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Adam at a Gay Club!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, August 14, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, August 14, 2010

Adam just tweeted this a minute ago!

"At da gay club"


He also tweeted and thanked the crowd tonight:

"Ummm St John (Montreal) one of our best crowds yet!!!!! Beautiful faces. :) so diverse!! Thank u skater- lookin boys for smiling so pretty at me'. Lol another shot of Tequila!!!"


Anonymous said...

No surprise that Montreal was such a great crowd.
C'mon, Adam, do a cross country Canada tour. We're your
biggest fans!!

Anonymous said...

I totally with I could have afforded cover. He is in a club in my city, and I'm at home.. GAH!! lol

Oh well, I hope he's having fun! Montreal has a pretty awesome club scene.

Anonymous said...

Have fun, sweet Adam! I would have a shot of tequila with you if it was't so early in Azores (not 6:30AM yet). Good: both of us love Canada and Mexico, we have good taste... also, both of us love YOU! HA!

Anonymous said...

Hope Adam and Sasha and rest of glamily had a fun night out. Canada will certainly show him a good time. He deserves it!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Adam was magnificent on Montreal (St-Jean) tonight. The site was packed and we all had a party together. Adam gave us 1000% and we took it all in. Incredible night. Cam, Monte, Tommy and Longineu are amazing musicians. Adam LIVE is indeed out of this worldwide!!!

Anonymous said...

I think this is from last week before the radio interview - 8/12?

Anonymous said...

Oops! Sorry, looks like he is wearing same outfit.
1:02 am

Anonymous said...

look how pretty she is ?????

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think it's just the angle of the photo. But if you do a google image search for him you will see him dressed up in drag. Who cares? It looks like fun! lol

Anonymous said...

Hey! mods! Why are you allowing these 'snarky' remarks on this site? This ia an ADAM site!! Not GENERAL PUBLIC FORUM!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like he is having da time of his life. Lots of people in da club. Is that Sasha ? I bet she is having da good time too. OK, I better go, I can't think of anymore of da da

Anonymous said...

ADAM looks amazing! R&R at long last! Just renewing a taste of what ADAM will be loving on his International Glam Nation Tour!...Freedom and Glitter! It's going to be awesome!

Positivity all the way for ADAM, so ignore the negative comments.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah Adam! At last your having some fun!

Anonymous said...

Looking good! What happens at the club, stays at the club.

Anonymous said...

Well, I think this is the right thread for it... and sorry, I can't help myself to share...

That’s only for tha glam-sistahood.. the kinship of the bugle!
You puritans just keep away of this link!


Anonymous said...

GLb at 7:06

All I can say is WOW........thanks!!!!

Anonymous said...,wow, wow, what the hell? That is both sexy and funny! Not sure but I think I was laughing out of shock and nervousness. Don't get me wrong, I love it, it just shocked me initially. What show/song is that from?

I think I need more coffee now.

Good Job Glb!

Anonymous said...


It's like it has a mind of it's own !!!!!!!
This is one to be saved for future viewing.



Anonymous said...

Adam is just plain PRETTY!!!! LOVE HIM TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoa, now we know that was not a sock durning that citizen vein performance on youtube

Anonymous said...

So happy Adam is enjoying himself. What does "skater looking boys mean"? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

24/7 Admin: Why the exclamation point? Not that shocking to any of us. "Adam at a Gay Club!"

Anonymous said...

GLb thanks so much for that LOL!!! You read my mind! He always jumped so fast you couldn't see it till now! I know, get my mind out of the gutter...NOT!

Anonymous said...

Nothing gutter-ish about this...thinking about it, responding to it... it's called having a pulse... :)

Thanks GLb (your wording was a riot btw)... I do love me a good gif...that's called enjoying being alive, lol.

MGF :)

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv, I think "skater looking boys " means long shorts,baseball hats turned backwards and t-shirts worn by guys that skate-board. Ditto MGF! funbunn40