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Adam Lambert, Full Concert. A Party City

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Party City just released the FULL CONCERT from last year's Halloween party that Adam attended! Enjoy!

Part 1 - Party City's favorite "Glampire" Adam Lambert Sings, "Ring of Fire", "Black or White", "Born to be Wild", "Whole Lotta Love", and "Mad World" for Donations to the Boys and Girls Club Charity at Party City's Halloween Bash. Party City Donates $400,000 from costume sales.

Part 2 - Party City's favorite "Glampire" Adam Lambert Sings, "Ring of Fire", "Black or White", "Born to be Wild", "Whole Lotta Love", and "Mad World" for Donations to the Boys and Girls Club Charity at Party City's Halloween Bash. Party City Donates $400,000 from costume sales.


Vivienne said...

OMG YAY it's the return of the Glampire!

Perfect for Halloween next month.

Anonymous said...

Adam! Trick or Treat or both!:)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He's come a long way since then..............

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow this group was a rude bunch. I reiterate "Shut up!" LOL

I love it when he actually talks to the crowd and gets a little playful. I'd love it if he did this more at his shows, what little dialogue that does take place is all rehearsed.

The Dark Side said...

What a beautiful Guy!!! WOW WOW!!! First time I ever saw him lip syn. Must have, there's no band behind him playing. Not a problem, love it anyway. Particularly love the vampire look. Get with the program you TV, Movie people, He's the hottest vampire in the world today. BTW, love how he tells this rude audience to shut up! Watchin and writin WLL wasn't lip syn'd at the end! Crappy audience. who didn't deserve that last part of WLL. Awesomeness!

melissa toronto said...

The Dark Side 11:56AM Adam was not lip syncing. He is singing with the Fangs on his teeth which is not easy. Adam is too talented & never like to lip sync. I agree he is the hottest vampire!