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Glam Nation Tour in Las Vegas!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, August 1, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, August 01, 2010



Band Dancer Intro and the STMNBN

Voodoo/Down the Rabbit Hole/Ring of Fire





Band Interlude, Sure Fire Winners




Once again, thanks suz526 for the videos!


Anonymous said...

what the hell does STMNBN mean?? seroiously i wish people would JUST TYPE!!

LIVA said...

I think it's for us to guess!! lol

Anyone knows?

coloforadam said...

The sound check - how fun!! Loved it!! Having followed these guys all over the country this Summer (on line), so cool to see them just being themselves. He is so "in charge", such a mastermind who knows how things are supposed to be but he is so calm and professional in dealing others. That looked like a great stage - the one I got to see in Denver was so small - they had no room to move around but this looked terrific!!

7788 said...

coloforadam - lol you got me! I thought "What?! you've been going to the Glam Nation Tour all summer!? How lucky! Then you said "online" and i was like " too!" hehe..

yeah it's been such an amazing ride and the soundcheck video is really interesting. :D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This was Adam's 40th show in 57 days, and he still seems to be sharp, however his voice sounded a bit challenged in some places. In his two radio interviews prior to this show, he sounded a bit hoarse. I know we all are dying to see him and get the opportunity to hear his beautiful voice in person, but I can't help think that maybe the powers that be should've paced it out a bit more. He's got quite a long road ahead, just dont want him to get burnt out.

Not hating on him, so cool your jets. Just feelin' some compassion towards another fellow human being.

I want to see Adam performing 20+ years from now; it's about longevity.

Anonymous said...

The coolest venue yet! I have one problem though... there is a big steel post in the middle of the stage! or is it just Suz angle?

Overall, as always Adam delivers manificently!!!

BTW, Suz526 thanks! you're doing an excellent job!...and to everyone else who took videos from venue to venue!

LIVA said...

Anon 10:32...

I have to agree with you. Adam's voice sounded a bit different than his usual and some places are challenged. I hope he takes some rest soon. I know it's part of his job to tour but I do want to see him touring in the next 20 years etc. So it's really bad to strain or damage the voice now.

But when you think about it, Adam's been touring for months and it's barely showing signs of weakness. He's really powerful and I'm sure him and his experts know how to deal with it. I just hope he rests his voice more and do less interviews.

Anonymous said...

I read someplace that Adam wasnt feeling well last nite (maybe not true) and I've only watched Fever so far. IMO it was a very restrained version with not only no kiss but no lick either. Tommy didnt seem into it either. I remember what GlammyLadyBug said some time back, watch if Adam is "pumped up" when he descends the stairs and we will know if Tommy gets "any action". Boy was she right, IMO. Now to go watch my other favorites and wait for the fan reviews! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

STMNBN = Song That Must Not Be Named (in Suz's own words)


Anonymous said...

Wow, if Adam was sick then maybe that's why no Tommy lick!!?? Makes perfect sense to me! I agree with you 10:32 Anon...I wish Adam would get more weekday breaks to rest those beautiful vocals. I wish I could go to more concerts...this is killin me having to watch all this excitement from afar...:(


Anonymous said...

Daydreaminmylif, Thanks for the decoding! But I still dont understand why it would be used and not IIHY. These 4 letters are shorter to type. Can someone explain please. At least there was some "action" in this song! Tommy still looked bummed at the end. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice that around 3:13 in the beginning of WLL, he's actually talking to someone above (Longineau??) and it seems they aren't paying attention - so he seems irritated, shakes his head, then says something to Monte and Monte shakes his head too. Something wasn't right and Adam didn't seem happy. Was still a great WLL tho! As they're walking off the stage, Monte kind of pats Adam on the back too. Seemed something was amiss. People said there were some sound problems, so maybe that was the trouble. Mmmm -

Anonymous said...

Actually it was more around 3:03 that Adam is talking to someone above him in WLL. Anyone else have thoughts on this?? He just seems frustrated -

Anonymous said...

I can see what some folks are commenting about the strain. He is a bit horse or is it the recording quality? I am by no means complaining about them(I enjoy them very much) however I did see him in person and there is a huge quality diferance!! He was not himself tonight in any of these songs In my opinion; if he was not feeling well that would not surprize me one bit. He changed up all most every song on a lower key. I am not judging either...I just hope his team of people watch his back and give him breaks he needs to do this many concerts. He is in such demand $$$$ however his health and voice has to come first. Alot goes on behind the sceanes we do not see. He is only human after all.

Anonymous said...

"STMNBN = Song That Must Not Be Named (in Suz's own words)


hahah. Thanks! I was wondering about that...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Suz and 24/7!!!

Anonymous said...

I was at that concert and he DID NOT hold back on any vocals. It brought tears to my eyes and the many people around me. Maybe he wasn't as showy . I can't answer that. But he rocked Las Vegas with his vocals. I believe that is where his concentration was.
It was nothing less than FANTASTIC!!!!!
Adam was well.

Anonymous said...

Why shouldnt the song be named??? clue a sistah in please.

Anonymous said...

They had a few technical difficulties with Montis guitar when he switched. Answer to above question.

Anonymous said...

so because his guitar had issues IIHY is now being called STMNBN?? WTF?? Some of you glitter grannies make no sense whatsoever...

Anonymous said...

It has to be 100 degrees in Vegas. Adam lost the coat for voodoo and those leather pants had to be soaked with sweat. This pace is grueling, especially in this heat. His comments seemed more natural tonight and not as rehearsed. As for something above frustrating him, LP is leaving. Wonder if there is some friction there. Saw somewhere that LP wanted fans to request a drum solo. Wonder if he feels he's not getting enough "me" time to showcase his skills as Monte, but his guitar solos fit the flow of the show. Adam is afterall the center and he is generous with each dancer individually showing their skills at the introductions. I don't ever recall any individual attention being brought to dancers in other shows. Adam is always generous recognizing other performers. Hope LP realizes how much exposure he will be giving up by leaving this tour. He's good and I hate to see him go. The formal announcement is supposed to occur tomorrow. Too bad. He's always been great mingling with fans. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I love the music at the interlude before Sure Fire Winners. Easy to listen to and enjoy. Monte is stellar! Hope Tommy's Dad is hanging in there and is being kept comfortable. Wondering also how Adam_Smile is doing and Phyliss that posts on this site. Thinking of all of them today and wishing them wellness and comfort. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:57, What was that comment about - "glitter grannies"? Is that an attack against his older fans or am I missing something? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Yes- can see a difference. I've heard that LV is hell on voices not used to the climate. I hope it is nothing serious.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:57
Just because a post shows up after yours doesn't mean it is in response to you. There were other questions above yours. In response to your question, IIHY isn't used for the same reason the whole title isn't...because the video would be pulled by TPTB (The Powers That Be, in case you don't know that one, either). Even if you hadn't used the term "glitter grannies", I would have known that you are quite young. You need to grow up and show some respect to others.

Anonymous said...

STMNBN (song that must not be named), a while back from reading MJSbigblog, everytime someone posted IIHY on utube it got pulled, so suz526 started putting those letters to get past the sensors. Also re the 'talking to someone' in WLL, there was quite a few tweets from that show saying Adam was getting annoyed with the sound people not doing what he was signalling, so I think its them he's getting frustrated with, not Longineau.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

is there a reason why "SOAKED" is also not titled on youtube? Do they pull SOAKED out of YouTube all the time too?

Does that mean they are hinting that SOAKED may be the next single?

Anonymous said...

Anon 6;14 and HK fan, Thank you both for clarifying the letters used for IIHY! I had no idea ! OT but read tweets from Sasha, Taylor and David Immerman ( Allisons guitarist) saying that Vegas has been their favorite place to perform. Maybe they said that about other places and I just havent seen those ? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

LMAO - Adam looks like an old guy in his rehearsal outfit!! Too funny. But hey, look what he wears every single night. He probably wants to wear the schlepiest, most comfortable clothes when he's not performing or doing an interview!

I also thought there was not the explosive energy in this Vegas performance...but I didn't watch all the clips...just a couple of the songs, so I may not be making an educated statement. WLL seemed very restrained to me and I agree, his voice didn't sound as...clear and usual.

Poor Adam - I hope you're not getting totally worn out! Although, if you were, everyone would understand.

- Adam Fix

Glitz and Sparkles said...

My first concert...and I think Adam was under the weather. Heard that he flew into Vegas just before the 6pm-ish sound check. He did not ride the bus to Las Vegas. There might have been some San Diego-CA commitment?
Early in the show when the lights dimmed - forget which song he went back to the stair area and bent over.. Tommy came and kinda quickly patted his back. Something was definitely wrong. It was also VERY VERY HOT which probably contributed to the situation.

Also early in the show he motioned to the stage hands and pointed to his ear piece--think the sound was not right. I've heard prior references to the helium-sound in some other concerts...and I definitely picked up on that last night. BUT THE CONCERT was fabulous and the crowd was humongous. Heard there were 5400 tickets sold. It was such a FUN venue..standing in the water (by choice). My husband found a cabana and lounged in there with his own personal screen...that was the perfect spot for him. Suz526 was on the right side of the stage and the stage column interferred with her video. I was on the left side and the crowd was crazy loud. Today I have no voice...
I am no longer a Glam Nation Concert virgin!! More later..
Just wanted to check in...and WOW this site has a new look!

Anonymous said...

Thanks GlitzandSparkles! Always love to hear what really is happening from those that are there. We can only guess, watching the videos.I noticed he took off the coat for Rabbit hole and he may have had to pull back a bit because of the heat. He still looked like he was giving his all, he's such a pro. Something needs to be done with the sound guys or equiptment. Strange it doesn't show up on the videos. Maybe he was spending extra time with family in San Diego, where Eber lives.So glad you finally had Adam live!![Don't you really wish!! haha funbunn40

Anonymous said...

G&S, Thanks so much for the review. Anymore you have to say is soooo welcome! Feels pretty good to no longer be a GN virgen, doesnt it? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I was at the show in Tempe Arizona on 8-1. Adam was great!! But he did not perform WLL. I was wondering about that since he had been performing it at recent venues along with Mad World.

Reading the posts here regarding the Vegas performance - I too am very concerned about Adam's health, and fully understand why WLL was not sung in Tempe.

Adam gives all he can at every performance. He really needs to rest as much as he can maybe reduce back the number of inteviews to save his voice. He has made super star status -- he needs a little down/me time now to ensure he does not get worn out!! LOVE YOU ADAM!!!


Anonymous said...

Heartadam4Ever, Please give us more details about Tempe! Thanks. Adamluv

Glitz and Sparkles said...

Me again...recuperating not only from the sizzling Vegas heat but also ADAM's scorching performance. I know he is the ultimate performer and overcomes all obstacles with utmost professionalism. However I still see the image of Adam bent over and more than anything I am praying that he makes the right decisions to take care of himself. My heart just sank & stopped when I saw that .. and tears came to my eyes. Adam fought thru whatever the issues were. Hopefully the audience energy helped him....I sang as loud as possible etc. to contribute to the VEGAS love vibe. I was thinking he might not return for the encore but he did. He just gives us so much and we appreciate every note and Adam move that he shares with us!!! Let's project love and light Adam's way.

Anonymous said...

The venue in Tempe is at the Marquee theatre which as very tight space standing room only General Admission.

Allison's set came on at 8:00pm and she knocked it out of the park!! She was amazing in every way!! She will be the queen of rock'n'roll her label needs to do soo much more to promote her -- thank God Adam loves her like his little sister! Glam Nation is really letting America know how talented she is!

Adam was to come on at 9:00 but he did not come on until 9:15. We were getting a little nervous at first -- not sure what caused the delay. His vocals were perfect, and he did appear to be a little tired but was fierce all the way through his set.

He held his twitter party on 8-1 too. One funny tweet he sent was that he loved the girls attending to death - BUT where we all the gay boys??

We had a couple "boys" that came to the event but the majority were all us girls & women ranging from 10 years of age to late 60's or soo!!!

The crowd there was wild and crazy but totally respectful of everybody!! We had little elbow room but we were third row from the front of the stage and ADAM was gorgeous! He just melts your heart how much emotion he puts into every song. Not to mention he is sooo HOT!!!

Soaked was off the charts beautiful and Mad World he outdid himself again - I don't know how he does it!

When he left the stage after Mad World the crowd was screaming and chanting his name for aboout 5 minutes but Adam did not come back to the stage. I do NOT have a voice today!!

We were all hoping he would come back and do WWL - but he did not. I think based on what I read from Vegas - this makes all the more sense to me now.

Adam please take care of YOU!!!


Anonymous said...

Last post meant to type WLL not WWL or well - you guys know what I meant!!


Anonymous said...

HeartAdam4ever, thanks so much for more review. Makes me want to go to every show! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I was there in Vegas and ADAM was amazing but looked like he was exhausted which is understandable an d wish they'll quit adding more venues esp. those small ones like Lubbock, even in Dallas wished that was not added on too much for ADAM. I'm from Dallas love to see him again but hate for him to get sick esp. his vocal cords.
HE is so handsome in person just