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Adam Lambert interview with Juice FM Liverpool

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Another great interview!


Anonymous said...

Another Great Interview!
The UK are Fun and Relaxed and talking about the Music and keeping it Real,
just like the Australians,
Adam what Fun you are having Living your Dream!
You so deserve It,
You Charming Man!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm happy Adam is having a time in his life. He so deserves it.

Anonymous said...

Finally, somewhere people are giving FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT the credit it deserves. It's a great song and it was a shame they didn't play it anywhere in the US almost. The Brits will make up for that I hope.
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

I agree that the song For Your Entertainment was defintely cheated in the US and didn't get the recognition it so rightly deserved. But then that's what happens when you have close-minded people in society. No matter, because the rest of the world sees what a gem Adam truly is and eventually the states will catch up (hopefully), if not, then it's their loss if they can't appreciate someone fabulous.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 2:13 AM,

I agree!! For Your Entertainment is one of my fave songs on the album and I'm surprized that it hasn't been played as much in the U.S.(stuffy,uptight,conservative views,I suspect. They feel the lyrics (and content) are too racy! Meanwhile they're fine with other songs like,"I Kissed a Girl","Promiscuous Girl","Disco Stick"?! I can just imagine the reaction when/if 'Fever' gets released (and it's fantastic!!). Hopefully Adam will have helped changed the (narrow)mindset by then!!

Hopefully the UK with give FYE the recognition and plays it deserves!!

Anonymous said...

FYE is SO fabulous...I don't understand why it's not getting played or US radio at all. The UK is so far ahead of the US in artistic freedom. The US could never have birthed The Beatles.

Anonymous said...

Love comments by Anony 2:05. You are right. What happened to free thinking and being able to express yourself without being called a traitor or a pervert? Adam is an IDOL in every sense of the word. He is a role model. If our society can't appreciate honor, honesty, talent, intelligence, then we really are in trouble.

Anonymous said...


Great interview.

Anonymous said...

This Adam chap sounds Amazing---love this song too! Can't wait to hear more of this CD! what a lovely chat they had.

Anonymous said...

I love FYE, it is such a great dance song and I love the lyrics, very powerful. The US don't play it because they think the lyrics are racy??? That makes no sense because I hear radio play "Blah, Blah, Blah" by Kei$a all the time and one line of her song is:

"Dont be a little bitch with your chit chat
just show me where your dicks at" - it is an awful song, IMO.

The radio interviews outside the US are so much better because they focus on Adam's music. Love that FYE is finally getting the respect it deserves.

This is such a great site. Thanks for keeping us so informed, you do such a great job.