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E! Daily 10 Will Issue an insincere "apology" tonight

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, September 20, 2010

Posted at : Monday, September 20, 2010


Tonight’s episode of the E! show Daily 10 will feature an on-air apology for anti-gay comments made last week. We thank E! for treating this matter with professionalism and seriousness, for dealing with the incident appropriately, and for making clear to its viewers that homophobic comments are not welcome on its airwaves.

During Friday’s show, Los Angeles radio personality Mike Catherwood, who was guest-hosting, made a joke about Adam Lambert going to prison. He said “From what I know about jail, Mr. Lambert probably wouldn’t have too bad a time.”

(Thanks to Q3 for the info!)

An apology is not enough. E! needs to fire Mike Catherwood. He tweeted that his comment wasn't offensive. He's still not sorry.


Anonymous said...

An INSINCERE apology?! Am I reading this right? Should it say a " SINCERE " apology?!

Anonymous said...

24/7 is mad. And rightfully so. Many people on twitter are angry too. I am so sad that they didn't fire Mike. Mike STILL thinks what he said was NOT offensive.

I will not be watching E from now on. Useless pos.

Anonymous said...

E! is filled with homophobes!

Check this tweet out.

From Sal Masekela - Co-Host of E! D10

imsalmasekela: Okay, I have to clarify. I think it was said in poor taste but the same joke was made about Lindsay and no freaked out. Why? about 2 hours ago via ÜberTwitter

F'king a***holes

Anonymous said...

I think a proper apology from E would be enough. I don't think we need to get this guy fired.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Why do I have the impression that watching this will enrage me even more?

Anonymous said...

Yes, an apology is not enough! He should be taught a lesson and should be fired and never be allowed to work in any kind media work whatsoever. He has no professionalism and lack of tack. He is an embarrassment to everyone concerned... PERIOD!!!
On top of it he is very ARROGANT! :(
No sympathies from here dude! :((

Carrie said...

I'm on 24/7's side.

I'm still NOT satisfy. Call me a bitch but issuing an apology is nothing. They need to suspend that homophobic man or fire him. Joking about gay men being raped and enjoying it is VERY VERY VERY OFFENSIVE. I have a gay son and he's being bullied (called names, jokes) in school all the time.

So sick of all the homophobic BS.

Anonymous said...

How would Mike Catherwood,the female co-host (who was laughing also) and Sal Maskela feel if someone was talking about their mother, father, son or daughter.......going to jail to be raped.

I'm so done with to move on....

Love and Light!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard what the wording was for the Lindsay joke? How could it be the same. You don't hear about predator, bullies in women's prisons the way you do men's prisons. They keep saying it was the same, but I've yet to hear it or see the quote anywhere.

Anonymous said...


I really wish you would do something about the ad banners across top...its hard to navigate
try to click on something and the stupid ad opens up...I have never been on a web page that covers the just sucks!

Urethra_Franklin said...

Yeah it was uneventful. Not even from him. From E! in general. Not worth talking about...

Anonymous said...

fired this guy now- mike catherwood- hes bully and very bad guy- he thinks hes superior to other peopel no respect for the people or artist; hes rally a bad dude. mike catherwood if u have shame quit ur job now.insicnere apology?what a bad guy-abnicious one-arrogant a shell.

nancdruuu2 said...

I just heard the so-called apology on the daily10. Catt said something like this, "we apologize to all the gay and lesbians for comments made on Friday. That was it.

First of all, no apology to Adam Lambert.
Secondly, no apology from the "creepy" guy that said the crap, and nothing from Catt about her reaction to what was said about Adam. And finally, what about ALL the people who were offended by the remarks. Evidently, E thinks only gay and lesbians were offended. I guess that says everything about E and Daily10. I won't be watching any more.

Anonymous said...

Has Adam himself said anything that he was offended? Some fans are and Glaad is, but Adam should say it himself. That's the way it goes I guess..

Sma said...

Thanks nancdruuu2 for the update. I also won't be watching E anymore. Such a dumb channel anyway.

Anonymous said...

Now I am very pissed-off. Listen to this interview of this dumbass Mike Catherwood with KROQ FM, Kevin&Bean.

These people are practically saying that this MIke dude hasn't said anything offensive? are you fuckin kidding me???? His comment was plain and clear RAPE! He said "From what I know of Jail, Mr Lambert probably wouldn't have too bad of a time".
When you start a sentence with "from what I know of jail", what do you mean? What happens in Jail? And these Dj's Kevin&Bean, taking calls from people who are just stupidand heart less like you. WHat a bunch of asses.How about you mix the calls and listen what we have to say you fucktards!And that Bitch bringing Lindsey's story? Man I want to punch somebod right now, I am so mad Ughhhhh Shame on you people!!


Anonymous said...

What a sham of an apology .. Catt was totally flippant and she deserves to be suspended for finding humor in anti gay remarks.

While mike should not be allowed on radio or TV,until he under goes sensitivity training.Maybe a couple of visits to a jail would be instructive.

Anonymous said...

Yes annonymous 5:07 - he tweeted about bullies etc early on. Check out his twitter feed.

Cecilia said...

That apology was very embarrassing. Wow.

The Dark Side said...

Lindsay or someone should have stood up for her when the first remark made. But all the Entertainment shows are having so much fun at her expense. They wait until someone is down and kick, hard. Adam didn't wait, he let his outrage be heard. Why do these so called TV reporters think they are social arbitrators? All these shows are guilty of spewing their opinions about celebrities just to hear themselves talk and sound important. We can rail until H*** freezes over and they will continue to think they are clever and making some type of contribution to society. If they wanted to say something about Adam, they could have legitimately slammed what he was wearing. While I'm not the Fashion Police, even I know that was a fail and pretty funny!

Anonymous said...

The apology was BS. Adam wasn't even mentioned. Did it last all of 30 seconds??

Anonymous said...

Again it was some of the fans that complained what Adam was wearing. I think the hat was cool.

Anonymous said...

Ok, we need a petition. This Mike arsehole and these Radio Dj's need to get fired like NOW...

Anonymous said...

You American fans can be so annoying sometimes that I'm staring to understand why the dj's don't want to play Adams music there.

Anonymous said...

its not just American fans, I saw the clip and also thought the remark was very crass, it certainly made me wince. How are things ever going to change if people don't stand up and say what they feel, and fight for what they belive is right. I don't think the guy will be fired, but certainly a proper ans sincere apology should be the least he (and the station) should do.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Well, how are the gay rights in Hong Kong then? In my country they are pretty good.

Anonymous said...

Rane says-
This really pisses me off!! He did not apologize to Adam. Who does he think he is that he can go around insulting Decent People like this!! It was to was Adam he made this Lower than low comment. This arrogant Scum Bag needs to get down on his Knees and appologize !!! To Adam, not the gay community. The insinuation that because someone is Gay, he wouldn't mind being brutalized by some criminals is like saying that your daughter wouldn't mind being brutalized by some criminals. Forced, unwilling sex is a heineous, traumatizing crime against anyone. This Reporter should not be allowed to get away with these offensive comments. I know I will not be watching a station that employs this kind of ARROGANT LOW LIFE!!!

Anonymous said...

What can we do?

Anonymous said...

Annoyed 5:48? And you're not? With friends/fans like you, Adam doesn't need enemies.

BTW, DJs do play Adam's music. Guess what?

Anonymous said...

Bravo ZZ

Anonymous said...

I don't know your law system. Seems like there's not enough censorship if you can say things like that.

Anonymous said...

I dont know if any of you went to this guys facebook page but it had a photo of some guy pointing at the camera saying "You're a fag". Ppl. commented that had been on his page for a long time but magically it disappeared after the calling out of this guy by lots of folks. And to make matters worse, he uses the old "some of my friends are gay" shit! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

It is a way of dehumanizing a group of people. First there should be no problem to bash these people...they are only 1-2% of the population. We can ignore them. We can joke about them because they are less than human. Oops! people are getting upset...this group wants too many rights now! We must fight them! Their rights infringe on ours! This is the story so far here for gay rights. I found this quote from Ghandi that follows these stages perfectly.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you , then they fight you, THEN YOU WIN.
We can agree to go on to celebrate Adam's success and the pure sunshine that he exudes...but we won't forget. Gay bashing is unacceptable. We love our Adam. ( I love my son) This is personal. The Glamily rocks.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I love that Tripping by Robbie Williams :)

Anonymous said...

Shoot! I always misspell Gandhi.

Anonymous said...

lmb, that quote is often seen over at I had forgotten who had said it first.And your first paragraph was so right on! Thank you for both. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@anonymous the LGBT population reported is 10% not 2%.And if you consider the underreported group of men living as straight but actually gay on the d/l it's probably more like 30!

Anonymous said...

@Anon. 5:48 PM ... Annoyed by US Americans? Would you care to tell US just which country you come from so we'll at least KNOW who we are annoying? For all we know you're just one of the TROLLS that lurks on ADAM sites to stir up trouble!! Your comment is IRRELEVANT!! .. IMO

tess4ADAM (a PROUD American Glambert)

Anonymous said...

@ lmb
Perfect occasion to quote Gandhi. You rock, girl!
So inspiring reading your comments, since the first one...I remember!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Hell hath no fury like angry Glamberts! LiLo wished she had fans and supporters like you guys!

ps: Looking forward to seeing Adam in October. Till then, take care of yourself, hun. We love you all the same! :)

Anonymous said...

I know all you guys are gonna hate me after this comment but I just can't take thuis any longer. I don't know if that Mike dude is a homophobe or not but i don't see anything so outrageosuly harmful in his comment as all the rest of you. I probably could've said something like that myself!!! You guys just really need to lighten up. Besides, from what I remember E! has always supported Adam and his music from the start. Give it a break you guys. If anybody doubts how much I love Adam from this comment than that's their problem. I'm going to both the Munich and the London concert and it's costing me a fortune so that's proof enough. At least I can take a joke.
Poland Loves Adam

coloforadam said...

The generalized apology for the group of people that were offended(hopefully all of us)is fine but this was a personal jab pointed at a particular human being with humor being claimed as a reason to wish him harm. I would like to hear a brief twitter from Adam that this &$&%&guy and his twit of a colleague have privately contacted him, spoken directly and apologized. I know Adam has said nothing about this stupid moment and have to admire him for that. May be because:
He's heard it too much in his young life
He's made a resolution to not give notice to such idiocy
He counted on his sweetly radical fan base to kick up enough fury(that's us!!)
Donno but know we love him, I love him, he IS loved by more people that icky dude can count in a lifetime .....

Anonymous said...

That E! segment was pre-taped. If E! really supported Adam and LGBT they should never have allowed this vile comment to be aired!
Yet E! decided to air it and now they have to face the music for their stupidity and ignorance.

But one thing is true: Those comments on the radio show were far more insulting and made me sick to my stomach.
Saying that Adam (or any other gay man for that matter) would make a good "prison bitch" because of his "pretty mouth " and would even like it is beyond disgusting and vile!
I truly hope GLAAD will not let just shrug this off (like they often do) but keep calling them out untill those rotten scumbags are fired and off the air!

Let's not forget: Every time we just shrug off a hatefull comment like those, we silently encourage the scumbags spewing their hatred to keep doing it! After all, if no one complains it's A okay, right???

Anonymous said...

@ Poland Loves Adam

Hi, baby, so good hear from you, so glad have you posting here. Don't get missing, please, you are such a good glamfellow...
No baby, I myself don't hate your comment, it's just kind of difficult to me the acceptance that «you, yourself could have saied something like that...» HOW, in Hell or Heaven, PLA???? if you work hard for gays rights in your country, as yourself have told me about it, kind of 3 months ago???? Something is not quite right here, may be I need new glasses, may be I just need to go to bed since I'm feeling sort of dizzy, drunk or whatever. Anyway, try to think as americans do (I'm not american but lived there for 4 years and had an american «husband» during 6). American people are different of us, fight much more for their and our rights. Anyway, let's let it go... I myself consider this a «closed case», just sent it to the Universe judgement. It would be impartial, let's wait and see. Hey, the most important now is that you got tickets to see sweet Adam, and I'm so proud of you being able to get near him, I wish I could do it too, who knows next year? Cheers, PLA! I'm celebrating sweet Adam's GNT huge success since last sunday morning. It's time for me to go to bed... and maybe to dream about the better days that are yet to come to all of us!
And baby, nice to have you on board again. How are your mom and dad?

Anonymous said...

What a total fiasco! Call this an apology!?
Heared The Daily Ten has been cancelled and surely hope so because this kind of reporting is totally offensive! ADAM will come out the winner ....and this Catherwood will fade into insignificence! 'E' is over for me, and does'nt Seacrest have some kind of clout with them?

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:55 I know that the 1-2% for the gay population is wrong...but that is what the haters say. We don't really know what the real % is because of those who are closeted. Both my son and Adam lived with a secret for 6 years even though their families were welcoming people. It is more than coming out. It is about being very brave to face all the crap that is out there. At first I thought I had overreacted to Mike's comment, but I was teaching a 2nd grader the other day, and he couldn't pick which sticker he wanted. He began "eenie meenie minie mo...." Well, of course he said "catch a TIGER by the toe, but when I was little, the N word went in there...and I truly wasn't aware of how horrible that was. Brazil nuts were also called n-- "toes". So some where along the road, we stopped that nonesense because it was offensive. The comment, though not as bad as the other one I posted earlier from the Montana Tea Party, was offensive. It is time to stop this. Adam mentioned something about the school bully. This probably brought back bad memories. Isn't it time for these people to grow up?
