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Adam Lambert Debuts "20th Century Boy"!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Adam performs "20th Century Boy" (a song by T. Rex, written by Marc Bolan) for the first time at the Warner Theater in Erie, PA.

Thanks suz526 for the video!

Lyrics for the song:

Friends say it's fine, friends say it's good
Ev'rybody says it's just like rock'n'roll
I move like a cat, talk like a rat
Sting like a bee, babe I wanna be your man
Well it's plain to see you were meant for me, yeah
I'm your boy, your 20th century toy

Friends say it's fine, my friends say it's good
Ev'rybody says it's just like rock'n'roll
Fly like a plane, love like a car
Hold lots of hands, babe I wanna be your man - oh
Well it's plain to see you were meant for me, yeah
I'm your toy, your 20th century boy

20th century toy, I wanna be your boy
20th century toy, I wanna be your boy
20th century toy, I wanna be your boy
20th century toy, I wanna be your boy

Friends say it's fine, friends say it's good
Ev'rybody says it's just like rock'n'roll
Move like a cat, talk like a rat
Sting like a bee, babe I wanna be your man
Well it's plain to see you were meant for me, yeah
I'm your toy, your 20th century boy

20th century toy, I wanna be your boy
20th century toy, I wanna be your boy
20th century toy, I wanna be your toy
20th century boy, I wanna be your toy


Anonymous said...

Yes, he's awesome! He did it again! This is what rock is all about!

Anonymous said...

I Loved It! Loved It! Loved It!

Anonymous said...

Oh jesus crazy, I love this song.

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah! I just saw this on twitter and I was about to post the link! Great job 24/7... Rock on Adam! Man you should have done this @ Mahnomen...


Jane said...

OMG did he really sing that song?!!!! was it toniight? how did the video leak so fast????

Anonymous said...

yeah I was wondering how the video got up so fast.......

that's amazing.

Anonymous said...


JakeL said...


Maria said...

That was so good....!!!

Going to rewatch it after I shower. That was hot!

Anonymous said...

love it oh my god- adam lambert is terrific singer-he can sing anything.

Anonymous said...

Wooo! we are lovin the eastern time... because it's still early here and we got the premier of the new encore!!! TCB!

That was amazing and Adam looks soooooo amazing too!!! Ok Adam, you'll be my man and my boy toy!:)) Adam pick a song with these lyrics and we will have a heyday with it... lol

Btw, thanks Suz and 24/7 for the video!

Anonymous said...

OMFG - I want that Fu*ckin' rockstar

Anonymous said...

Yeah Adam I wanna be your toy!!!!!!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Holy frickin' shit man! Nothing like changin' it up to keep things fresh and to keep us fans hot and bothered. Seeing this new twist makes me want to find a way to get to another show of his.

I'm with you Anon 8:41...I love being West Coast when he's out East or even middle of the country. We get to go to bed having seen all the good bits.

Thank you to suz526 for putting up the videos so darn fast!!!!

Anonymous said...

What? No WWL? I see him in Sept. and I just gotta hear him do it live. This was really good though.


Anonymous said...

Fans - check out YouTube for 20thCB from Marc Bolan, Placebo, Velvet Goldmine, cover with Placebo/Bowie, etc... So much insight into Lambert to be found... Right down to the mouth popping in WLL at the glitterbarn last week (well, maybe :)??)

Anonymous said...

I wanna be your toy too, my «21» Century «Diamond» Boy, but please don't play with me like this... no more GNT shots of WWL from now on??? Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

I mean WLL, not «wwl», sorry, just wake up and I'm kind of panic... thinking about no more Glambrit IOWUK's «glambugle»... Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

so this was the encore instead of WLL. Guess he wanted to do something new. It's is interesting but a strange silly piece of music. Adam can sing anything and make it sound great, but I don't get this one. Is this a cover? Many of you seem to already know this song???

Anonymous said...

OMFG!!! Is there nothing he can't do?!?!? Rhetorical question of course! Suz, you're amazing! That was totally smokin'. I wish the sound was better, but I'm still grateful we got to see it at all. Thanks again, Suz. V

Anonymous said...

MGF is this the UTube video you are talking about--??

glitzylady said...

WELL!!!!! Gotta say I REALLLLLY liked that song.....Holy s**t!!!!! Since Adam Fix isn't here to say it: Damn you Adam Lambert!!!!!......You did it again.....I WAS going to bed, but NOW I have to watch it... again....Sleep is something that is becoming a rare treat for me these days.....And how can one sleep after hearing Adam's rendition, complete with his bold, sexy, rockstar moves....My eyes are wide open now.....And I love hearing him sing something "new", not that I don't love WLL (let me count the ways I love it...)...He just really owned that stage, as he always does, but something about the way he was rocking it with that song was just unbelievably Alpha Male sexy hot.....guess I got my point across so will I get into trouble...its late at night (and I can't sleep...LOL) and all of my common sense just went out the window with this the figurative hand goes over the figurative mouth and the headphones go back on....and thanks Suz526 once again...and 24/7... and Adam....

Anonymous said...

I love hearing Adam sing just about anything, but this song just is not to my taste. Of course, he still is as mesmerizing as always performing it, and I do love it when he rocks out.

Anonymous said...

I thought this song was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO great and a fantastic job. It reminds me that Randy Jackson said Adam should make a rock album, and as much as I love my cd, there is still a part of me that would have loved a solid rock album also. Adam's voice just naturally does so well singing a solid rock song and it suits his voice. But, I'll take whatever we can get.

Anonymous said...

I'm so ecstatic about this. This is it, the original glam rock. There were no hippies where I grew up in europe in the early 70's. The older people would dance tango and the kids would listen to Sweet, Gary Glitter, T-Rex, Alice Cooper and Suzy Quatro. I was about 9-10 years old then and I even had black nail polish. Not from Biba though, since i didn't live in the UK.

Anonymous said...

By the way, the lyrics are "Ev'rybody says it's just like Robin Hood" and that's what AFL is by giving this to us. I guess not all north americans know what glam rock is, but this is what it was, so maybe u should try to get used to it.

MiMi said...


Anonymous said...

I have mixed feelings about this song. I love to see Adam rock it out, but this does sound like a silly song esp. after reading the lyrics. I guess he is trying out new material and will judge the reaction of the audience to it. All in all, whatever Adam Lambert does, he just is such an awesome perfomer both musically and visually.

Anonymous said...

We were silly back in the 70's, because we had fun. Even without drugs.

Anonymous said...

anon 6.13
yeah but we had even MORE FUN with Drugs

Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to feel that the former hippies are now like the most conservative people were in my youth, not very tolerant.

glitzylady said...

In the light of day, still liking that song,and although I have to agree it doesn't have a lot of "substance" as far as the lyrics go, it was just fun!!! It was a great way to end his concert in a really upbeat way....and he probably needed a break from WLL, its got to be hard to improvise a new way of singing WLL night after night (not that I ever tire of that...) In addition to Adam taking on that "rockstar" persona, something that he does so well, I think it took me back to that time last year (eons ago now) during his Idol phase when we were all looking forward to the next week and "What is Adam going to do this time, what song is he going to change up and/or improve upon and make his own??? Who will he be tonight???" Makes me want to see that number up on the screen so that I can vote for him again!!!! He is still the best!!! I appreciate that he gave us something "new" and he and the band had fun doing it....And he really can "move like a cat"....

Anonymous said...

This is rock n roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Here's another video I found of Adam Performing "20th Century Man from last night in Erie, PA. The audio is better - so his vocals really show off. Fans please check this one out as well.

Anonymous said...

No current artist can do rock like Adam! Please give us more! And MFG, I'm forming the line right behind you! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Wow. Wow. Wow. FINALLY!!!!!! This is what we're looking for, Adam doing real, hard, edgy glam rock, just like the originals. I only hope he "gets" it for his next album and does more of this rock 'n' roll classic hard-ass stuff, and less frilly Gaga pop. There just isn't anyone else on the scene right now who can let it rip like this. He really should work with Slash. I'd like to see Adam do a cover of "Sweet Child 'Mine," that's for sure...

Anonymous said...

Or Paradise City..

glitzylady said...

Okay....can't get this song out of my head...just dancing through my day! If there was any hope for m me before,it's gone now...over the edge andinto the abyss!

Anonymous said...

NO Adam please dont EVER do a version of "Sweet Child 'Mine," EVER

Anonymous said...

Especially like the beginning with Monte rocking out! These talented musicians must love getting to play a new song. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

For those of you unfamiliar with this, it is from Marc Bolan, AKA T. Rex, beautiful, androgynous, Brit glam boy from the early 70's. CLASSIC GLAM. Look him up. Also great -- "Bang A Gong" and "Jeepster" ("Oh, Girl, I'm just a Jeepster for your lo-ove.")

LOVE Marc Bolan and am so happy to see this! But damn, Adam, I just saw ya a few nights before! Couldn't you have done it then?? Now I have to get a ride to see you again! (What a hardship!)

I agree-we need a ROCK and an accoustic CD. I know ya like dance-pop, but it's not good enough for your talents. Adam. (JMO)

Anonymous said...

"Sweet Child 'Mine," is the cornest cringest song ever made yuk!!

Anonymous said...

Adam has said numerous times in interview that Velvet Goldmine is his fav movie (when he HAS to name a fav). Just saw it last weekend for first time - Philosophical, Timewarp, Inspiration stuff - watch and know Adam a little better. This song is in the movie. We all have dreams of what he will perform - for me, right now, it's Ray of Light, like he did in the sound check in Iowa. It's holding all over the Internet/World. Even when he is just playin' around, he is breath taking, heart stopping pure amazement. I can see why no one is stepping up to sing with him in any sort of duet situation - he would have to tone it down and they would have to sing for their lives!!

Anonymous said...

I loved the debut song, and was wondering if he was saving his voice, WLL has some rather high notes to sing, and this song does not.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

One of the most beautiful versions of SOAKED i've ever heard. Especially at 2:12. MY GOD! this artist! this man! this talent! this VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like i'm watching a rare soul perform a once in a lifetime song. THANK YOU SUZ 526!!!!!!!! YOU are also a genius!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I went to Ytube to see if there was a video with better sound for this & there was. Visuals not as good as SUZ526 but sound was fantastic ... uploaded by .. fiercealien' .. check it out! NEVER heard this song before but I LOVE IT! ADAM!!! KING of GLAM ROCK!!


Anonymous said...

I WANT IT ALL!! He just needs to make separate albums for all of our tastes, rock,pop,glam,musical theatre, etc. I would listen to and buy all of them. Even Memphis Blues would stir my soul. Go for all of it Adam!! funbunn40

glitzylady said...

@funbunn40 at 11:26 pm

I like it!!! Then at least Randy Jackson couldn't describe Adam's album as "confusing" like he described it when it came out, because it contained different genre's of music instead of a specific "type". Wasn't at all confusing to ME, and since I pretty much like everything he does, I too would buy them all....Great solution, funbunn40....And it wouldn't surprise me if that eventually happens....And am looking forward to the Acoustic EP and the new album coming up next year, whatever it is he comes up with...

Anonymous said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! Although anon 4:00 I so totally agree when he did the Madonna song ""Ray of Light, when he did in the sound check in Iowa-one word: EPIC!!! This is my #1 pick.

Adam would totally blow "Sweet Child of Mine" out of the water with his vocals. I would LOVE to hear Adam's rendition!

I agree anon 9:31, I also found thIS other vid to be better audio and very clear and up close vid:



Glitz and Sparkles said...

Awesome Adam at it again!!! Everything he sings is magical. LOVE LOVE it...yes it's in my head too!!! Yeah, I will have sweet dreams tonite.

Anonymous said...

Adam singing Ray of Light

V.S. Madonna:

Adam wins hands down!


Anonymous said...

@daydreaminmylif - thanks so much for the links - dayum, you're the best!!!!!!

@tess4ADAM - I have that version, fiercealien', saved on my iPod favorites list :), great audio indeed.

@funbunn40 & glitzylady - you peeps are SMART!


(Glad you're back and feeling better Glitz &Sparkles)

Anonymous said...

adam please don't sing a sweet child of mine, it cannot stand the test of time unlike most of the original Glam Rock songs.

Anonymous said...

Can't get this song out of my head now that I have heard it. Adam is so in the zone during this number. Notice the smile on his face throughout, that look of satisfaction, of knowing he is rockin' it out and enjoying every minute of it. He can do it all with that voice. Adam Lambert is one stylish, edgy, charismatic, talented performer and thanks for these vids that let us go along on his journey to rock super stardom.

Suz (not THAT said...

Anon 3:24

I'd love to hear Adam sing Jeepster just for that "...n I'm gonna suuuuuuck ya!" at the end.

Anonymous said...

Haha, love this site and everybody on it! What passion of what our BB sings! He really does have it all and lights our fire!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Suz (not THAT - LOOL!!!! It seems like Suz is very popular now. I gotta tell her :D