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Excited Dancer at Adam Lambert's Glam Nation Tour stop in Erie, PA

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, August 13, 2010

Posted at : Friday, August 13, 2010

This was one of the many excited audience members that attended Adam Lambert's GlamNation concert in Erie, Pennsylvania on Tuesday, August 10th 2010.

Thanks to Razvanet2!


Carlos said...

A little TOO excited don't you think?

Anonymous said...

lol, that's adorable

Anonymous said...

That's so cute...

Anonymous said...

haha... he is soooooo high on life or something! :)) Good for him!!!

Anonymous said... that something in his pocket!!!!!!! thank god he was in was in a boxed area

double cringe......the bee gees
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Re..6.39 WTF CUTE!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thats pretty disgusting horrid he has an erection

Anonymous said...

Excited is right. Dude made a tent. haha

Anonymous said...

how can someone acting like a drunken fool with an erection be Cute or fools

Anonymous said...

8:41 pretty disgusting actually..where your eyes were.

Anonymous said...

9.01 you can't frickin miss it its in the middle of the pic!

Anonymous said...

6:32, 6:39 and 7:41 are ages 10, 11 and 12 respectively. 7:01 Oh yea, he's on something alright. Viagra come to mind?

Anonymous said...

Yah, I had a wild chicken like that in front of me in Denver. I guess you could call it enthusiasm but he was glassy-eyed drunk or high and really thought he was the star and we were there to watch him.

Anonymous said...

His mom's gonna be so proud to see this on YouTube. haha

Anonymous said...

C'mon you guys. Give him a break. It might only come up when he whistles. You all know what a turn on that can be in the middle of the night.

Anonymous said...

9:09 Wild chicken. Never heard that before, but it's burned into my brain now. Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

9:08 yah, ok that's another form of a drug... that will do! The things we do or think of if we're home alone and bored!:)... Blog

Anonymous said...


Glitz and Sparkles said...

I love the enthusiasm and spontaneity...

glitzylady said...

My son's girlfriend had a similar dude right behind her at the Seattle concert...wasn't pretty...and in those very tight general admission... in the 6th row....with sauna-like conditions....well, you can just least this guy had lots of room for all of burst forth....and be viewed by thousands....Adam's fans come in all shapes and.... sizes....indeed....Can you blame him?????

Anonymous said...

glitzylady: I'm impressed. You can really put a lot of words into one sentence by just using a lot of ...

My brain doesn't work that way but it works well for you.:)

Sorry about your son's girlfriend and her experience.

Anonymous said...

Ok, multi-anon whoever you are, you are so hilarious! I should be paying you just to read your comments and you should be doing something with that talent/wit! Just wicked!:))

LILY said...

That's kind of interesting and funny.

My fellow 24/7ers, don't be so mean to him. He's just having fun!

Anonymous said...

OMG he had a boner!!! LOL

glitzylady said...

@anon at 9:55pm

Only happens occasionally after a couple of glasses of Chardonnay and watching Adam's videos...deadly combination...leaves one unable to speak or type in complete sentences...

Anonymous said...

OMG you guys this thread is too funny! I can't believe this guy...what was he doing before he stood up?


Anonymous said...

haha!!Adam does the same thing this fool was doing !!lol twins....

Anonymous said...

what a saddo! if that what happens while listening to the bee gees wtf then theres is no hope for the prick guy. yuk f""""in YUK
i wish i had not seen this, i had beautiful visions of this wonderful theatre, now spoiled and tarnished by this trailer trash jerk.

Anonymous said...

I read the other guy from Tokio Hotel said he took an overdose of viagra. How dumb.

Anonymous said...

I know we all get excited in anticipation of seeing Adam, but this is ridiculous! Wonder if he's proud and bragging after seeing this all over the web or embarrassed. Feel sorry for his family. Hope he went to the ER if it lasted more than 4hrs. or he won't have to worry about that condition ever again. lol funbunn40