Adam Lambert vs. Clay Aiken: A Tale of Two Coming Outs
Filed Under (American Idol,article ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Adam Lambert is all over the place with his hit record, so I honestly don't think coming out got in the way of his making a huge splash at all.
If anything, it added to it, and there are plenty of girls who can still fetishize about him and crush on him even though they know he's hugely "that way."
Furthermore, young boys can do so, too!
But to me, the best thing about Adam's coming out is that he did it pretty early in the game -- right after being booted off American Idol.
This way, his fans know the truth right off the bat, and they're with him and he can build a nice, long career with them sans distrust or pretense.
Clay Aiken, on the other hand, waited to come out till he was on the way down and needed a boost.
By that point, his fan base was clogged with a lot of haters and denialists who clung to the idea that he was straight, egged on by the fact that Clay didn't want to say anything to the contrary.
By the time he said something, his diminishing base got smaller because the dummos acted out of homophobia and abandoned the gay ship.
I wish both singers well, but I feel Adam had the better plan.
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That's true, most Adam's fans accept who he is and I am one of them. But don't forget he is extraordinary talented and extremely hard working to achieve his success level right now. As a fan, his voice just melt right through your heart which overpowering any obstacles in the way. Love you very much Adam.
True fans use to accept everything, whatever, from an idol. But Adam Lambert is such a multitalented artist and such an amazing human being in all ways we may imagine, that he not only gets acceptance from his fans but also causes many of them to change their opinion about prejudices.
I don't think its fair to compare how people choose to come out. Gays have limited rights in the US and people should come out when it is right for them in an environment of saftey and love.
It seems more "in" to be gay so to me that helped Adam in a way. Not so much with Clay. Back then, in 2002, I believe he would have been crucified if he came out. I really don't think it is anyone's business about these two mens sex lives. We don't go around asking straight males about theirs.
I agree with 12:45 whole heartedly.
I think Adam had no plan, he's just more comfortable with who he is.
Two weeks and 3 days til my first Glamnation Tour. I remember the Idol tour and yes his voice live is out of this World. I really didn't think it could be any better live because it already sucked me in. But live is just something you need to experience to understand really how incredible he is. I am with Paula Abdul what took people in the industry so long. I watched his pre-idol videos and was so amazed. I just got so wrapped up in his voice and the way he puts everything into his performances. Just Beautiful.
It's absolutely not fair to compare between the two. Adam has tons of "gay" pictures in the internet that many had already seen. People were just waiting the comfirmation direct from his mouth. Actually if Adam had it said from the beginning he might have won the compitition, but was scared of what might the result would be because he needed that platform so bad, who knows. With Clay it's different.
Nobody should care anyway. Geez. Everybody has to do what they're comfortable with.
Umm...Adam was never "booted off" AI. He stayed on until the finale before taking second place to what'shisname. Like Paula said, Adam will be iconic. His sexuality doesn't matter, his talent does. To compare Adam with Clay in any manner is stupid.
I agree Lolita. He never was "booted" off American Idol and to me he never "lost" either. In a few years noone will even remember American Idol must less who won. Adam is by far the "winner" here if you must have one. You can't compare Adam to Clay, Adam is in a league so far beyond Clay. Adam is NOW, fresh and exciting, Clay is yesterday. Adam is honest, and never really tried to "hide" being gay. He just never publically talked about it and why should he? It is about his music not his sexual life. The media should just focus on that.
Well, Clay came from North Carolina and was from a Southern Baptist family, plus he was not out to anyone in his family and most of his friends during Idol. Adam was from California and out all over the place including his family.
No wonder celebrities continue to not come out.
Gay or straight ... artists should be accepted for their TALENT ... NOT ... their ORIENTATION!! This should be (and GOD I wish it was) a NON issue!! Can they sing, entertain & make ME have fun while doing it? That's ALL I care about!! Anything else is IRRELEVANT! .. JMO
I really liked Clay Aiken and he does have a beautiful voice and I have several of his cd's.It's true he came from a very religious family and I can understand the fear he must have had. He went to UNCC just up the street from me and also lived with a family that had an autistic son that he worked with while in school. 2002 was a different time and many religious sects in the south still don't get it. He also was pretty geeky and had no professional experience or confidence like Adam. Totally different packages and also different times for Idol. Adam was someone that was unique.Simon thought he was too theatrical and not main stream, but the other3 felt it was time for someone like Adam and it was.He set the bar so high,everyone pales next to him. Adam was very smart being so honest after Idol and not denying it. There's nothing to dig up, so no big expose and all on Idol knew and were ok,except for Danny Gokey,friends and family. I think Adam being open helped Ricky Martin and country singer Sheryl Wight[name may be misspelled]come out after so many years. The timing seems to point to Adam's attitude and I see a connection. Talent always should be the focal point, but when you're in the limelight,all is relevant, whether it's fair or not. funbunn40
Well said, Anon 12:51am. Both came from such a different family and social background and at different times. We have no right to judge them and they should come only when they feel comfortable and in their own time.
The little upcoming Clays and Adams will have Adam to thank in the future if their paths are a little easier.
I have a confession,
Although I have heard the name Clay Aitken bandied about on Idol sites,and have seen a picture, I have never heard him sing..... a lot of these x-idols never make it big overseas.
HK fan
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