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New Citizen Vein Songs!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, March 24, 2010




Anonymous said...

Liked the first song but the second just seemed so underground basement/garage band-esq sounding like so many late night bar bands I've heard. Nothing original in spite of the excellent musicians playing on it. Boring!

Anonymous said...

I love AVOID!!! It's amazing.

Anonymous said...

Monte Pittman had asked that all Citizen Vein be pulled from the internet. These two must have been overlooked. Not liking either one too much.

Anonymous said...

I love AVOIDE. Great words. I just love hearing Adam.

Anonymous said...

Don't like Avoid ... DO LIKE CHALICE ... reminds me of Black Sabbath. JMO

Anonymous said...

I really, REALLY like both of these tracks. There is something so organic to Adam's voice and that raw "garage band" sound just does it for me. Yeah, I'm going to be listening to these a lot. :)

Anonymous said...

If you want to know the famous 0,38 sec clip she was talking about in the sidebar? Here is the link :
It is Adam singing 0,38sec live of the second song!

Anonymous said...

If he had had better writers back then, he wouldn't have needed Amer Idol - His voice is so perfect and strong.

Anonymous said...

Chalice is HAWTTTT!!!!!!! YeahhhhH!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

There is a lot of Citizen Vein on the internet. I think AVOID is one of the best songs they did. I also love Nocturnal By the Moon and Circle. I don't mind Chalice, just needs some work, but his vocals are hot. Would love to see the Citizen Vein songs reworked and put on an Album.

Anonymous said...

I actually like both. It's part of his and Monte's musical history and there is nothing wrong with having it out-there. The guitar work is great. I actually like that it's not professionally dressed-up for commercial consumption. The underground feel is interesting and raw.

Anonymous said...

Monte is my adopted rock him!

Anonymous said...

Love these! Want to buy them!!

Vote for adam on the vh1 top 20 countdown, two more days to get him back to #1!

V. E. Rosswell said...

Re: 1:25 PM. Ditto. Wanna buy them all. Adam's intimate voice strikes them to life. Love: Avoid, Circle, Nocturnal Moon, My Conviction. Luvvem. Chalice intrigues. Want. Want. Please don't fuss them up, just let me buy them somewhere. iTunes?