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A few more Denver videos! (HD)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 18, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, July 18, 2010

Here's a few more videos from the Denver show! These are very high quality! Highly recommended!

Adam dancing with Brooke

Band Intro

Adam performing SOAKED (but sideways)


Anonymous said...

AL - what he does (for us, to us), what he's capable of...on so many levels...lawdy, it just aint right :)...Death by Adam

The band - all kinds of awesome, all kinds. LP - LOVING. Monte - Brill (and hoping his wife is coping okay and Monte is using skype/video conferencing and all of modern technology to be in touch w/ those new twins and his family!)

Off to bed, I've done about as much catching up as I can do...eyes closing...will pay tomorrow...have fun playing you folks in other time zones, 24/7 is such a fun playground isn't it?!


Sandy said...

I love that dance with Brooke. So sexy.

Anonymous said...

Good night to you MassGlamFan. Sweet Adam dreams!

Oh I thought these were tonight's concert (which I didn't know there wasn't one).

But it's HQ so it's worth watching.

Anonymous said...

Good night to you, MassGlamFan. Sweet Adam dreams!

Oh and I thought these videos were from tonight's concert (which I then realized there wasn't a concert tonight.)

They're HQ quality so I guess they're worth watching!

Anonymous said...

Smooth moves Adam, very s e x y!:)... just cheered me up!!! Ok, already... got your message loud & clear!... pls keep on reminding me though because I have an attention span of a bird!:)... sometimes!... but seriously... I just love hearing it from you over and over again!:)

Anonymous said...

Soaked and Can't Let You Go are the most vocally challenging of all of his songs for Adam. I'd love to hear anyone else TRY to come near him on either song. Absolutely beautiful.
Brings tears to my eyes whenever I hear either. What a talent this man has. The voice of an angel. How lucky we are.

Anonymous said...

Glamily, here is Adam's photo shoot with Lee Chery from ET. Enjoy and don't forget to tune in tonight ET is gonna air the whole thing on TV, lets give our boy his ratings by watching. LOve you Glamily!

Anonymous said...

oh, forgot to initial above post!
here is the link again

Anonymous said...

Glamily: here are the some of the photos from ET, yummy!O_O


Anonymous said...

Having sore neck after watching "Soaked". Now have to go to a chiropractor.

Anonymous said...

OK, I have watched the dancing with Brooke video over and over...for a number of reasons. ha! But my question is - at the end he says - sorry about it...I don't know. Can anyone who was there put that comment in context? It doesn't make any sense. What's he sorry about? He seems to be somewhat apologetic. Can anyone explain the context? I didn't see anything that required apology.

GlammyLadybug said...

I must say, the Adam/Brooke interaction is as hot (and believable) as the Adam/Tommy one! Shall I be confused? Noo.. just enjoying some great all/bi/non-gendered entertainment. Soo good for night/day dreaming! Love them all.

Anonymous said...

I liked Brooke's flirt and Adam's reaction. Don't know what the "sorrY" comment was about either.

Anonymous said...

If Tommy and Brooke have something..

Anonymous said...

I was at the Denver concert. At that point, Adam might have been exhausted. He didn't have much left because of the altitude adjustment. He was extremely energetic throughout the concert. His dancing is amazing, and that body is beautiful. He is so streamlined and buff, and wow he knows how to move. So so so so seeeexy. If you can possible go to one of his concerts even if you have to travel (I went 1,200 miles by car) and even if you have to use some savings to get a good ticket, GO. It's something you will have forever in your head. And it's all good.

Glitz and Sparkles said...

@July 19, 2010 7:13 PM
I can appreciate your travels...I am flying in from Honolulu to Vegas on 7/31. I know this is all worth it. Can't wait!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, my interpretation was Adam was still gettiin' his groove on, and Brooke went and sat down (maybe she was worn out, herself) and their little dance ended rather abruptly...? So Adam was, like, "huh - I had a bit more left in me, but you're leaving the party, so I guess we're done, then...?"

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I was there too and my take was something like 10:07 - the other dancers really had a performance bit prepared and Adam just stood and watched them bend and flip and really show their stuff. When it was Brooke's turn, Adam was flyin' and he just joined her and I think it was an impromtu pair-up that she was not prepared for and had been intending to do her thing alone. He is so darling - he is wound up and into the moment and doing what he feels and he felt like dancing with her. She appeared to kind of bow out and just say, "go for it,babe". And of course, being the sweetheart he is, he said "sorry". Don't know, of course, .... just what I felt, watching them and, OH, did I love watching it all. Another thing - Soaked - I know some bloggers have asked for quiet during that song but I did not get the feeling that he wanted that. He truly seemed to love the applause and cheering during the song and stopped for long moments and stared up at us and searched our faces and just "soaked" up the love - then closed his eyes and sang on. It inspiring and tender....I am crying while writing this.


Anonymous said...

Loved watching Brooke and Adam as well as he with Tommy.Some equal gender opportunity play! There's so much affection and friendship between them all and great comfort and trust between them. Soaked blows me away every time! When he pauses during the applause and looks so intently out at the audience, I get the feeling that he's soaking it all in, committing to memory this amazing outporing of love and acceptance of who he is and what he does and is in awe of what he has accomplished. I hope it will never diminish for him and he will always feel the love. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

hey coloforadam,

re.. stopped for long moments and stared up at us and searched our faces and just "soaked" up the love - then closed his eyes and sang on. It inspiring and tender....I am crying while writing this.
WOW loved and felt your GiG experience with Adam...thanks for that
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

ColoforAdam, Thanks for your moving Adam experience. Hearing about it firsthand is almost like being there and hearing your take on what you see and hear. Have you come down from cloud 9 yet? funbunn40

Anonymous said...

ColoforAdam: You made me cry reading your oh so heartfelt feelings. So glad you went and so very glad you got home safely.

Love and Light

Anonymous said...

Glitz and Sparkles - I saw on another site that Adam has added Hawaii to the tour near the end. Now you have a chance to see him twice and once in your own, um island.

coloforadam said...

Think I've moved on to Cloud 10, funbunn40. Just trying not to be edged by the snarky Denver Post review - NOT reflective of anything that I saw around me in the audience or in that amazing performance. The twit must have been getting extra bucks to make up stuff that would generate irate blogs and boy, did she get them. Hope Adam does not judge Denver by the pathetic scribbles of a failing newspaper but by the calm, intelligent responses of those who actually watched Adam perform Saturday night, and were overwhelmingly impressed. Adam does attract a high caliber of thinking, expressive fans who get exactly what he is trying to say and it is ALL GOOD and light! Thanks for your sweet responses!! It is my birthday tomorrow and I cannot think of a single moment of celebration over the years that have come close to the joy of drinking in the sights and sounds of last Sat. night. It was second only to the gift from Adam over the last 18 months of making me "want to listen to music again".

Anonymous said...

does that make you a LEO if so me Too....
mines 27th..
have a FUN day and come down and land when your ready lol
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

I'm a Leo too - July 24th! I'm giving myself a birthday present of 3 Adam concerts! Happy Birthday to coloforadam and glambrit isle of wight! Cant imagene a better gift than seeing and hearing Adam. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention that last year at this time saw Adam on the AI tour as a gift from a friend. Same friend gave me an early birthday gift of Fantasy Springs! From now on I will always associate my birthday with seeing Adam! adamluv

Anonymous said...

Denver press gave a snarky review? HUH?? Crowd stood the entire performance, and their applause and cheering was deafening. It was all good!! How could anyone not love his performance. I didn't read the review and not sure I want to. Those guys are just idiots with a license. Afterall, it's only their opinion.

Anonymous said...

OMG - my birthday is July 27th too! Love those Leos as much as I Love that Lambert (okay, stealing that one from you just on this post Glambrit).

@Adamluv - what a lovely birthday "association"!

@coloforadam - I am late to the party here, but thanks for your "review", thanks so much. And I agree about Adam's talents being a "gift" to us, that is always how I've thought about his emergence on the music scene, well said!!


ps. and just my POV - but man, I thought the vids from Denver showed a smokin' hot show!!!!!!! But not just hot, GOOD, a GOOD show. Just one more example in a long line of examples that illustrate needing to view/read media on AL oneself, and allow ones own visceral reaction to occur.

Anonymous said...

Well, I should have said "GREAT" show.

and also, I forgot to say Happy Birthday coloforadam... and HB to you others with birthdays upcoming too!


coloforadam said...

Thanks all - sweetest birthday wishes ever. No, not a Leo - on cusp between Leo and Cancer ... my gig for this year is to follow Adam's journey through the Universe of sun, stars and moons rising and study my special place in it all. There is a freedom of spirit that I did not have before the song and man were unleashed. The word that comes back to me over and over is just......graditude.

Anonymous said...

Happy,happy B-day Coloforadam! Can't believe so many Leos! I'm one too, August 11th, with my moon in Aquarius. No wonder all of us leos are so protective of our cub, Adam! All my good wishes to my fellow leos with your up coming B-days! I saw that snarky review and wrote a book about what I thought of it. Have to go back and see if they even published it. The moderator had to review and I didn't wait or mince any words. Someone on that site had a link to another review of the concert that was so well done with videos and comments from teen daughter. Took the sting out of the first idiotic non-musical revue. Two biased women that didn't have a clue wrote the first one. Oh, 4:52am! I'll never learn to go to bed. funbunn40