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Rolling Stone thinks Adam Lambert should be an American Idol judge!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, September 22, 2010

As you all may or not may not know, the new judges are confirmed to be Randy Jackson, Steven Tyler, and Jennifer Lopez. Ryan will be back as a host.

Rolling Stone made a list of people they think should be judge and Adam is one of them.

Rolling Stone:
"He's not the biggest star American Idol has ever produced, but he's the most controversial — and one of the most beloved. Lambert proved his judging mettle as a guest mentor on Season Nine, pulling no punches as he critiqued singers like Lee DeWyze (“Here, there’s nothing going on," he said of Lee's face) and Andrew Garcia ("I was bored"). There's no doubt he'd bring a lot of sass and glam to the panel."



Anonymous said...

Adam would be so perfect for the rule/job and we all can agree to this BUT Adam's career is really starting to roll and shouldn't stop this mementum now!

" Strike while the iron is hot. "

Anonymous said...

And why on earth would Adam ever WANT to be a judge on that show? He has greater things for which to aspire.

Anonymous said...

Since he sincerely wants to continue with his career, that he has just started, that would be unfair to him.I would love to see him as a mentor on the show again, and also have at least one guest spot. I was wondering what his whole team will do for work when they get back from overseas. I know Monte has a lot of plans, and of course Adam has too, hoping to have enough time for all he wants to do, including a vacation. Be nice to see him on the red carpet again. His next album will take some time, and also guest appearances all over .

The Dark Side said...

Sass and glam--that's our boy! Rolling Stone, you are all knowing. So when are you going to put Adam back on your cover? Want another top selling edition, do a story on his phenomenal GNT and his overseas junket. Can guarantee you'll have another best seller. LOL

Anonymous said...

Wow, the American fans want to keep him near so badly..

Anonymous said...

WOW, I just found out that Singapore is 15 hours ahead of us. Hope they get enuff sleep for the first show on the 24th.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about Singapore Formula 1? Too mainstream, too international and too many high profile people there.

Anonymous said...

Think Adam should be mentor again this year--if he has time, which is doubtful. His career is way more important.

Cecilia said...

Jennifer Lopez?!!! LMAO!!

The ratings are going to be soooo horrible.

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone stays healthy. My daughter went on a two month tour in Asia and some of her troop got very ill. Don't know if they still require all those painful shots.

Anonymous said...

@3:47 pm, sorry I wasn't trying to step on any ones toes. I just mentioned the time difference. And you were rather rude in your comment. I think it is great that he will be among a lot of stars.

Anonymous said...

I care very much about Singapore and their fans that want to see and hear Adam as much as we do! Any exposure that will introduce new fans to Adam will only bebefit him and those that are able to enjoy our Glamgod!! They will have major jet lag! We Americans do want to keep him close as with any loved one, but the opportunity for him to see other cultures and meet the people far outweigh our missing that beautiful man. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

oops! meant benefit above. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Well, the truth is that Americans are not interested in Formula 1. It is quite a big event for the rest of the world though.

Anonymous said...

singapore trip adam sleep a lot while ur in the palne- also an hour before u arrive in singapore-pls drink tomato jiuce it help ur jet lag.
p;s american ido mentor; actually i dont like three of them. lopez and the other guy randy is ok.
adam is the perfect judge in american idol.

Anonymous said...

Hey, give him a minute, Rolling Stone. Adam WILL be the biggest star American Idol has ever produced. He's just getting started!

nancdruuu2 said...

Adam will definitely be the biggest star from Idol! The only reason he didn't win Idol was
because he is gay and there are a lot of haters in the US as we all know. They say he's controversial because he's himself and not the version of himself that others want him to be. I'm sorry to bring up these old issues again, but that comment, about not being the biggest, makes me mad. Adam could out sing any of those contestants on Season 8 (yes I love Allison) with his eyes closed, handcuffed, blinded-folded, and in a coma! Ok - now I feel better.
Yes, Rolling Stone WAS right about MOST LOVED!

Anonymous said...

Please...Adam is 28, just finished an amazingly successful sold out tour across North America with only one full CD to his name, and is now heading out on a worldwide Glam Nation Tour in Asia, Australia and Europe (32 shows as of today!). No time to appear on a show that might end next year when Simon Cowell launches his Xfactor show on the same Fox channel (cannot see 2 similar shows on same channel).

Anonymous said...

Perhaps that Formula 1 doesn't have great interest in the US (don't have any F1 races there), but in Canada, there is GREAT interest. Many people get up Saturday and Sunday mornings to watch the races on TV when they're in Europe (due to 6 to 8 hour difference). I remember a time when the US was not interested in Wimbledon as well, but that has now luckily changed. So much wonderful things happening in the whole world. Why only concentrate on one country's activities?

Anonymous said...

Why would he need 'shots' and why would he get ill? He's visiting Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur all of which are major world cities not 3rd world countries. The only risk would be if he eats some food that doesn't agree with him, which could happen anywhere in the world.
As to F1, its huge in Europe, and the Singapore F1 is a pretty big deal.
As to AI, it would be nice to see a guest judge each week of a past Idol.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

I couldn't find the article about this. Where did you find this information? Also, as an appreciation to Adam and his successful Glam Nation Tour here in US and abroad, how about making If I Had You no. 1 on VH1 top 20 countdown this weekend! Here is the link for it: Please Vote!

Anonymous said...

@4:53 PM -- THX. You read my mind. Wish everybody could travel abroad to realize what treasures exist elsewhere.

The Dark Side said...

Everyone on overload today? Can't say I blame you. Last week was something--all kinds of s**t going on, good and bad. Adam has been to Singapore last Spring and survived fine. Person probably referring to food--sometimes very different. Mexico isn't a 3rd world country and you can have stomach problems there, for that matter cruise ships seems to be a breeding ground for salmonella. I'm sure he is feeling the strain of everything that is happening a whole lot more than we are. Let's wish him Good Luck and Love.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely agree that with Adam's career so hot right now with the GNT, why would he want to be a judge on American Idol. I think he should come back as a mentor again and, of course, do another guest appearance. He has waited so long for his break into the music industry and he is on the verge of rock god stardom. Being an AI judge would only stop the momentum of his skyrocketing career at this point. Not so crazy about Lopez and Tyler as the new judges. Afterall, the show should be about the contestants and their talent. I don't particularly want to look at Steven Tyler's face either...not so appealing. Time will tell how well this panel does and if they will find the next Adam Lambert since he set the bar so high during Season 8. Love and peace to Adam as he sets off on the international phase of his GNT.

Anonymous said...

hey rolling stone, adam is the biggest AI had produced at the moment with all his successful shows and the forthcoming international concerts!

Anonymous said...

"He's not the biggest star American Idol has ever produced..."

That's the ONLY thing that popped out at me. LOL

Ummmm... I beg to differ on a HUGE scale!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or are there some snarky trolls on this thread?

Anonymous said...

The new re-invented AI won't be having anymore mentors. They'll have Cowell's personality type as a mentor every week behind the scene to work with the contestants in order to develop their own album. He is Universal Records producer, Jimmie something!? Apparently, he is the czar of music industry. There won't be anymore genres every week. At the end, he will decide which contestant's album will be marketable in the mainstream. It'll be interesting to watch. Hopefully won't be boring!?

Anonymous said...

Wait - Rolling Stone said something about ADAM? Finally? Jeez - thought they forgot he was alive. Maybe all the staff could get in a big circle and twist each other's arms, to force another writer to comment on Adam's GN Tour this summer...???

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Adam, your mama is so beautiful!!!!!
Just thought i'd say, cause you are almost too beautiful for this world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adoration times a lifetime! You belong to another Planet, i'm sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been tossing most of my Rolling Stone mags in the recycle pile. They haven't mentioned ADAM since his vacation in Mexico. That was the last issue so I'm just waiting for my subscription to expire!! Rolling Stone has become a joke. I thought it was a music mag ... yeah! right!!

Anonymous said...

Rolling Stone is no longer a rock magazine..

Anonymous said...

I don't know. J Lo's getting 12m to judge. I just think of what Adam could do with that kind of money in terms of promoting his brand and maybe starting his own label/distribution and ensuring he has more rights to proceeds...

Anonymous said...

Well then, if he likes Adam should do it. In my country we have had Idol and X-Factor. The Idol winners and runner ups have been talented and made good records. People didn't like the X-Factor so much. Not so many talents were there. A nice gay guy won, although he wasn't a very good singer.

Anonymous said...

Rolling Stone could have supported Adam all summer by giving him some space each month and letting young his Glam tour stops! (Remember Cameron Crow?) They could have printed Twitter messages from Adam, the band and fans because there was a lot of technology inner action being used this summer following Adam's tour! Adam's tour, regardless of the size of venues was a Hot ticket--and SOLD out. I had to pay $$$$ for my Stub Hub tickets so, Rolling Stone is no longer on the pulse of what is happening in music imo.

Going GaGa every month for GaGa is lazy and not that hip. It's just predictable, boring and RS now follows trends but no longer leads.

Anonymous said...

re: AI, it's Jimmy Iovine - and yes he is one of the big music czars in the I'm hoping it really will help. Nigel is smart, so we'll see what he does.

Anonymous said...

Let just take that as a koodo to Adam and his credibility as an artist. However he is doing so well around the world; to me that is a step for someone who wants to slow down and are on the down side of their performing career. He is just going toward his peek; he will be getting alot of offers for films, guest apperances,modeling,photo shoots, and yes performing as a musical artist for years to come. Why? because he is freekin awesome that is why! No slowing down for Adam. His charm and smile and brains will get him so much more than the average entertainer! The endorsement from Rolling Stone speaks volumes of what people really think of Adam both in the voice and creative side. Need I say more?

Anonymous said...

Adam was the highlight of last AI season, but Adam needs to be out there performing. Let the has beens judge AI.

Anonymous said...

The first concert of Adam in Singapore will be on saturday 25 Sep.. (not friday 24), but I do agree with you that if he does not pay attention, he will end up with a major jetlag

Anonymous said...

thank you adamfix and others, i've also been wondering why rs has totally ignored him after putting him on the cover.................never mentioned his tour all summer if i read it right...ugh.

let's hope they will surprise us in a big good way, let's hope. like adam for the holidays? beautifully wrapped! listen up rs...


Anonymous said...

Anon 2:21, Agree 100% with what you wrote! Will not renew in Dec. unless they cover Adam again in a big way! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Lambert's appearance was the highlight of AI9 wasn't it - ha! Lawdy remember how amazing he looked in all of that footage!

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone we need to tell Rolling Stone that. It does no good to just talk amongst ourselves..we need to take action. I tryed to get people to suggest to Ophra to have him on her final season this year. Let's get to work while he is out of the country and suggest to the powers to be what we as fans want to see. Letterman, Saturday Night Live,Leno,Ellen; more kudos in Rolling Stone. We are the paying consumer and we do have a say. Let's not just talk the talk let's walk the walk. Thanks for listening!

glitzylady said...

Just rewatched the mentoring episodes tonight (showed them to a newly converted Adam fan..and yes, they are still on my DVR, I am not ashamed to admit LOL!!!) He was just so good at that and obviously he would make an excellent Idol judge, but of course he is way too busy now, and I personally think Idol is on its way out...We wouldn't want him to be associated with the show as it goes downhill..Although he might "save" it but really not the time for him to do that...Kudos to RS for saying if we can just get them to talk about his tour, what a great singer and human being he is, and on a regular basis...I don't understand why he isn't in there all the time...Rather disappointed in them, as I do like the magazine...Thought about getting a subscription after the cover and article that they so prominently featured of Adam, and then the AMA's and..then...nothing....very interesting...

Anonymous said...

I DID get a subscription to RS and like you, I am very disappointed that the GNT has not been covered...unless I missed something? Heart is playing this Saturday at Puyallup. Rs did a blurb on them. (they have a new CD) I like them, but I wonder if they will "pack the rafters" like our Adam...I repeat...I have never seen so many people at a Puyallup concert as the one His Hotness put on for us. (Sorry about the grammar there...but you guys know what I mean). So good to meet you,glitzy!


Anonymous said...

Just hit the road Adam because a lot of your fans would like to experience your incredible talent and being true to yourself.

You r the only contestant who brought millions of votes and gave the American Idol the highest rating ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who cares what people say Ha!Ha!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam is the only one who can really replace Simon Cowell. Just like Simon, Adam's opinion really matters. People will want to hear what Adam is going to say.

But as Adam has said it, he'd rather focus on his carrier now. And I think it's a smart move. But I can't shake the feeling that someday when the AI rating started to drop, Adam will come on the Judges panel and help save the show :)