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Adam Lambert Interview with Philippine's TV Patrol 10.10.10

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, October 10, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, October 10, 2010

Adam's Philippine news coverage and short interview by Gretchen Fullido (TV Patrol) and Pia Guanio (Showbiz Central).


Anonymous said...

i love you Adam, please come back soon!

judys dancin said...

If I Have You... at least get the name of the song right!! Oh well, at least they appreciate the talent!!

Anonymous said...

That was a really good interview. I liked her directness in asking slightly different questions. I had never heard anyone ask Adam specifically if he had been bullied, etc. Very well done.

Re translation. It's difficult, and sometimes mistakes are made. It's all good.

And Simon will not be missed. JMO

Anonymous said...

Very good interview. None of the AMA questions. And none of the men in swim suits wanting a kiss from Adam. All that was in such poor taste. My first thoughts were, "This girl sure is pretty."
All the talk about the AI judges, heck, I can't wait to watch them myself. I want to see what everyone is talking about. This Steven Tyler person. Oh, well, we will all see soon enough. I know one thing, there will never, ever be another contestant like Adam Lambert!!! I'm sure of that!

Anonymous said...

Whats the next publicity stunt miss drama queen is going to pull within coming weeks. Every other week he does something to keep himself in the spotlight.15 minutes of fame

Anonymous said...

Get rid of the TROLLS on this site PLEEZE!!
Re: Anon 11:41 PM comment ... if you don't like ADAM then just stay away ... it's as simple as that! No one is twisting your arm to come here ... do us ALL a favor & go somewhere else .... Geez!!!


Anonymous said...

11:41 left sickening comments all over this site last night apparently. The moderator took the really ugly ones down. My feeling, he/she is not a Gokey fan at all, just a pure bred troll and hater through and through, whatever, self-loathing at it's finest probably, but I'm not going to attach his/her comments to Gokey, not that I like Gokey all that much, I just think it sucks that these trolls throw other artists names out there when I think they have no specific feelings for that artist at all, but rather just an agenda.

Anonymous said...

Love that Adam loves his favorite tee shirts. This one was worn on idol and is my personal favorite of all his shirts.