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Rickey Minor on Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, April 30, 2010

Posted at : Friday, April 30, 2010

Apr 30
Sneak Peek: Idol’s Music Director Shares ‘Inside’ Secret!

Check out the interview below with Idol’s music director Rickey Minor.

J.C.: What’s your greatest ‘inside’ secret you tell Idol contestants?

Rickey: I always tell them, ‘Nobody’s ever going to know the notes you were supposed to sing, but didn’t. People don’t remember notes, they remember your heart. They remember if you make them feel the song; you need to access their emotions, make them cry.’

J.C.: Did Adam Lambert take your advice?

Rickey: Absolutely! That guy knew the whole deal the second he got here. I give my email to the top twelve once they’re selected, and that guy would send me emails in layers every night to figure out every single angle of a song he was thinking of doing. Different versions, and arrangements; he so got it. He was like a hungry, ever thirsty boy. So we had fun doing tracks for him, and he had a great work ethic. Adam Lambert gave more than he got and was great to work with.

Check out more with Rickey in the Season 9, American Idol Yearbook.

Learn about Rickey’s best selling book and other tips shared with contestants.

Credit: BlueIndigoSky


Anonymous said...

It's so good to hear someone give Adam the credit he so deserves. I'm not surprised though and I remember reading plenty with regards to the admiration and respect the idol crew had for Adam during season 8 and how they believed him to be a truly great talent and person. I also agree with Rickey when he says "Adam Lambert gave more than he got" (on the show). That being said I believe he is starting to reap the rewards for his work now though. It especially speaks volumes when coming from an established musician such as Rickey. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

This is a great complement to Adam. But we already know all that!
And the most beautiful thong is that Adam stlill gives so much. He is true musician with an incredible talent and work ethics.
I am so happy and proud of Adam.

Anonymous said...

this is a good write up, very positive about adam. obviously adam wanted to win but the people doubted his sexuality and did not recognize real talent. too bad he is more successful now.

Anonymous said...

"..Adam Lambert gave more than he got and was great to work with..." ....awwwwww!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This man seems to know his business. I appreciate his good comments about Adam. On another note, why are there no mentions on this site or Adamofficial about Adam coming in 6th on Time's top 100 most influencial people in the world? He may not have been #1 or even #5 but #6 in the world is not too shabby. I'm very proud of Adam.

Anonymous said...

He may be saying what many have speculated Adam mentored AI8 as much or if not more than he did as a guest on AI9. And now it shows

Anonymous said...

That is an impressive statement. I understand Ricky is going to the Tonight Show after this season of Idol. Does anyone know for sure. It is great to be recognized for your ability and work ethic by a fellow musician. It doesn't just happen. It's a lot of work. Adam is working his a** off right now. His tour looks exhausting, but he will probably only perform about one hour. That's enough since he puts everything into those performances.

Anonymous said...

Anon above me - I read in the Los Angeles Times that Ricky Minor was leaving Idol at the end of this season and going to The Tonight Show.

Remember on Season 8 after each of his performances that Adam would acknowledge whoever was accompanying him? Michael Orland, the piano player when Adam mentored this season, said Adam was the nicest and most professional of all the idol contestants ever.

He's getting these kinds of responses from everyone he's worked with.

Adam is amazing in oh so many ways.

Anonymous said...

AI audiences had never heard of Rickey Minor or Michael Orland until Adam acknowledged them on the show. He continues in that manner to acknowledge his dancers and his band, "sharing the glory" and employing old friends. Only someone who grew up in the musical theater family would have such professionalism and appreciation for others. Karma will prevail, and Adam will get this generosity back three-fold. Elizabeth

Anonymous said...

It has been said over and over that Kris Allen won from an A T & T executive handing out cell phones in Arkansas whereby 38 million votes were then cast for KRIS when there are less that 3 million people in Arkansas. That is how Kris won. I don't believe it had ANYTHING to do with Adam being suspected of being gay. He hadn't officially come out to the public at that time.

Anonymous said...

yes, adam is always gracious about introducing his band, very nice of him. i was not surprised at all that he got on very will with AI musical directors, he is that type of person, caring and considerate. well brought up by his parents.

Anonymous said...

Adam is always so gracisous, and it is good to see someone giving Adam the credit he deserves.

I noticed Rickey mentioned Adam having a good work ethic. I have been amazed by Adam and all his interviews and promotional work and always seeming so fresh. Do all new artists do this, or is Adam busier working than most new artists, I wonder? His work ethic amazes me (as does everything else about him from his voice to his creativity to his sex appeal, to his energy, to his live performances, to his heart-throbbing good looks to his personality to his graciousness.)

Anonymous said...

Adam is gorgeous, he's talented, he wears clothes well; he's gracious and polite.
On AI I saw him hold a female contestant's hand to help her down a step.
But I think what blows his fans away, and people who meet him, is his inner glow.
He has an inner beauty that flows out of his heart and soul, and that’s what makes us love him more than anything else.

And the haters; they have to be people with dark souls, blinded by hate, who can't see the beauty, or are jealous of it!

Anonymous said...

there are not enought synonyms in the deictionary to describe Adam. I wish him ONLY THE BEST OF THE BEST!!!
Don't forget to vote him on VH1 top 20, PLEASE!!!

Anonymous said...

AWWWW!!!! i love hearing good stuff about adam

Anonymous said...

There is nothing as inspiring as when a talented musician(Ricky) recognizes a talent and excellence in ones nature. We have all witnessed how professional adam is on stage and off stage.All the AI crew loved him and it is last season that we, the viewers became familiar with the talent behind the scenes (the band, the producers and everyone). And all that was because of Adam, he never felt short of recognizing all of them for what they contributed on each of his performances. And for that I salute him. And Ricky, we the fans thank you for being sweet to our boy Adam and good luck on ur upcoming gigs.

Anonymous said...

Minor's saying "Adam Lambert gave more than he got..." is a powerful statement I think... there's some meaning behind that, my gut tells me. Well, with Minor going to Leno, maybe he'll be picked up on that comment sometime in the press and he'll feel freer to elaborate. I don't necessarily think Minor is commenting on what "he got" from the Idol Machine, but maybe it was a subtle editorialized comment on the final vote from American voters??? I'm sooo not the conspiracy theorgy type :), not going down that road, and I'm not trying to put special meaning where there is none...but still, I think that's an interesting little comment there by Minor.

Anonymous said...

anon 4:57, you are just being paranoid! I don't think there is anything behind that statement. Ricky is just admiring his talent and work ethic, Period!

Anonymous said...

to anon 4:43 adam did not make it at time magazine poll, not even mentioned his nomination but he came no. 6.

Anonymous said...

@4:57 - 4:57 here - relax with your exclamations points and "Period!" business. I hear you, I get you, and I'm totally open to what you are saying. There is no need for the over-emphasis. I tried, and think I succeeded quite frankly, in saying that I was NOT trying to put meaning where there is none... But I do indeed find it interesting the way Minor put his comment. Obviously he was lead/prompted by the inteviewer, obviously I can not ascertain his tone of voice or inflections, nor can I see his facial expressions... but Minor could have said - Lambert gave all of himself to that show - or Lambert gave a lot to that show... Minor could have made his comment a number of ways etc., and Minor, a very well versed and intelligent man himself, chose to say specifically "Adam Lambert gave more than he got". I understand that it was probably an off the cuff and rapidly given reply to something Minor was prompted on by the interviewer - I'm a reasonable person 5:04 - but I still submit that it's interesting wording that Minor employed there, that's all. Did Minor perhaps mean Lambert gave more than he got from the voting public...or any number of things. Minor said "Adam Lambert gave more than he got" and I found it a compelling statement. I do believe that in my comments I threw in a lighthearted smiley face and a joke about not being a conspiracy theorist, lol, and I do appreciate your take and am totally open to being told I'm reading to much into Minor's statements - but relax on your tone friend, last time I checked this was a forum to exchange ideas about Lambert's career in a friendly manner! {That last puncuation mark was just for you ;)}

Anonymous said...

The 5:33pm comment was from me, original 4:57, in reply to 5:04... for whatever it's worth, to anyone who cares or found it confusing... my mistake, sorry.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:33 Bless you my child; Anon 5:04 You must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed and also have esp. Impressive.