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From Creative Sharka: Adam Lambert Fan Art! New chibis @adamlambert with @javicostapolo #adamlambert #fanart #digital #chibi #cute #cutenessoverload

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, April 13, 2019

Posted at : Saturday, April 13, 2019

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Mi Re La said...

Adam's new house tonight, you can see part of the new kitchen and the pool

Mi Re La said...


Mi Re La said...

NEW PHOTO FROM The Hotel Cafe last night

Sunflower said...

Aww Creative Sharka :) MiReLa thanks for links but I can't see any of them, don't know why?. Even when I use my tablet I still can't see them. Ugh

Lam-My said...

Javi angler caught a big big fish
Splattering up and down in a rainbow dish
Angler relishes the size of this voluminous catch
Fish reciprocates...jumps onto his lap
Now, this big big fish is rich
Recently acquired a huge niche under the sun
And so they walk hand in hand, tumbling in exhilarating fun
Pharaohdoggo tippy toe tippy toe any way the wind's a home run!
    💘 🐳  


Lam-My said...

@AdamLambert on Instagram Stories with Javi!❤ ... @AdamL_Daily 3h

Very nice photo.

Magiclady said...

Wow, that is a great pic of both of them!

Lam-My said...

The last photo has more vibrant colour; Adam looks a bit Chinese/eastern...

@14gelly 11h

3 Maestros on the prowl
Mmmm...they seem to say
Expect the unexpected
This may be their best yet
Tickets are flying off like hot dates
Sailing across the high seas
South China Sea waits
Peace, respect, cooperate
Not divide or hate
What does it benefit to gain the whole world
But lose your own soul
The 3 Maestros know exactly how to deliver
Their unique pure Queen music
Frontman kicks it, licks it beyond the limit...🕺🏻🕴🏻🕴🏻

Lam-My 🌏☄

Lam-My said...

Handsome Merman based on CreativeSharka's drawing:

My quirky story...

Joseph was filming in the South China Sea. He loved the clown-fish darting in and out the sea-anemone, a symbiotic relationship of survival, each relying on the other.

Then a strange large blurry shadow came into view, undulating his body and tail, basking in the sunlight streaming through the clear blue water. Joseph straight away directed his underwater camera at the never-seen-before sea-mammal...a Merman!
He decided to follow this half-man half-fish; he just couldn't take his eyes off him. The Merman realised he was being followed and soon disappeared into a hollow cave. Joseph kept following and filming the Merman who soon rested on a rock in the sea-cave. Joseph swam up-close to take some graceful, his powerful v-shaped tail-fin torpedoed him through the ocean.

Helloo...who are you and why are you following me? Merman gently inquired.

Joseph could not believe his ears! thought they were playing tricks, after being submerged for hours in his tireless underwater search for something unusual...he found it!

You can speak? Whoa! Have I crossed into another realm of space-time existence...he managed to finally utter some words.

I'm a Merman and have lived in the South China Sea all my life; would you like to explore my labyrinth?

Yes, yes! I'd love that!
Joseph got onto the rocky ledge and the Merman hobbled on his tail-fin rather sexily as if it were his legs; led the way through the watery tunnels; Joseph, filming every inch of it. Then something brilliant caught his attention.

That's my underwater crystal-ball, an ancient heirloom which I use to look into the future...murmured Merman.
He held it up and lo and behold...a rainbow spectrum was cast around the cave wall! Joseph was completely taken in by the spectacle of the underwater cavern, even the lapping waves against the rocks shimmered. Merman burst into song...I just wanna feel something...feel something...

Incidentally, Joseph saw something in the crystal-ball Merman was holding...What is that? He couldn't believe what he saw! He was swimming neck and neck with a fierce group of competitors. Goodness gracious! A body-length ahead.

So you're going to swim in the Olympics? Wow! Do you know Michael Phelps the world's swim champion?

Yes, indeed, a terrific swimmer and such a humble guy; he always wiggles his index finger, he's no. 1 and rightly so with 23 Golds tugged under his belt. That's why I gasped at what I saw in the crystal-ball!

Would you like to visit my chalet by the sea, Merman? Joseph extended his cordial invitation.
Merman was thrilled by the idea, he never had a human friend, let alone visit his chalet. And so they swam to the surface; Merman moved like a torpedo.

Joseph Schooling! Get up! You need to go for your Olympics rehearsal...Say hi! to Michael Phelps for me...Love him!

Joe woke with a start, quickly got up and headed straight for the Olympic pool, a little disoriented; scratching his head...Really? just a dream but I talked to that swift Merman with a killer wail. Aha, I shall watch my underwater film when I return...there should be something...I've heard of OBE! (out-of-body experience). Hold on a diving-gear is still dripping...!
