Glam Nation Tour in Melbourne
Filed Under (performances,pictures,tour news,video ) by Admin on Friday, September 17, 2010
Posted at : Friday, September 17, 2010

(Photo credit: yendiders)
If I Had You
Opening Medley
Sure Fire Winners
Music Again
Mad World
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great opening, soft Tommy kiss, beautiful hair. yummmmmmmmm.
Loved the opening. Sounded a bit like Mysterious Ways by U2. I don't care about U2, but that song and Pride(In the name of love) are good.
Loved the opening...thought the title of this video clip was wrong...thought it was really ROF for a minute! But what I really loved was the make-up!! Oh wow - that electric blue eye shadow was HOT!
So, tonight's the new drummer's first night, right? Something sounded different in Fever...not as much bass? Or was the drumming different? Or not as heavy on the keyboards? Sounded more spare and stripped down. Hmmmm...anybody else notice that? Or who knows, maybe it's just Suz's video tonight.
- Adam Fix
OK - now I'm bawling!! Held it back through this terrible day but one look at his fierce face and soft smile and the dam burst. I'm going to fix a very strong drink, listen to Beyonce sing Halo a few dozen times (I'm fairly certain it is about Adam) search for another box of Kleenex and wait for more vids. Love and praise to the staff of 24/7 and the honest, open way in which you presented the events of today. It must have been sad and painful for you at times for your love and respect for Adam surpasses us all. Today that was very clear. Thank you.
Fierce Sleepwalker tonight. Words took on a different meaning for me after what's happened.
Really different tonight. Adam's expression in Sleepwalker was powerful. New drummer? Anger? Whatever, it was terrific. Thanks SUZ...girl you rock. Are you able to do any of the international tour? If not, I'm really going to miss your videos.
Hello... Im signing in! Suz baby... here I go!:)
Good morning Glamily!
My fever today is kind of different (?)... a «misterious» fever! It's also misterious the ways sweet Adam finds, every venue, to be better!
PS: Welcome, Isaac!
Adam and glamily are such troopers. Had to be difficult performing with such stress and distractions of the past day. Sasha's cousin tragedy, new drummer, all the ridiculous media coverage and lack of decency from parasites. Tommy looked somber. audience great, but they all were probably glad to just get through this show. Glad Tampa show is next to let things cool down before coming back to Hard Rock. Bet they'll be glad to leave Fl. So sorry this all happened. They're all such pros. funbunn40
Oooh wow, oh yeah - had to go back and watch Sleepwalker. Intense, fierce!! Yeah, I think Adam's letting out some pent-up rage, and he sure looked good doing it! :P
Have to say, again - love the make-up! And we haven't seen the pompadour/Elvis hair for awhile, and now it looks fresh to me. Lookin' good, my man!
Hey, the new drummer sounds good!
- Adam Fix
Looks like Issac Carpenter will work out nicely.
Isaac did a great job. He really will love being a part of this great glamily. Too bad he had to start with this paparazzi mess hanging over Adam. It had to put a damper on things. funbunn40 the hair and makeup too!!!!
He's going to start a revolution.
Anyone hear about Katy Perry's boyfriend attacking paps at the airport?
Not promoting violence but those paps have to layoff and be reasonable.
LOVE these vids so far and a great job by Isaac even though we'll be missing LP some.
Wow, I love the raw emotion in Sleepwalker and he looks gorgeous - I can guess what "dream" Adam wants to be let out of that has him so worked up. This is one of the best performances of this song so far. My heart aches for him. I so want him to be happy.
I was there, it was f. Ng amazing!!!! Adam killed it. He was so hot and energetic . I went with my friend who loves him but never saw him live, not even on you tube , and she was amazed how sexy he is live!!!!
I am going to meet him tonight .. OMG!! I will behave! Lol
Israeli fan. Got go pray!!!!
@ Adam Fix...
yes i agree, stunning make up. ooh i do love the bindis. Adam really suits blue.. he looked so divine on the idol tour in blue.
on another note....70 DAYS AND COUNTING..WOOHOO
chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx
Wow he still manages to up it each show. Man I love that mans voice and him.
You guys have got to check this video out!!:
Words cannot describe how shocked and offended I was when I saw this. Shame on E! and The Daily 10 for insulting Adam after all he's been through!!!! The reason I'm posting this video here is because I want to as many Glamberts as possible to report this show and it's hosts to GLAAD:
@Israeli fan - LOVE it about your friend!! You'll have to let us know if she now becomes a You Tube/Adam vid junkie :)?!! And let us know how your M&G went, have fun!
@Adam Fix & Chezza (and anyone else who commented on it :)) yes, the makeup was fierce, yumsville, and I do love me some pompadour hair... and he just looked frickin' incredible (the best revenge - to many things, wouldn't you say ;)...may sound shallow, but I think we could all use a little shallow right about now).
Holy Hot Hell the opening to Fever was smokin'! He was in good voice, but then that's pretty much stating the obvious I suppose.
Yay Issac Carpenter - excited for the opportunity to get to know the work of another talented musician!
MassGlamFan (MGF)
Adam and his band have been INCREDIBLE!!!! Every performance seems so fresh and different even if it is the same songs. He looked fierce in that make-up. The eyes baby eyes............sigh Pooparazzi who care about them. They sure aren't connected with LUVVVVVVVV....
@September 18 9:24 AM -
I was going to post about this too (I actually posted quickly yesterday about knowing the E story was coming up EST, w/ a head's up/FYI sort of post, and sort of wish I hadn't). "E" and ESPECIALLY "D10"'s thing IS SNARK - it's been talked about here on 24/7 a bit before... and actually I think "E" is a little jealous of Lambert's working relationship with "ET-Entertainment Tonight", a topic also talked about here before... so anyway, their thing is snark (and D10 especially has a VERY SHORT LIST of people and subjects they report on most often, soooo boring) so I was actually shockingly happily surprised at the segment Cat Sadler lead, but when they came out of the "package/segment", I was indeed disgusted w/ the male guest hosts comments - for obvious reasons but also in large part because they were so sophomoric, juvenile and just plain NOT CLEVER. As far as the "E" show's coverage, airing just before The D10 (The Daily 10) - their package/coverage/segment, whatever you call it, also wasn't too bad, for them - but a short voice-over comment (called a bumper/teaser) going into a commercial before the segment actually aired was terrible! Anyway, I didn't post on it yesterday because I was thinking - let sleeping dogs lie - but since I just made my comment on this thread above and couldn't help but notice Anon 9:24's comment right above mine - I gotta say - The "D10"'s male guest hosts' comment is certainly worthy of addressing, if some chose to do so. Just sayin'.
Great job on Sleepwalker..very intense. Love the hair and makeup. But we all know Adam always looks terrific. Glad he was able to put on such a terrific show as usual even after the incident with the paparazzi on the beach. Enough is enough with these guys...first Adam then Russell Brand defending Katy. Then that horrible remark on the Daily 10 show. That so-called host should be fired and that comment should be addressed by someone in charge on the program.
Very intense Adam tonight...for good reason...ditto the comments about Isaac...and shirtless too...those drummers really get a work out...and loved the little intro to Fever..hope he keeps that in....
Real life calls...outa here until later today...darn!!!
It might be a cliche to say "you're beautiful when you're angry," but, mama, Adam epitomizes that! I've never seen him looking fiercer, hotter, or more buff. Loved the part in Aftermath when he adlibbed "PLEASE scream out" - quite a few of us are screaming out today about the paps and that dooshlord on E!
@ Anon 9:38AM
Band sounded different tonight. Very rock edged. Kim, Monte and Tommy seemed to up the wattage for this show. Issac going to work out just fine. (posted this on the wrong site few minutes ago.) Oh well, it's been a hellva last couple of days!
SUZ...I know I'm speaking for all are amazing and thank you so much for bringing the greatest vids to us! Thanks to Sony for allowing it as well.
Suz, you really bring the glamnation concerts close to those that cannot attend as many as we'd like. Your vids really capture the show wonderfully...
You are the BEST!
@ wghluvsadam
Welcome to 24/7 «Paradise», where sweet Adam is the very «Glamgod» and Suz526 is a «Master Angel» (with a blessed master camera)! Sorry, no welcomes to Sony. Those bad guys are always blocking videos for Azores/Portugal. Glamshit and darkness on them! Those bad guys deserve a mushroom life! Haha!
Fan4fan you are funny. Pooparatzi
I just met Adam at th trop in FL. He was sooo sweet. We took oicture and he sighned his center fold of a magazin and an FYEcd I brought from Israel.
He liked his poster. I told him that he is popular amongs Teena there.
He looked great with his black hat.
I can't wait to se the concert after the game. Will let u know!!!
I am having the Best weekend in years. I saw Adam inMwlbourn last night. Met him and will see him in concert, AND I will see him in Hollywood tomorrow!
Isreai fan.
@ Israeli fan
God bless you, baby! You are living my dream. I'll have to wait quite a big while until have my chances to be near sweet Adam. Until there, I'll keep loving him from the distance, the best way I can and still learning to do... Next time you see sweet Adam, please tell him he is my «sweet exotic singing bird», «my Diamond Boy», my very hope to live 30 more years just to see him shining on the top of the universe. Will you? Thanks a lot!
Israeli Fan: Darlin you really had yourself a great time, didn't you. You're still shaking with delight. We can see it in your typos and spelling. So glad for you.:)
Israeli Fan: So thrilled for you that you got to meet ADAM. I will never see ADAM LIVE but THANX to Suz526 vids & all the Glamily posting here on 24/7 even though I can't actually BE there I still feel like a part of it through all Your experiences. So in a way I am there by all of you sharing. Love & Light to ALL Glamberts Worldwide from a Grateful Glambert shut-in!
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