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GLAAD's new statement thanking ABC

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 5, 2009

Posted at : Saturday, December 05, 2009

“ABC has taken a step towards fairness by inviting Adam Lambert to perform on The View,” said Jarrett Barrios, President of the GLAAD. “GLAAD has been advocating against the double standards that have been applied to Lambert as an openly gay performer. We thank community members and allies for voicing their concerns with ABC so that entertainers like Adam have the opportunity to be broadcast into living rooms across America.”



Anonymous said...

It is a shame that it took you so long to get on board. It was quite disgusting that thousands of us, who are not gay, could see the double standard, but you were not able to see it. Instead you took the easy road and believed ABC. So heart warming to see groups like you supporting their own.

Anonymous said...

Gee that wasnt' the first reaction was it? way to backpedal and cover your ass, now that he's on that lame show but still banned from performing on NYE's, its all cool?? Adam should BOYCOTT ABC, they used him for ratings and through him under the bus with a public flogging as uncalled for and petty as the open letter from OUT magazine, which then also backpedaled on its views. Adam has thousands of true fans and does not need fairweather friends like these douchebags!!!

Super Sachiko said...

good for GLAAD and come to think of it, Adam himself, for chilling out and not jumping on the "we hate ABC forever" bandwagon.