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Craig Ferguson on Adam Lambert Ama Controversy

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 4, 2009

Posted at : Friday, December 04, 2009

Amazing monologue!


Anonymous said...

Craig Ferguson is hysterical. Loved how he is making light of the AMA performance by Adam. ABC is being discriminatory and Craig gets it.

Anonymous said...

Truth in humor, well said Craig. Now I know who to watch instead of Jimmy. Is Babs the only ABC personality with enough clout or b**ls to stand-up to the ABC suits?


Anonymous said...

Way to go CRAIG! Nice to see some humor in the face of ABC'S intolerable chauvinistic, bigoted homophobic antics! The ABC network is ignorant!BOYCOTT THE BASTAR**! To promote HATE (Chris Brown-women beater)instead of the incredible(Adam Lambert)who's impeccable talent helps others forget the sadness of this MAD WORLD, if only for a song or two! Just what are they thinking????


Anonymous said...

LOVED the Ryan Seacrest remark! LOL I must start watching his (Ferguson) show from now on. Never liked Kimmel anyway.

Anonymous said...

Now this guy is really funny! Leno, Letterman, O'Brien are good but Craig is OTT hilarious. I have to start taping his show after this monologue. Hey Craig you and Adam could do a great skit together. Let Adam play the straight role (no pun intended).

Anonymous said...

I love Craig Ferguson! I wish he had gotten Leno's spot instead of Conan. Can't stand him or Letterman. I like how he made a farce out of all the hoopla over this. If his mom and the straight guy he kissed can laugh their ass off about all this, what the hell business is it of anyone else's?