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'Idol's' biggest charmers

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, April 24, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, April 24, 2010

Adam is #2 on LA Times' list of American Idol charmers.

2. Adam Lambert: If there were an award for the most media-savvy Idol, Adam would win it in a heartbeat. From the first moment we met the tall, dark and handsome San Diegan, and had to immediately ask about pictures that had surfaced of him making out with another guy, it was instantly apparent that this guy could turn even the most uncomfortable Q&A into a lighthearted friend-like conversation. Ditto for his smiley spin after the American Music Awards. No matter what the situation, by the end, you walk away thinking he's the nicest guy on the planet. Now that's the power of charm. And since he ended his Season 8 run, Adam continues to give: to his fans, who he's constantly greeting, posing with and signing for; to the media, which continue to obsess over his every movie, endlessly wondering, what will he do next?



Anonymous said...

Yep, Adam is a charmer alright...

Anonymous said...

who the heck is number 1?? adam is def a charmer:)

Anonymous said...

justchecked it out...Los Angeles Times "thinks" david cook is the biggest charmer...BUT, THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT WE KNOW...ADAMGASM WILL DO "IT" EVERY TIME..CHARM,OF COURSE.

Anonymous said...

what a joke?? david cook the biggest charmer??
my bet is adam no. 1 and david archuletta no. 2. no offence but david cook will not be on my list.
he is a nice person and a good singer but definitely not a charmer. was there a poll for this?

Anonymous said...

it's After 1 AM in LONDON. I can't wait to hear or see any of Adam's preformance.
PLEASE, anybody??//
ADAM IS MY number 1 charmer!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please!!! Adam is #1 and everybody else is #8. Are you kidding me!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's okay for Adam to be number 2 in all things. That way he will never have the pressures that comes with being #1/king of the hill. Kris has to worry constantly about Adam's popularity dogging him.

Anonymous said...

Well charming Adam should be wrapping up his gig at GAY right about now. Then a photo shoot with Boy George. From looking at his list of things to do tomorrow, he gets NO sleep tonight.He should be back at the hotel between 4 and 5 am, then going again at 6am.

Anonymous said...

I freaking love this picture of Adam. Why have I never seen it before? After all, I go to every website, after 24/7 of course. Adam, Adam,
Adam. You are prince charming to me.

Anonymous said...

adam will have a very hectic schedules to make up for days lost or delayed flight.

to anon 5:25, no offense please but i think we should leave kris allen alone, am sure adam would like us to do that.

Anonymous said...

Who is more charming than Adam!

Anonymous said...

ADAM is #1 & #2 on my list .. on their list ... never followed David Cook but he & ADAM are friends so I guess he is charming if they say so ... BUT ... ADAM is always #1 with me in EVERYTHING!!

Anonymous said...

Love David Cook and he is a quiet charmer in his own way but Adam definetely takes full honors for style ,personality and a raging talent unleashed.

Anonymous said...

Well, Adam's definitely my #1 charmer, but I really like David Cook, too. So it's all good!

Anonymous said...

ADAM LAMBERT is my prince charming!!! To me Adam is always #1 in everything... He is AWESOME, AMAZING, TALENTED.... u name it...

ADAM is... the All-in-one singer!! He's got the whole package as an artise!!!

Love u always... Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think of him so much as being a charmer as just being himself. That is what I like for people to be and he is just that. Up front and honest as the day is long. AND YES...HE IS THE WHOLE PACKAGE.

Anonymous said...

David Cook a charmer??? don't get it!!

Anonymous said...

Click on the SOURCE button below the article and you'll understand why the author chose David Cook as #1. It's based on a LATE night interview, where he treated her as if she was the first interview of the night + how he treats his band, crew, etc.

Of course, I still think Adam should be #1 (and am surprised Casey James is on the short list), but she loves Adam, and that makes me happy.