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The View talks about Adam Lambert getting cancelled

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 3, 2009

Posted at : Thursday, December 03, 2009


Anonymous said...

Like they say that "WAS". Adam has proven that he won't do this on a morning show in CBS early show. I feel that ABC could have communicated to Adam Lambert directly talking out on his next performance guideline instead of going behind his back and canceling him like that. ABC's professional ethic is really down the drain. I wish all musician will boycott this ABC channel.

Anonymous said...

I agree that all entertainers should boycott ABC. Why can't they just do a delay? That would solve all future problems for them.

I have to laugh though as Sherri and Elizabeth keep saying "What bothered me was the oral sex simulation, or what bothered me was his hand reaching up between the girls legs." I LOVED all that stuff! Bring it on ADAM!!

Anonymous said...

There is now a video circulating on YouTube of Pink doing the exact same move as Adam (only with more tongue action). Elizabeth keeps talking about it--poor Rod Stewart-why should he be asked to respond? She is obviously freaked out by sexuality. Adam is banned from ABC for awhile--awww. As long as the other networks keep picking him up he is fine. Just keeps him in the news and now he is a victim. The problem has always been that the only sexuality allowed on TV is the stuff guys liked. I liked it Adam--but I am a girl so who cares.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is a major talent, alone as far as todays male vocalists!! Where is the "outrage" over Janet Jackson grabbing a male dancers crotch in the first act of the night?? What a despicable double standars. Abc can foke off until they have Adam back on! I am boycotting them. You hear that ABC? You are FIRED! Grow UP! (queenrosered)