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Adam Lambert 93.3 FLZ Tampa Interview (Video Version)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, September 18, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, September 18, 2010

The audio version was posted earlier but here is the video version.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Anonymous said...

Whoaaa! Videos overload tonight! :) To be continued for me... bedy-byes...zzzzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

Ok someone was complaining about Adam not doing a "rock concert" a few threads back. I hope you heard him say that Soaked was a rock ballad ala Queen. In his own words, not mine.

Urethra_Franklin said...

12:21 THANK YOU!! BAM!

I could have really done without the almost constant camera action on the host. Be kind to your GUESTS people!!!

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget Adam has an acoustic EP cd which is coming soon. So there will be something somewhat new for us to have until Adam releases his 2nd album. So there won't be such a big gap between now & the release of his 2nd album and Adam might do something else... maybe?!

Anonymous said...

Adam. Remarkably poised. Patient. Gorgeous. What more can one say 'cept: We loves ya, guy.

Anonymous said...

ADAM is so grounded & real & articulate & fun ... can't figure out why EVERYBODY isn't a fan of ADAM. I can't/won't EVER STOP!! LOVE you to pieces ADAM!!! Love & Light


Anonymous said...

Agree with above post (Franklin). The camera angle and placement was ridiculous. People want to see Adam, not some chick from Florida. Nor do they want to see the back of some studio assistant. The host was good (meaning not asking a lot of redundant questions), but I think she could have handled the flow better (especially in the beginning). Still, thanks for having him and for sharing.

The Dark Side said...

Can't be the only one to notice how shy everyone is around Adam. It's like he's a glittery bird that people watch, but are quiet because they are afraid of scaring him away. They seem to be tongue tied around him. Notice this often in M&G and televised interviews. Maybe after he is established for a few years, his fans will loosen up around him. Also notice, that often the interviewer is subdued if a female. Male interviewers are much more comfortable in his presence. That said, I am quite sure should I meet him I would not be Chatty Kathy.

Anonymous said...

Geez, again with the sleeve tat! It's a good thing I wasn't there; I probably would have gone on mic begging him to think of his career and NOT do this. Judas Iscariot (referring to the role Adam would like to play in JC on Broadway) did NOT have a sleeve! Although, come to think of it, maybe if he were in these times, he would have lol!! He might have admired Jesse James (not the cowboy), too.

Anonymous said...

Good stuff! Love this guy.
The sort of muffled giggle - lawdy.
Keepin' it real... He's so great.

Urethra_Franklin said...

4:43 tattoos will NOT hinder his career in the least. there are so many "tricks of the trade" that he could do anything he wants to his body and still take the stage nude without anyone knowing anything.

Anonymous said...

Really Urethra? You had to take it that far, really?

Anonymous said...

@ Urethra_Frankin (ref. your @ 4:43)

Hahaha! Fellow, you are gladamn good! Are you sure we've never met? LOL!

PS: I can't wait to meet «that» your baby with ZZ... HA!

Urethra_Franklin said...

2:53 huh?

10:52 Yep...had to be done!

Urethra_Franklin said...

2:53 oooooooooooooooh I get ya now!! Im a lil slow on the uptake sometimes. Maybe its cause we can get booze at the drive-thru down here. YIKES!