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Pink performs 'Whataya Want From Me'

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, May 30, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, May 30, 2010


Anonymous said...

She did a great job! Thank you pink for singing WWFM. It shows how much you love Adam. We love u too

Attacka said...

I love her version but I prefer Adam's. She's right about the guy singing it better than her.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Pink. What a great friend.
She didn't record this therefore sales will be for Adam.

Anonymous said...

She was right on the ball--Adam sings this 10 times better.

Anonymous said...

Pink did a good job but the song is Adam's. Made for him.

Anonymous said...

She didn't seem to have the powerful emotion connected to the song that Adam does. She did a good job, but this truly is Adam's song...for so many reasons.

Did she not think to mention Adam by name? Or was it just not necessary because everyone knew it is Adam's?

Anonymous said...

Great job , pink. She is going to make adam's version go off the charts.

Love her and love Adam even more.
They both put do much emotions into it!


Anonymous said...

re May 30, 2010 9:49 AM
I love her version but I prefer Adam's. She's right about the guy singing it is better than her.

yes i agree with you but she didn,t seem to have her heart in it pacing up and down didn,t really work for me,i am not going to feel bad that i cannot make my honest opinion of how i feel even if the masses think it was a stunning?? version,
i felt she was just going through the motions as quickly as possible,there i said it now all come down on me like a ton of bricks

Anonymous said...

She knew it's Adam's -- I love the audience singing along and her holding up the mike to them while they were singing.

I'd love to see her and Adam sing the song together at the Grammy's!

Anonymous said...

Love Pink - she's great & it was wonderful that she did performed WWFM. But she's so right. Adam sings it SO much better. He definitely owns this song.

Stephanie said...

Quote 10:02
"Did she not think to mention Adam by name? Or was it just not necessary because everyone knew it is Adam's?"

Adam is HUGE in Germany. The fact that everyone was singing along to Pink proves that they know the song from the radio or TV. WWFM is a hit song there. It top the charts for two weeks.

Anonymous said...

May 30, 2010 10:02 AM
She didn't seem to have the powerful emotion connected to the song that Adam does. She did a good job, but this truly is Adam's song...for so many reasons.

Did she not think to mention Adam by name? Or was it just not necessary because everyone knew it is Adam's?


UrFriend said...

This is a WIN WIN situation. Adam is happy that Pink praised him. Pink REALLY seems to like Adam. It doesn't matter whether she called Adam's name or not. The fact is, she praised him. That's what matters and we have to know that Pink rarely praise people.

I hope those people in the audience, which is around 50,000 people or something, will buy the song afterwards.

Anonymous said...

she wrote it !! and it's Adams !!!!above everyone knows it's ADAM !!!!thanks Pink !!

Anonymous said...

now go and listen to Adam is singing WWFM
and yes he does sing it better just sayin

Anonymous said...

i am fed up with this thread already

Anonymous said...

when the song started, you could tell they knew what it was and who !! GO PINK !!GO ADAM !!

Anonymous said...


Lea said...

ANON 10:45 said:
"i am fed up with this thread already"


Anonymous said...

pink is great and this is a win win as stated before. i think she gets writers royalties, no?


Anonymous said...

She sang it well but didn't go crazy trying to upstage Adam ( as if!). Adam's right, a classy, generous, beautiful gesture.

Anonymous said...

Why would you have to name the guy who is NUMBER ONE in Germany?

That was HIGH PRAISE coming from Pink, and the way she said it just underlined how big Adam's version of the song is.

No worries people.

All is GOOD with this.


Anonymous said...

There is plenty of love for Pink and Adam. Thank you Pink for writing such a powerful song and thank you Adam for recognizing it was such a good fit for you. Double our pleasure! The more rock stars that embrace Adam the better. Music is in his blood and he can have some awesome duets - maybe on his next record. One of the awards shows- Pink and Adam singing this together - wouldn't that be awesome.

Anonymous said...

To 11:11. I totally agree. Pink did a great job singing it and writing it. Love her. Love Adam. Music is one of the lovelier things in the world today and unites the world, unlike all the ugly things going on around us. Let's not divide it here.


Anonymous said...

here is something to get upset at
America poisoning and killing the Enviroment,sea, animals etc
TOP NEWS>>>>>>The Gulf of Mexico oil spill is the worst environmental disaster the US has faced

Anonymous said...

I feel that Pink saying "that guy" is a HUGE HUGE COMPLIMENT because she's assuming EVERYONE there knows who Adam was.

If she had said Adam's name, she would underestimating his popularity in Germany. So its' a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Hey idiot at 11:47. It's British Petroleum who is responsible for this. Obama is just being a blundering idiot who I hope he and his rotten posse of criminals will be booted out. Now lets get back to what's beautiful in the world ADAM LAMBERT!

Anonymous said...

Somehow I think Adam tweaked this song to his style and made it his own. Pink is an excellent song writer, but I wonder if she supplied this arrangement as well. In any case, Pink just sang her song in Adam style but without the fieceness that characterizes our boy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah PINK...Love to watch her perform.!!

Anonymous said...

To 12:05 We just booted out a moron and his rotten bunch of fascist criminals after 8 miserable years of blunders that we are still paying for. By the way, Adam and his family supported Obama. And by the way, calling someone an idiot doesn't make your opinion valid. It just makes you a name caller.

Back to the topic: Adam and Pink...great combination.

Anonymous said...

"She sang it well but didn't go crazy trying to upstage Adam ( as if!). Adam's right, a classy, generous, beautiful gesture." -- Agree with this 100%

@12:05 Obama is NOT a blundering idiot. He's dealing with a massive situation that he did not create in the most professional way possible.

Anonymous said...

As Adam would say don't take it so seriously. Get with the jokes man!
Some guy.... Everyone knows what guy......And the emotion he puts into his shows and music.
Thank you Pink
Love Adam

Anonymous said...

this thread has got so heavy again,too many negs
let us ALL LOOK forward to
(drum roll)
coming to AMERICA any day now
start gathering your leather,black colour liner,boots,feathers,glitter,lippy,camera,pen etc
and GO get some Fierce Glittery LOVE,
i am sooo excited for you GLAMBERTS,
We NEED to know everything about your Glittery Love Ride
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

adam is always passionate singing WWFM and many versions.

pink gets the royalty, she does well.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering if this is a one time thing for Pink to sing wwfm, which indeed is a praiseworthy thing to do. Wondered if this is part of her summer tour, she certainly got noticed and received good feedback. Adam is being grouped now with the top singers of today. Love that man. he has worked really hard to get where he is.

jordan!! said...

thanks pink for letting adam having this amazing song you wrote it well!

Anonymous said...

Pink's good and the song is written beautifully, but Adam's much better at singing it. Singing anything, really...

Anonymous said...

Love her! Pink is so gutsy and awesome!
What a tribute to ADAM, (who also is gusty and awesome!)'WWFM' is an incredible song which has
taken the world by storm....along with ADAM!

Anonymous said...

@ Anon May 30, 2010 5:10 PM - your line that you wrote: "Adam is being grouped now with the top singers of today..." EXACTLY!! This is a great point that is being missed by some posters here who are commenting that are feeling a little iffy and uneasy about Pink doing this... I understand thier uneasiness I guess - but YOUR POINT is a great one!! And I hope it makes some feel better. I did notice that some people on MJ'sBigBlog were feeling a little negatively and iffy about the whole thing too, but I only see it as a win/win. Just my POV

Anonymous said...

It's all good. No hidden agenda. As above, win, win. funbunn40