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PEOPLE: Adam Lambert Among Stars Headlining Pride Kick-Off Concert: 'It's Going to Be a Great Celebration'

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Friday, June 4, 2021

Posted at : Friday, June 04, 2021


"I've never actually curated a set before for a festival like this so it's been a really interesting experience," he explains. "I worked with my team and we just made a list, and hashed it out. We said, 'Who would we think would be a good addition to the list, as a well-rounded set?'"


Nanbert said...

Adam's popping up everywhere all of the all sorts of different circumstances. That's really great! He's very comfortable in any situation, which will certainly keep him in demand. It wasn't made too clear, but I hope Adam will sing as well as "curate".