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From Creative Sharka: Adam Lambert Fan Art! New chibi @adamlambert with #Pharaoh and Emperor Maximus aka toy

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, April 26, 2019

Posted at : Friday, April 26, 2019

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Lam-My said...
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Sunflower said...

So cute!

Lam-My said...

Swagger away...Rockstar!


Lam-My said...

You! What are you staring at? Do you know who I am?

Er er your majesty Emperor Maximus, this is my Daddy! He is playing you in the movie.
My name is Pharaohdoggo, my Daddy rescued me from the shelter.
Don't be so fierce.

All right, you seem like a very alert doggo.

Wham! Bam! What's that noise?

We are Emperor Maximus' bodyguards! Pharaohdoggo! We'll catch you by your doughnut tail! for not bowing to our Emperor! Stop staring at him!

Ooooeeeh! Daddy! Save me!

Phara! Run!

Guards! Catch him by his doughnut tail, he's a very swift runner.

Wheeeee...Fly away...Thud! Where am I?

很久没见到你了 hern jui mei jian dow ni ler / long time no see you already

玉兔 ! Yutu...🌒 I'm safe on zi Moon...those Emperor guards can't get me finally!

Not so fast you whimsy basenji!

Daaaady! Uncle Jaaaavi! I'm fa..fa..fall-ling...

Pharaoh! Wakie wakie! we're going for a nature ramble around our new vicinity...

Uff uff...Don't mess with me Maxi! 2 Daddys will get you! 🤴🏻🐕👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨


Lam-My said...

Photo | April 26, 2019 - @AdamLambert attended the Libertine Fall 2019 Runway Show at Ebell of Los Angeles ... @AdamL_Daily 2h

Rosemary White said...

Oh my, this is so gorgeous! :-D Big thank you, CreativeSharka. :-)

Nanbert said...

Adam's hair looks wet(?) or shellacked down at that Libertine Fall Show in the links above from Lam-My. I'm not too keen on that look, IMO.

Lam-My said...

Nanbert, I've always accepted Adam's varied hairstyles and colours; it's that mirror moment when he just feels what goes well with the clothes and his mood. I was more surprised at the 'spring hath sprungeth' floral combinations. Adam doesn't follow too much, rebellious by nature; that appeals to me a lot. 🌈🏡

Lam-My said...

Javi on Instagram Stories from Libertine's studio on Thursday, they gave @AdamLambert the outfit he wore last night. @AdamL_Daily 5h

"Amazing show @ilove_libertine! Thanks for lending me this sparkly look!" Adam #Libertine fashion show...

Lam-My said...

Roger Taylor: "When we very first met Adam, he appeared to be more of a boy...I now see him as an incredibly accomplished man."


Lam-My said...

Brian May and Roger Taylor talk about meeting Adam Lambert in preview clips from 'The Show Must Go On' documentary.
@UltClassicRock 10h

"Just meeting them for the first time," Lambert said, "it was so surreal. I don't even think I realized the weight of that moment until after the fact."

May added, "It wasn't until this young man appeared -- not calling it a gift from God -- [but] we didn't ask for him, we didn't look for him, he just turned up. And he could do everything."

Brian May recalls Instant Chemistry when meeting Adam Lambert.

It fascinates me when Adam gets up close and sings into Brian's guitar as if talking to it; sometimes even right into Brian's face. At the beginning Brian was touched to tears and would bow low to camouflage it. Once, he actually wiped his tears openly. Yes, they didn't ask for this but like I always call them the 3 Maestros, not just fanciful words...they are experts in their own field.
'Instant chemistry' very hard to come by.

Lam-My said...
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Lam-My said...

@AdamLambert on Instagram: So excited to be Mentoring on @AmericanIdol this Sunday on @ABCNetwork
@AdamL_Daily 47m ago

This is a Maestro look 😋

Lam-My said...

Adam Lambert mentoring...Laci #AmericanIdol 2019

Click on video.

Lam-My said...

I chanced upon a weird jingle of mine in my archive...

Crocs a rock rock
A Ghost Town bog
Swish swash swish swash
Rock around the clock
Little deer by the bog
Run away
Before they run amok
Gobble you up...yum yum super venison chop lwl!

(December 12, 2015 at 5:08 pm)

Okay now I'm going to re-adapt it:

3 Maestros in a Ghost town bog
Chance upon the crocs
Start jamming the croc rock rock
Led by 1st Maestro whiioo..iio on his red guitar
Crocs enjoy the cosmos, thrashing their mighty tails
2nd Maestro bangs on his drums booom booom pa! pa! pa!
In a fruitless attempt to scare them off
Crocs retreat a little...their eardrums pop
Final 3rd Maestro: Find me..find me..find me..somebodyyy..! toooooo..oo..oo..
The crocs submerge under the murky bog...
Rock and roll all night in the smoky smog, run amok 🌃🐊🐊
Out of the blue, Pharaohdoggo comes charging...Owwooooh!
Phara! Rockstar! Stop! 🐕
Zzzzzzz...Praying-mantis swoops in with a 飞踢 fei-ti flying kick 🦗
Yutu rabbit hop hop hop...Come to my crater for some moonshine and moonshot! whiiit 🐇

Lam-My...I got myself trapped in an endless poem...🤭🤣

Lam-My said...

Killer Queen and Bicycle Race...#TSMGO #Queen #QAL #AdamLambert
Click on video.

Lam-My said...

A tricycle full of roses
That he flings at the audience
Riding down the Q catwalk
If he rides it in Singapore
A lot of folks will wave him for a ride
They'll gasp: Waah! This trishaw-rider so handsome maaan!
Cling cling, I recall that antique trishaw bell
Hawking for business...those were the 60s
Now you can still ride one on the Singapore street
But for a much higher fee
Or rent the whole trishaw and take Grandma for a spree
You may also stop by the roadside stall for some chrysanthemum tea..


Lam-My said...

Deal! Set!
I witnessed the performance We Are The Champions as it happened live on AI 2009, don't recall the handshake, the stage was at fever-pitch. These two Maestros are so experienced, they knew instantly they found something. Brian kept smiling at Adam throughout the night. At that point in time, Queen was on a downward slide. Yes, Adam jacked it up and up and up and away...till today.

Lam-My said...

Perhaps a little harsh to use the phrase 'downward slide'; Queen has always been an all-time Band; only relatively...before and after Adam joined Queen whom I got to know at the AI finale 2009...We Are The Champions.

Lam-My said...

It all started you know what happened after Adam left the audition room...lo and behold, the blind crashed and the security person you see in the photo, came to fix it.
My quirky psyche conjured... Whaz zis zhis...good omen with a bang! or a crashing out...On hindsight, I think it's a balance of both. I then followed up my comment on it with, his voice vibrations crashed it. 😅

Lam-My said...

Adam and Emperor Maximus...same red hair and sandals... @14gelly @LambritsUK 4h

Lam-My said...

Adam spent 13 hours filming the video of his new single, to continue early next morning...can hear a little of his singing in the background.
Click on video...wait a bit for the music to come on.

Lam-My said...

A new era begins May 15th: My new single #NewEyes 👁 @adamlambert 10h ago

Like Adam’s deep intense expression…mystique, colour, light…this classic hair suits Adam.

Lam-My said...

@AdamLambert said that #NewEyes is a love song and he chose it as a single bc it felt close to where he’s at right now: “It’s about meeting someone that makes you see things differently”
Click on videos.