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Adam Lambert on Instagram: 🍀

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, March 19, 2018

Posted at : Monday, March 19, 2018

A post shared by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on

 Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


LAMBERT Outlaw said...

L.A. Fashion Week after party??

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Nanbert said...

I like Adam's Ankh necklace.

Sunflower said...

Ooh, that's our "pretty boy"! That necklace thingy reminded me of singer Prince's symbol.

Lam-My said...

Green Shamrock to celebrate St Patrick's Day
St Patrick must have been a people's Saint
To be hailed Patron of Ireland
The only thing I know famously attached to him
Is he drove out all the Snakes
So perhaps there aren't so many left in the country
Come to think of it
St Patrick sent me a little miracle
Jean Renard English Guru Scottsdale/Arizona
Nicknamed by me, Lady From The White House
Awarded an A+ for my 8 years of Adam, Queen, Sauli poetry
So touching...
This sure is an odd one but with love...bear with me lwl!

Nanbert said...

Sunflower....that necklace "thingy"(pendant) you remarked on is an ancient Eqyptian "Ankh"....their symbol for "life" has been a very popular decorative item for eons....for both its meaning and its attractive design.

Sunflower said...

Nanbert. Thanks for the info. I do remember now that I've seen this symbol but never really knew its significance until you told me. Thanks.

Nanbert said...

You are very welcome.

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of YUMMO photos of Adam on the Pinterest site .....

Not sure if you can see them if you don't joint the site but joining is easy.

Anonymous said...

Haha!! Should be "... if you don't join the site ...".

Anonymous said...


Sunflower said...

Fluttsp. I'm on Pinterest, so I was able to "drool" over the pictures of Adam. I must say they're were a handful of older photos (post American Idol) that I never seen before. I didn't know Celebrities were included in Pinterest, so I never searched for Adam. I do believe you're correct in that you would have to sign in to access Pinterest. I was after a certain dessert recipe and this site did not let me get inside, so I decided to get this app. Thank you for the link.

Nanbert said...

Oh my....yes-s-s...."Yummo" indeed! Thanks for the link, fluttsp. It made my day!