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Stop Burning Adam Lambert at the Stake!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 3, 2009

Posted at : Thursday, December 03, 2009

Adam Lambert has performed live on network TV more than almost any other performer this year. He made it to the finals of American Idol and has done many post Idol performances including Good Morning America, and 52 live shows on tour. There is no doubt
that the man can sing and entertain. His is a voice much more technically skilled, vocally pure and beautifully bewitching then the matronly geek that outsold everyone in the music industry last week. Rather than treating Adam as the rare national treasure that he is, we as a nation have not changed much since the days of the Salem witch-hunts. All Adam wanted to do was compete in a singing contest. Because he is a gay man with pictures to prove it the media went after him like jackals. Both the right and the left proclaimed that he was either too gay or not gay enough. His attacks are threatening, visceral and inflammatory, all because of an issue that has little to do with accessing his ultimate value as a human being.
The question is not what has Adam Lambert done to us; it is what have we done to Adam Lambert? Let there be no doubt that the media in America sat back and let the hometown of another contestant steal his title. No one in the mainstream media challenged the lies that were told. Adam was even sent out to dispel concerns of "Textgate". It was easier for the media to stick to the story that the boring, less talented guy won because America was not ready for a Gay Idol. Ignoring the majority of his live performance, now for one incident in his performance on the AMA's, Adam is banned from performing live on ABC?
The FCC thinks they can dictate morality? Check the Constitution, no such power was granted and it violates the First Amendment. ABC has gone way past the double standard and way back to Salem. One action should never black list a performer and a network should never use government threats as an excuse to ban a performance. The FCC has no power if the Constitution was upheld as it was intended to be by the Founding Fathers.
The peoples power has been usurped by forces that think they can they can run your life "for your own good". Our very freedom is under attack by the power hungry and money hungry Federal Government. The First Amendment states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." The Bill Of Rights told Congress "it shall make no law". How can Congress create the FCC that passes laws to regulate speech when Congress has no power to pass a law in the first place?
What is most insidious about ABC and the FCC is that their actions are totally arbitrary. Adam is the only witch they hunted. Are they trying to stamp out the notion that you can be a sexy gay man? Must a gay men put on an asexual performance? Many similar activities have taken place without mention. Adam's fans have tracked down and found the exact same simulated oral sex and guy on guy kissing at times that should have been more child friendly. Go to
Adam has proven to be nothing but a very professional and consistent performer. He is also a twenty-seven year old man trying to navigate the fame game in a very treacherous environment. Adam's talent should have all who love music in awe instead he is being marginalized. How dare ABC and how dare America for your relapse into some of the darkest days in our history. Stop burning Adam Lambert at the stake.


Thank you Kerry Kolsch for this wonderful article!


Anonymous said...

how medieval is this?...we need all performers to stand together to to support adam. you are right, he is a national treasure. and, we don't want to go back to the mccarthy era. thank you for some clear bright light during this dark holiday season.

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful article and needs to be published! Bravo!

Anonymous said...

stop being apologists for what was a monumental lapse in judgment, and good taste on lambert's part... plus he sounded terrible. if he had just opted to put his music before shock value and controversy, we wouldn't be here. abc and the fcc are more than justified with their response, as lambert and his managers and label seem to believe he was bigger than those two when he decided to go off script. he's a big boy, in the big leagues, and he will have to man up and take his lumps from the conscious decision he made to put on that performance... throwing terms out like ''witch hunt'' is going a little over the top, and does nothing to further adam's music - but then with him, it's hard now to believe it ever was about it with him.

Anonymous said...

BRAVO to Kerry Kolsch for being as bold and free with his words as Adam is with his music! Of course, he is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!

Anonymous said...

Best written article re: violations of Bill of Rights. I have posted similar comments but most people don't realize that if we the people sit back and allow this to continue no one will be safe. Adam is an incredible talent & gifted artist who doesn't deserve this abuse and discrimination by ABC. Hope this backfires on ABC.

Anonymous said...

To the person that commented about this not being a witch hunt, shut the hell up and sit down, you're argument is invalid! You are oviously no fan or you would know that Adam;s vocals are perfect 99.9% of the time, BEYOND mere perfection in fact. It IS a witch hunt and where was all the outrage when Janet grabbed a male dancers crotch DURING Primietime?? In the first live act, in fact? (she also was lip synching which Adam didn't do!) Where the outrage when Em and 50Cent bragged about Slim Shady's multiple rape convictions? All this BEFORE Adam was on, in not-so-prime-time! It is a double standard, and most people (those with brains larger than a pea!) agree with this assessment! So, go wear your white sheet and burn crosses in someone else's yard...hmmm..try ABC! They need a taste of that HATE!

Anonymous said...

I agree 100%. I can't believe Americans are getting in line to let this happen. It is frankly scary as hell.

Anonymous said...

What we are allowing ABC and the Disney corporation to do is nothing short of disgusting and it is my fervent wish that people boycott that corporation and its affiliates, including corporate sponsors, until they 'get it' that this kind of bullying has no place in America in the 21st century.

Anonymous said...

totally agree with this article. thanks

lulu said...

i agree 100%. why can't we accept people who have different values after all we are all humans, nobody is perfect. please, give adam a go

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