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Adam Lambert's Guitarist Monte Pittman Welcomes Twins

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, May 23, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, May 23, 2010

Adam Lambert congratulated fellow band member Monte Pittman on twitter a few hours ago for welcoming two twins to this world:

"@Monterrific congratulations papa pittman!! Gemini Twins!!!" -Adam Lambert

Beatrix Fiona Pittman

Atticus Sparrow Pittman

Credit: adamaddiction62


coloforadam said...

Oh so proud Daddy, oh so lucky babes!! The world of musical heritage just got larger!! They are just darling!! LOVE the names!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations,Monte and Wife...
2 Gorgeous Stars

Anonymous said...

OMG! How beautiful. No wonder he couldn't be at the concert the other night. What a wonderful reason! Light and love to you, Monte!


Anonymous said...

So wonderful

Anonymous said...

Bless you & your sweet family, Monte!! Love & Light to all of you!!

Anonymous said...

Second name Sparrow?? great, cute names.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Monte. What a happy man he must be.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations monte!!! I'm not the biggest fan of the name "atticus", but still, two twins in the gemini month! that's pretty cool :D

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Monte and Lisa on the birth of your precious and perfect twins.

Emmaline apparently you didn't read the book or watch the movie "To Kill a Mockingbird." Rent the movie and you'll love the name Atticus. It's a very poor day that you don't learn something new.

Deus te amat and I do too

Anonymous said...

thats AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

gorgeous twins! congrats to the lucky parents.

Anonymous said...

Two new band members! Missed your playing at concert last night but you sure had one good no make that two good excuses!! Congrats from a fan.

Anonymous said...

Two new additions to the Glamfamily! So happy for Monte and Lisa. They are beautiful, healthy 6# babies. A great weight for twins! Atticus Finch was a very noble character, played by Gregory Peck in "To Kill a Mockingbird". A fine name to look up to. Beatrix, like in "Beatrix Potter?" They will have a good life and freedom to be themselves with the loving accepting influences around them. I wish them much happiness and good health! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Yes funbunn40 - I was wondering the same thing about Beatrix Potter?? - cool if so! Such lovely news.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Mr Pittman & his family! :)

I'm guessing the Sparrow part must've come from Roberta Sparrow, the old lady from Donnie Darko (remember Mad World by our beloved Adam?). Just my two cents. :)

Anonymous said...

LIttle Atticus is in ICU with breathing issues but he'll be alright Monte tweeted. Let's keep the precious baby boy and the whole family in our prayers.

DC Canadian

Anonymous said...

We can just see Monte and his lovely wife teaching these precious babies the love of music and life. Monte and Adam are truly "brothers" whose friendship will last forever. Bless you all and keep you healthy and happy. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

sweet !!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

omodeto gozaimasu!
From Japan!