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Adam Lambert on Saturday Night Online!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, August 14, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, August 14, 2010

-First website he checks
-YouTube Videos
-Justin Bieber Collaboration
-Jersey Shore

Thanks adamholicholic for the video!


Anonymous said...

I really didn't care for this interview too much. They were supposed to ask questions that people had posed, but they didn't ask even one fan question. I honestly couldn't care less about Adam's Internet habits. Also, these interviewers should start doing their research and stop repeating questions over, and over again that he's already been asked (if I were Adam I'd start answering, that's already been asked, check YouTube for the answer :P). Of all the interviews I've seen of Adam, this is definitely not on my favourites list.

Anonymous said...

I tried to get on that website and my computer froze so after I rebooted I thought, forget it, it'll show up on YT. Glad I didn't miss much.

Following the twitterlist from The International Balloon Festival was much more entertaining.

For someone who doesn't speak another language per say, he sure brushed up on his french and from what the tweeters said, he spoke it very well

DC Canadian

Anonymous said...

yeah this interview was a bit too short and nothing new.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about Jersey Shore? I agree with something with content...minutes were wasted on that topic. Maybe this is an indication of the interviewer mentality. Better questions and topics could have been covered. oh well...

Anonymous said...

9:25, you wouldn't do good PR :)) Part of this whole deal is to answer those questions over and over. Sure, you and others on this site have heard them, but Adam is still a major enigma to the rest of the world. People visiting this site get saturated with Adam; they hear and see every interview and hear his music over and over. Most regular people only know Adam from his Idol experience if at all. So be a little patient with the interviewers. They are doing the best they can to ask interesting questions, and Adam is just a gem to never tire of answering with a great sense of humor.

Adam is unique to the world of entertainment. He is truly blazing new trials not only with his music but by showing the single gay lifestyle. I applaude him for his honesty and courage to be true to himself. He will make the road easier for other who follow.

Can't wait to see Adam in Houston and look forward to partying preshow. Now, if only I could actually meet the man, or even get close enough to take a good picture. My dream would be a picture with him.

Anonymous said...

ahem, I meant blazing new trails ^^&&(*)(*&^ On that note, think I'll blaze a path to be beddie

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous 11:25PM
Hi there, you made a very interesting point here, and I think you are absolutely right!!!!
Are you a texan? I loved my 2 years living at Austin-TX, but it was 1980-82. Austin is quite a very big city now, but I guess people is still so charming! Oh, I miss my «lone star» experience, really!

Anonymous said...

I am interested in his internet habits and what websites he visits. Hope he would have said 24/7, but doubt it. Between Adam Official and twitter, no time for us. Think the interviewer was more interested in Jersey Shore and Twilight than the GNT. adam charming as usual. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:25pm - you are absolutely right, I wouldn't do good PR lol. I pity the soul who ever has to interview me :P

That said, it's not so much about repeating the same questions over and over, as it is not delivering what was promised. SNO said they would be asking viewer questions. SNO did not ask viewer question. That simple really.

I still couldn't care less what his Internet habits are, and what TV shows he watches - though I do understand there are people out there that do.

Anonymous said...

Oh, also, who would ever suggest a Justin Beiber/Adam Lambert collaboration? I mean really. Their music shares nothing in common, and neither do their singing styles. And also, though some of their demographic does overlap, the both still have large groups of fans that only like one or the other.

A Lady Gaga collaboration - now that would be something.

Anonymous said...

The questions about Gaga are just as boring. If you want something new ask Gaga about Adam for a change.

Anonymous said...

They ask about Twilight and Jersey Shore because young people are supposed to watch these series. Whoever it is that make these decisions on behalf of the consumer. Is this Jersey Shore on MTV?

Anonymous said...

This interview might be where he wore those laced up leather pants and hot leather trimmed coat.. Hope this interview shows up on Utube soon. Will be checking!

Anonymous said...

This interview took place when he was in PA, the laced up pants interview was in Montreal. I agree with Adam, The Jersey Shore is so moronic I can't for the life of me figure out why it's so popular. Also, I'm from Jersey and I hate that we are always represented to seem like ignorant dbags. I wonder if Gaga is asked dumb questions about Twilight and The Jersey Shore?

Anonymous said...

UGH. "justin beiber collaboration"? that caption scared the s@#$t out of me! thank goodness adam said he doesnt see it happenning.
a collab. with B.O.B. that would be interesting. i do like him.
and with Gaga. that would be pretty epic

Anonymous said...

holy moly did the interviewer even come up for air...she talked so fast i struggled to keep up ha ha.....

chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx