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Idolatry On Adam Lambert as a Mentor

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, April 24, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, April 24, 2010

They liked Adam as a mentor! Good review overall!


Anonymous said...

Adam really knows what makes music good. How much more perfect can a man be? He is gorgeous, a wonderfully tallented, sexy, goodhearted man, who is extremely intelligent, articulate, and knows the ins and outs of the music business. I think he should get millions to do Simon's job, with maybe more interaction with the contestants. I would watch American Idol for sure if Adam was on it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam was a great mentor!!
BUT being a judge is not for Adam!!!
Adam is far too talented to be wasted as a Judge,Adam can earn his own Millions by being a Worldwide International Superstar!!
Adam does not have the time for this!!
He has the world in the palm of his hands,Why would he want to be a judge?????????????
Stick to performing your talent Adam!!
American Idol is a sinking ship and finished,
X Factor will be the New talent show in America soon.
No to Adam being a judge!

Anonymous said...

good point! there is no doubt adam is a great mentor but i do not think he will have the time to spent with them everyday for a week. it will be too much to ask.

Anonymous said...

Adam will do what Adam wants to do. If he's turned down Broadway, he will turn this down as well. He wants to make his own music. He wants to entertain us, and I'm all for that. He's great as a guest, but those guys have their own artistic direction. So Adam can say what he needs to say in 15 minutes. It's their choice what to wear, what song to pick, etc. Danny Gokey was around Adam for the entire season and never changed anything. And as far as I know, he's still wearing the same boring clothes and the same hair. I see Kris evolving all the time along with Adam. Ultimately it's up to the person to do what seems right for them. Even after Adam's advice, some of them ignored him. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

The rumor is over. Adam is focusing on becoming an international superstar. Yay Adam!

Anonymous said...

(*-*) YIPPEE !!

Anonymous said...

I agree Adam was awesome but also that the mentor thing is usually total BS and a promo for the guest, what can you really do to impact in a few minutes, Adam tried and i think helped a little. Agreed Adam working with these kids for a week would be better but also you either got it or you aint, these kids can sign but aint no rocking performer superstar among them, no one exciting no one unique.