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Adam Lambert Donates!

Filed Under () by Admin on Thursday, December 3, 2009

Posted at : Thursday, December 03, 2009

Adam Lambert Donated his KISS Costume to the Hard Rock in San Diego! How generous of him!

Adam says:
“It always feels good to come home,” he said during a question-and-answer session, adding that he’d like to return in spring, as part of a concert tour. “I’ve never been to the Hard Rock Hotel. This area of San Diego has changed so much.”

Introduced by Jennifer White of Radio Sophie, the event attracted about 100 people, including fans and media members. From what I saw and heard, Lambert could hardly have been more gracious. No snarkiness, no attitude."



Anonymous said...

What do you mean? I've NEVER seen ANY snarkiness or bad attitude out of Adam! He has ALWAYS proven to be nothing but a gracious, kind and caring gentleman! He has ALWAYS conducted himself with the utmost humility and humbleness!