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Adam Lambert at Summeri in Finland

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, May 23, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, May 23, 2010

From ieatcloxxxx:

"Filmed 2nd May, while Adam visited in Finland. It was aired 23rd May 2010."


Anonymous said...

We love when you're feelin' purple Adam, a boy and girl color :).

OMFG - he is too adorbs, and just - real!

Anonymous said...

He is absolutely ADORABLE and sexy at the same time. Adam really "embraced" and seemed to enjoy going to these countries around the world.

Anonymous said...

Love that sexy, sweet, lovable man!!!He is a worldwide star!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

He's sexy even when he eats and drinks :)

DC Canadian

Anonymous said...

He's like a dashing, gay Oprah! Who sings like an angel! You just want to sit and chat and eat and drink with him forever.

Anonymous said...

So glad they backdropped the FYE vid. (of course, that's all that's been released internationally). WWFM is sweet and emo and absolutely wonderful but FYE has the most intrigue, artistic value, gorgeous!! Think we will be seeing it archived and played for years to come. I see new things everytime I play it - (prob up to a thousand by now). He is SO inspiring!!