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Adam Lambert posing with fans before Foxwoods concert!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, June 25, 2010

Posted at : Friday, June 25, 2010



Anonymous said...

Looks like Adam had some young gay fans in the audience. That must have made him happy. So glad everyone is catching on now. Once you hear him you are hooked.

Anonymous said...

Boys night out!!!!!!!!

Stephanie said...

yeah I'm so happy that the rest of the audiences (gay guys, straight guys) are catching up to the fandom. They missed a lot though!

I remember Adam seem disappointed when he said that he rarely sees male fans. Now he has a lot!

Anonymous said...

Cute fanboys!

Anonymous said...

Gay or straight... whatever, they all look great and cute and have good taste!

Anonymous said...

Yea, I bet he was so, so happy and they're of age!

Anonymous said...

Yea, yea..I bet he was so, so happy and they're of age!

Luna said...

Too cute for words!

Anonymous said...

It's only natural for Adam to have male friends whether they be gay or straight. He has a lot of strait guys that are his friends. I have heard him say several times, " I am not a Whore"

Julia said...

Adam is so tall! I knew he was tall but not THAT tall.

Anonymous said...

Awwwww so cute!!! Adam looked happy! So glad the gays have joined our glamily.

Anonymous said...

Please don’t put ‘labels’ on people based on a photo! Do you know these guys? Do you honestly KNOW they are gay? I’ve seen and met so many beautiful guys who are dead straight.

So let’s not scare off men from adoring Adam - straight or gay - by assuming things! Not everybody is so confident and open about their lives and sexuality.

Adam’s extraordinary talents, charisma, performance skills, sexyness and good looks are for everybody to hear and see. It’s just a question of opening your mind, ears and eyes!

AA = Adoring Adam

Anonymous said...

I hear 'ya AA @ 6:16am, and I totally agree!!!

But, I quite by accident found myself within ear shot of these guys once and observed some here and there at the concert Thursday night and I think a couple of them were gay - which of course I'm not sure of obviously and has absolutely no significance or bearing on anything, and I hope that doesn't sound creepy - I was just drawn to them, after coincidentally and randomly being near them outside in the lobby for a bit, because I was thinking that I hope they had close seats and that AL would see them and enjoy them having a good time in the audience - NOT because they were or were not gay, but because they were attractive and fun looking young men around his own age! I gotta say, I'm curious as to how these pix came about - did someone in the group know AL, did someone work for a radio station or media outlet, were they plucked from the crowd for a meet and greet?? I'll have to trace the "source" listed above sometime, I'm sorta curious. In any event, they did have close seats, on the floor, off to the left (when facing the stage), same side AL started WLL on :), and only about 6 or 7 rows back, on the aisle closest to the middle section, so good seats. Again, don't mean to sound creepy but the one guy in the black shirt IS INDEED VERY TALL and it was sorta hard to miss him. I saw them talking to a guy in the 2nd row center before the start of the show - sorta seemed like some of the young guys might have been meeting him for the first time, for whatever that's worth :). Once again, not a stalker :), my eyes were just sort of drawn to them because I was thinking how happy AL would be to see some young men around his own age...which is not to say that there weren't plenty of young people there, there WAS!!, but there were indeed, like someone else said somewhere on 24/7, a good number of older fans in the very front sections too (and some gorgeous looking older women, let me tell you!! A few wrinkles never diminishes a good looking person of either gender!) There were tons of teens to 20-somethings to 30-somethings in the audience that night, both genders. So anyway Anon @ 6:16 - your 3rd paragraph in your comments is correct - there was an amazingly diverse crowd at the Foxwoods show - and I think they were there mostly to be treated to the amazing vocal and musical ability that Lambert gives - his picture should truly be under the words "IT FACTOR" in the dictionary.

Anonymous said...

Even tho Adam might be looking to "meet people...",I think he would be very careful when considering hooking up with a stranger. Who knows if the person would come out with a "tell all - this is how he does it" article, true or not. He has such a high profile now, and even most people tend to go with someone already known by a friend, etc.
Re: Tommy - as Adam has said, I don't think people "turn" very often. There have been times
when this happens, but it's pretty rare. I think
they're just having fun and they know the audience loves it. (Anyone out there having fantasies about a threesome with Lambliff ...?)
Also, anyone know if Neil has started to blog?

Anonymous said...

I don't like that blokes hairdo in the second pic, it's too rockabilly.

Anonymous said...

These guys are obviously backstage with Adam, so someone knew them or noticed them. Happy to see guys,gay or straight,anyone of any race, gender etc. to have the Adam experience. The more the merrier! Life is a lot more fun and exciting with Adam to glam it up! I also agree that Adam would have more sense than to hook up with a stranger that could exploit him, give him Aids or use him in any # of ways. I think he realizes that he'll have to be extremely selective with whomever he chooses to let into his life. Glad he has so many loyal, supportive family and friends around him to keep things real and I think they do. Elvis and M.J, unfortunately had too many "yes men" around him that were too afraid because of monetary reasons to speak their mind or ever disagree I don't think that will be the case for Adam. There seems to be mutual respect all around. Btw, you can find Negative Neil on Twitter. Don't think he will see your tweets unless he follows you. I have a twitter acct. and thought I could tweet opinions, but am still not sure how it works. I don't think he wants to be bothered by Adam's fans, as he has his own interests and I'm sure wants to be viewed for his own ideas and accomplishments. I like to read his tweets because he has important, revelant things to say and is also clever and can be sarcastic and funny. Wonder what his duties are on this tour. He definitely is a very smart guy and is trusted by Adam. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I left a message to you on the «5 new vh1 posted videos» from 6/24

I left a 2nd. message to you in then same thread


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys - I just posted this on the main Glam Nation Tour/Foxwoods thread - but in case everyone doesn't go back that far - I thought you might want to check this out, this vid/song wasn't on that main thread, just gonna paste from the other thread (warning - a bit racy):

Been meaning to mention this about Foxwoods concert - check out this link of "If I Had You":

and this link too if you want: but it's not as good as the first link

anyway, look for "If I Had You" Dancer's intro - just like all the other concerts - but check out the interaction between choreographer Brooke and Adam... now, in all fairness to AL, it was totally Brooke who started it...but Adam, um, ended it :)... and I giggled at how, if you look closely, AL just didn't simply go with the dance flow, but he actually sort of quickly took a few little steps to reposition himself...for maximum alignment I guess, lol, it was hot... you can't tell so much on the video, but live in the room, when this occurred, the room went crazy... "dancy" enough to go over the heads of the younger ones in the room as just a dance move...but overt enough for the older ones in the room to digest, with delight :).