that I don't even understand Adam's question!

glitzylady said...

His question translates to: Why is there a delay between the video and the audio when watching/listening on my iPhone 7 via Bluetooth i.e. wireless earpiece or wireless speakers. In other words, why aren't the video and audio synced, why is there a lag between video and sound..

glitzylady said...

And the other issue is that the iPhone7 doesn't have an earbud/headphone jack.. So as Adam said, the primary audio source/connection is via wireless Bluetooth..

glitzylady said...

And one more note: that is primarily an issue when trying to listen privately i.e. on an airplane, in a public situation, when the listener doesn't want to share the content or disturb those around them.. Previous iPhones, like other mobile phones, had wired headphone/earbud jacks.. It is still able to be connected to audio/video speakers etc. via a "lightening cable/USB connector/charging cable" etc..

glitzylady said...

Andddd... the final answer is that it's a common problem with Bluetooth connections, to have the audio latency problem..and not just on the iPhone7, although the lack of a headphone jack makes it a bigger issue for the iPhone7. Perhaps Apple will come up with a solution..

funbunn40 said...

Glitzy, you always keep us informed! What would we do without you?!! :):):)