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Neil Lambert Taking Charge!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, August 29, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, August 29, 2010

New picture of Neil bull-riding!



Tex Ritterbalmy said...

Is this a live cow? Probably not, or else Neil would likely be sailing through the air--which would have been a cool picture too. Anyway, cowboy up Neil! Way to go!

Anonymous said...

OMG I wish he were riding me instead!!! Call me Neil!!

Anonymous said...

Not gonna lie, I would let him ride me.

Anonymous said...

Wow...he really has a "come hither" look! Get it Neil!

Shirley said...

Haha some of you are so naughty!!!


Mirpanda said...

screw Neil, i want adam to ride me!! haha!! GIDDY UP COWBOY LAMBERT!!! YEEHA!!!! lol

Anonymous said...

All right, cold showers for everyone!!! Those Lambert men are HOT HOT HOT!!!!!!!!!!
I adore my sexy husband but must say, ADAM totally adds to my sex life! Just watch his videos and blammo!!! Thanks Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG imagine a threesome with Adam and Neil???


Anonymous said...

now this is just my opinion:


Urethra_Franklin said...


I would totally love to have a drunken conversation about healthcare with Neil. Who knows where it would lead...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

LOL. That's EPIC!
Anony Aug. 29, 2010 6:22
That would be one interesting conversation. lol


Anonymous said...


Hop Adam rid it too and have some fun ..


Maria said...

LOL There's nothing wrong with some little dirty thoughts.

I think Neil is very cute. Does he have a GF?

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:29

I just have to ask...why is it necessary to say something like that?

That seems outright mean and hurtful.

Sorry, I just don't see the need for people to say hurtful comments.

I can see people expressing their opinion respectfully, but not intentionally hurtful.

Can someone explain to me what has happened to our culture where we think mean hurtful statements are OK, just because we are hidden behind a computer.

Just sayin...

Anonymous said...

You filthy-minded ladies!!!! Shame, shame.

Especially anon @ 5:56!!

Anonymous said...

lol @ the person who says Neil is ugly/gross.

You wish you can date someone like him. He's not as hot as Adam but he's Sexy and Charismatic.

I'd do anything to be with him. (Not because I can be Adam's sister in law mind you!)

Anonymous said...

Imagine if Neil reads this.........

So stop it with the "rated r" comments please!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Adam's Dad is married?

Shirley said...

I believe Eber is seeing someone. I remember seeing his new "girlfriend" with Adam during Idol.

He's not married...

Kris Allen RULES!!!!!!! said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

24/7 - please delete 9:09. There are many sites where his hate is appreciated but this is not one of them.

glitzylady said...

To Admin...please remove the post at 9:09 pm....Horrible thing to say...I know you will take it down.. but I just can't imagine anyone saying that....Beyond horrible really...and the person whose name is attached to the screen name at the top would be horrified as well....

glitzylady said...

Thank guys are fast...glad to see more people will not see that....

LIVA said...

glitzylady - what did that troll say? I missed it. It's already deleted by an admin.

If it's TOO disgusting, you don't need to say it. Just curious mind.

Anonymous said...

" This post has been removed by a blog administrator. "

Now I'm curious what he said. But her username already pissed me off lol.

Anonymous said...

OH NOES!!!! Christy is back you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

@Kris Allen RULES

Adam has sold over 1 million copies of his album worldwide.

Kris has BARELY sold over 300,000

Adam is headlining his own tour and selling out venues.

Kris is an "opening act"

Adam's album got mostly good reviews.
Kris' album got mostly poor reviews!

Adam's WWFM peaked at #11 on the charts.
Kris' LLWD peaked at #19

Adam's current single If I Had You is currently at #32 but will go even higher this week.

Kris' current single "The Flop"(The Truth) has yet to make a dent on the charts after months and months and radio is ignoring the song and it isn't even in the top 200 on iTunes!



Anonymous said...

BTW...I posted a "typo" above because WWFM went to #10 not #11

Anonymous said...

YOU ARE MY HERO, Anon 9:22 !!!!

glitzylady said...

@ Liva...9:18pm

It was very ugly and hateful in the extreme....let's leave it at that...I wish I had not seen it reminds me that there are those out there who spew nothing but hate...You really don't want to know...seriously.

Anonymous said...

That wasn't Christy. Christy was a bitch but she didn't spew B.S.

I read it too, Glitzylady and I'm disgusted. I was reminded of the evil homophobes that used to torture/tease my little brother in High School.

Anonymous said...

I think all 3 lambert men are exceptionally,smart, talented,and fine! The "butt ugly remark seemed needlessly harsh. Not everyone is attracted to the same type of man, which is our right, but no need to be insulting or hurtful. Eber has been living with the same woman for about the last 20 or so years. She wrote an essay titled, "I'm the Woman that Sleeps with Adam Lambert's Dad." American Idol preferred she stay in the background during the competition not wanting to turn off viewers that held conservative, narrow views on divorce.I assume Idol felt it played better for tv if Leila and Eber appeared as "The Cleaver family!" It was evident that Adam is extremely talented and needed to stay in the competition. They're not married, but obviously in a committed relationship. Glad Neil is out having fun too! I think he's cute! funbunn40

Josh said...

It's pure JEALOUSY!

Adam is doing well.

Adam has sold WAY MORE than all of the contestants from season 8 COMBINED!!!

Kris won and he is flopping and Danny and Allison are flopping.

Allison doesn't deserve to flop like Danny or Kris though because she actually has talent.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to have quoted B.U.words explaining my view above @9:32. I should have just used the anon. time as a reference. Adm. feel free to delete it and I'm glad the offensive blog was removed. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

REMINDER: Please bear in mind when posting your comments to always remain " TACTFUL! " Thanks, let's show Adam that his fans has " class ".

glitzylady said...

@funbunn40 9:32

I too think all three men are talented and smart in their own ways, and I was glad to see Neil having some fun too...I don't get why these discussions sometimes attract hurtful and hateful remarks...Neil is working hard for his brother on this tour, and while he is a "little" cynical and grumpy at times, he still has feelings and from the above postings, its obvious there are more than a few ladies who find him quite attractive...I watched him running around, looking continually busy at the Seattle show, and while he seems to get a little frustrated with the all of the fan stuff at times, doesn't deserve those two deleted remarks, the second of which also included Adam and parts of it were pure BS and the rest of it was, as I said above, beyond terrible...And I agree with anon at 9:32, that wasn't Christy who said what was said....Much worse...

Anonymous said...

I met Neil and he is one of the most sarcastic and hilarious person I have ever met. He's totally different than Adam and has a big sense of humor. Not to mention he has really good looks. I'm sure he has no problems finding a nice pretty lady.

The Lambert guys are all hot. No fights.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Neil are both equally handsome, just in different ways. I think Neil has that cute frat-boy type of look to him. He is crazy smart, and crazy sarcastic. He's a great writer. Adam is deeply sensual. He is amazingly talented in voice and performance. Two different styles, but both stand on their own.

I would like to say to the posters: Adam would not approve of you denigrating anyone. Not Kris, Danny, Allison, or especially his brother.

Let's not forget:
Love overcomes Hate, Love has no Color, Love has no Orientation. All Is Love --Adam--


Anonymous said...

Wow! I've missed several hours from the computer and come back to find ‘scars’ on this thread!
There are always some perpetrators around the corner, aren’t they?


Anonymous said...

funbunn40, I love your posts and I know you are excited but was it necessary to write:

" conservative, narrow views on divorce " ?

It upsets a lot of us when we see "conservative" used in that way. Just sayin..

Anonymous said...

I think it's just the Catholics that are not allowed to get a divorce..

Anonymous said...

Gaga has so much work to do in her own church.

Anonymous said...

Hello All,

Not trying to get in trouble with the admins here – I’m just looking for the threads with the most activity. I have one free ticket for tonight’s show in Covington KY and I don’t want it to go to waste. If interested please email to arrange drop off. Please share.

Anonymous said...

I think I was unfortunately the first to read that garbage and ask for it's removal. It's funny how the ignorance of that type is immediately evident - the carefully chosen hate words were not even spelled correctly. Can't imagine facing the challenges of life with that kind of a twisted, ugly mind. Must be painful.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if it was really the divorce concept that was the problem - I just doubt it. It seems that Amer Idol likes to showcase the folks who raised and influenced the contestants the most and since Leila and Eber were together until Adam was l9, it would just be stumbling around to constantly point out that they are no longer together. They were the ones who played rock music in his little ear from birth on, put him in music theater at age 10 and cheered him on proudly through his childhood. It's honest to present them as "the" family. With the amazing talent he was given, he could not have had better parents to support him to the top. Now he has us also, as a fan-family and I can only hope we do as good a job as they did in some important ways.

Anonymous said...

Thanks God (and thanks to 24/7 «Paradise» Admin.) I had no chance of reading the certainly horrible removed posts! Glamshit, I don't want to see any garbage today, I feel soooo lonely!!!
I WANT a sweet brother's COWBOY!

Anonymous said...

@ 8:01AM, I appologize if I have offended you or anyone else on this site with my comment, "Conservative , narrow minded views on divorce." Poor choice of words on my part and I was sleep deprived, but not excusing my choice of words. Actually anon.8:01AM had another view that made sense. Eber's girlfriend's essay had influenced my opinion and it had stayed with me.Glad you called me out on it. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I didn't mean to upset you, funbunn40. I just couldn't help to say what was on my mind and I too was/am sleep deprived! I really enjoyed your post on the next thread. It brought back the pre-show excitement I felt when I saw Adam awhile ago. The feeling was like Christmas!

Thanks so much for the details!