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Adam Lambert Interview with Kidd Kraddock

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the interviews, hopefully, these DJs will give his music the credit it deserves, including "For Your Entertainment" which was put on the back burner because of the AMAs.

Anonymous said...

I think the interviewers in the UK and Canada are so much better than here in the USA. Why do they always have to make Adam the butt of gay jokes. It's so childish and doesn't show them in a good light at all. Did this guy Kidd Kraddock not play Adam's songs before this interview? Didn't understand the beginning when they said there were rumors of them not getting along or was I wrong.

Anonymous said...

You DJs (Kidd Kraddick) REALLY need to travel outside the USA. In Asia, Europe, Canada, Central and South America, tons of fans LOVE Adam Lambert and his music. In Japan, Adam performed his song "For Your Entertainment" (the one that you pretended not remembering the name of...) on their most watched morning show (similar to America's GMA). The DJs abroad KNOW OF and APPRECIATE Adam Lambert and his debut CD. There are no inuendos during their interviews, just intelligent and fun chit chat between a radio station and a great talent.

I so wish that America will finally realize (like so many other countries already have) that Adam Lambert is a great singer and mostly a terrific human being, true to himself and who he is. We should all be that lucky!!

Anonymous said...

At the end, this interview is sucky. Too bad. Idiots--IIHY sounds nothing like Gaga. Give the gay stuff a break radio guys. You sound like the fools you are.

Anonymous said...

I live in Dallas and listen to KISS FM all the time - Kidd Kraddick has been on the Adam bandwagon from the beginning. I remember him complimenting Adam on the air after Adam sang "I Can't Get No Satisfaction". But yeah, some people in the "biz" are too caught up in the gay stuff. I was happy with the interview until they kept talking about Adam after he hung up the phone. However, they have been playing WWFM since before Christmas!

Anonymous said...

This is very embarrassing for the US - after hearing and watching all the interviews from abroad, these guys come across as ill informed adults acting like adolescents. I live in the US and I am ashamed that this dribble and waste of air space is even considered credible or worthy of an interview with Adam. Can we find a worse example of airtime idiocy!

Anonymous said...

It's time to give the gay stuff a rest,please. Love to hear about his music and wonderful family without keeping focus on his sexuality. appreciate the interview and exposure. Think the more people get to know him and his music, they will also see that he's really a very normal, fun ,genuinely nice guy.The glam performances are just that,performances that interpret a particular song and not to be taken as a literal description of who he is. Love the person that he is as much as his music.

shelly said...

i love all of adams interviews, unfortunatly ppl like this just want him for their ratings, not for who he really is. there will come a day when adam will be bigger than any of this stuff and they will be begging for a great interview with him.

Anonymous said...

Oh gawd. I'm an american and I can't STAND our radio dj's! I only listen to a college radio station w/no commericals. I don't listen to top 40 radio just for this very reason - the dj's (and the commercials) drive me absolutely insane! They are all egotistical jerks, who are only interested in hearing themselves talk. They interrupt their guests, get off the subject, bring the subject back to them selves, act like juvenille assholes...jeez, i could go on for days! Adam does not deserve to even lower himself to their standards. SO agrevating! But our boy is so sweet, funny and gracious. He's so nice to everyone. At least the dj's over seas have some questions/comments for Adam that have some relevance to his music, and sound like they did some research before Adam came to talk to them.

Arrrgh - you can see this subject really steams me!

Anonymous said...

Summer Tour, Yeah!!!!!