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Glam Nation Tour in Erie, Pennsylvania (Warner Theatre)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Glam Nation Tour Mirror image mini-poster (Photo Credit: slightly_askew)

"20th Century Boy"

"20th Century Boy"! (another version)










Anonymous said...

Woooooooow! Suz526 and 24/7 are really doing us a huge favor! It's only 9:21 PM here and we are already getting the youtube videos of tonight's show!!! SWEET!:))

Jane said...

yeah we're being spoiled!!! *loves it*

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This song is from Adams fav Movie "Velvet Goldmine" Google it its great.

Anonymous said...

Sorry talking about "20th Century Boy"

Anonymous said...

Sweet dreams everyone... seen it all already and that was another or better yet an extra epic show tonight!!! Thanks Adam for simply... just being you!:)) A very gifted you!

Anonymous said...

Late here EST. Too tired to paste in links, but check out 20th Century boy on YT... T-Rex / Marc Bolan / Placebo / Velvet Goldmine / Brian Molko / cover with Placebo & Bowie ... insight into Adam IMHO

20thCB blistering hot to me, great concert, great vids


Anonymous said...

Hey, the amazing Suz526 is back! But go on mndchngr's YT channel too (better sound quality vids; good for converting to mp3).
Epic show indeed! How can he(they) top himself(themselves) show after show? That's a mistery. :)

Aaand the hot boy Terrance finally went on twitter :)


glitzylady said...

Posted my reaction to 20th Century Boy on the previous thread (suffice it to say I LIKED it...) and its nice to have TWO versions here......thanks MGF for the links....also too tired to look tonight but will check it out tomorrow...can we lengthen the day from to 24 to 36 hours just to fit all of this in....What with work, family and Adam, just not enough time....not to mention sleep....what to do....

Anonymous said...

That's too much for me to handle on line. I wanna be there!
AdamLambert PreshowDancing Erie Aug10 2010

Glitz and Sparkles said...

So much to catch up on....but will save these vids for tomorrow. I need a week to catch up with this site and am in need of sleep...what's that??? Something I never get when I'm on 24/7 that's for sure.
After the Vegas show, came down with some fierce 'but' and am now almost back to my 'normal'. Been on meds and not in the 24/7 world....that was bizarre and hard to deal with.
So I'm back....kinda.
Ooops sorry meant 'bug' above....need some zzzzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

I'm literally crying... (Suz526)

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:48, thanks for the vid. I believe that Adam never imagined that he would be such a hit among so many different kinds of people in so many countries. I think he reminds us of the our hippie phase of life, and as for younger generations, he is the rebel they all want to be. He is joy and energy, love and music. Talent and perfection. Discipline and hard work.

Anonymous said...

oh Adam...I so looked forward to the Erie was wonderful,of course!! went straight to your bus last night-no posing for pics, or autographs, and we waited for you!! ahh, you let your fans down!! maybe you were tired...we forgive you...still a great show!!!

coloforadam said...

Oh Sweeeeeeeeeeeet!! Knowing how much Adam LOVES to perform, it must have felt so good to do something different ... you rocked it babe, like EVERTHING you do!! Wish you could add Ray of Light at some point - listen to that sound check from IA, over and over!!

Anonymous said...



Ads appear at the top of page...and I can't get to the first article's comment section.


glitzylady said...

Just click on the title of the thread....the main title...I finally realized that works. The adds don't cover it entirely. Try it and see!

glitzylady said...

Or go to "Recent Log Posts" to the right side of the site.....that will take you to the comments as well for each thread.....

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all these vids. For those of us unable to get tickets to any of his shows, this is the next best thing to actually being there. Adam Lambert is one awesome performer both musically and visually. His audience connection is pure electricity. There is a heat wave moving across the country this summer and it is Adam Lambert. He certainly raises my temperature and gives me FEVER!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Glitzylady for Ad solutions, as I have the same annoying problem as anon 9:56am. The ad even covers the main title of the thread. Too bad they couln't move it up higher on the page. I don't even read the ad, but it obviously has a purpose. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Glitz and Sparkles, Ohh, sorry you " picked up a bug" and am glad you're better. Sometimes bad bugs can cause a fierce but*, lol, but being sick certaily isn't funny. MGF and others always good links. Another great song from Adam, 20th Century Boy! Enjoy these videos and comments so much! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Love to see Adam rockin' it out on 20th Century Boy! He certainly looked like he was in the zone and having a terrific time on stage. I just want to get up from this chair and computer and dance around to it. That's the Adam Lambert I want to hear more of esp. from this new album he will be working on for the spring. Enjoying all the videos that have been posted.

Anonymous said...

Glad to know I'm not the only one having trouble - and being frustrated - with those ads at the top of each page! 10:52 - I tried clicking on the title(when I can see it) and nothing happened. Still had the ads. :-( Anyone have any other ideas????

BTW - Loved 20th Century Boy! But will miss WLL. Saw a GREAT WLL at Costa Mesa #2 and am now going to one his concerts in Hawaii. Guess I'll see TCB then.

glitzylady said...

Hmmmm....did you scroll down to see if the comments are there???? I know this sounds nuts but it works....The page doesn't change in appearance, and will fool you...I just recently found I could do that....Also, you can go to the "Recent Posts" column on the right hand side of the page, usually a little ways down and click on the appropriate post brings up the thread and the comments page at the same time....I PROMISE that I am telling the truth..."pinky swear" !!!!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't start out as a fan of Soaked, but over time he has mesmerized me. Fierce vocals! This vid is amazing. He could even sing Opera if he so desired!


Anonymous said...

Amazing!!!!!$. Watching TCB mant times. New to me. I agree, I hope Adam will have more Rock on his new CD. But I will buy anything Adam !!!!
Love him MORE everyday!!!!
Can't wait to see him in Sep.
Israeli fan