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Adam Lambert Likes Kesha's New Music Video

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, October 11, 2010

Posted at : Monday, October 11, 2010

Adam's friend, Kesha, released a new music video for her song "Take It Off" and Adam tweeted that he liked it.

"Kesha's new video for Take It Off is amazing!!! Much better than the first one." - Adam Lambert


Anonymous said...

Yikes! Looks like a scene from hell! Scary!

Anonymous said...

No wonder why Adam likes this better because of the costumes! I second that Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

I suppose there's a demand for this video. Halloween is big business.

Anonymous said...

"If I had You" meets "True Blood".Ha!

Anonymous said...

don't care for her at all.

Anonymous said...

so Adam say it's amazing,so we have to watch it??? Don't like her either!

Anonymous said...

It's nice of Adam to want to support his friends. My question is this: Do they support him? i don't know, I don't follow them, just curious.
Don't care for her too. She has no chrisma and showmenship. Just Blah, like her song.


Anonymous said...

Actually think Kesha was the lone person who stood up to be counted when Adam didn't get a VMA nod. So, like her or not, she's on Team Adam. BTW, we can't pick Adam's friends for him.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1;02, I think you're right about the only one standing up for Adam being Kesha. He always supports other artists but I never hear of them supporting him! I will support Kesha since she is Team Adam! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Thank heaven for autotune or you'd have to listen to her voice. She even stole the very old kids taunt "there's a place in France where the women wear no pants..."

If this is better than her first one, I am sooooo glad that I never saw it.

Anonymous said...

I like Kesha. OK she isnt the greatest vocalist ever but she has a pleasant, fun, bouncy, catchy sound. This has been playing in NZ for weeks. I dont know Kesha so cant comment on her as a person, but Adam likes and supports her so thats good enough for me.

Anonymous said...

Nuuzeelander above me: Kesha's music is like every other pop artist's music now. Autotuned so they can't perform without lipsyncing. Why do we love Adam??? Because he is different. His music is different. And guess what, he can SANG!

Anonymous said...

I love adam, i love ke$ha And love THE new vid!!!

The Dark Side said...

Interesting take on the perennial "There's a place in France,where the women wear..." think it harkens back to the Can Can days. Kids the world over learned this little ditty as their pre-school nursery rhyme. Stupid question, but does Kesha sing in more than one key. The entire song sounded like a monotone. Some interesting, almost satanic visuals. Don't think it compares to Adam's IIHY European Pop Single. Not sure what else to say. Mother always said if you can't say something nice.....

Anonymous said...

To be honest, her singing this song sounded even more horrendous than I remembered. But I love that she's Adams friend.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it's amazing alright. Amazing that they actually made two vids to showcase this woman of questionable talent. Why is her voice electronically manipulated in every single song she sings? The second video DOES look as if more planning was done by the videographer. However, I am no more impressed with the song or with "K with a dollar sign" than I was with any of her music. She's just another in a long list of no talents who somehow made it big. Galling to think she is being honored with a nomination for her music and Adam isn't.

Anonymous said...

I really think a lot of Adam's views on people and things, but although Kesha may be great at kissing......she lacks singing talent. She is one of a thousand voices out there that are electronically enhanced.....that is fine....but let's not pretend that she can really sing. ADAM can really sing....he has talent. Kesha is kitchy but if anyone only has fifteen minutes of fame, it may quite possibly be Kesha. She might be a dynamite friend to Adam, and also evidently a great kisser, but I don't think we will ever have to worry about sold out venues for Kesha. Wish her the best....just not going to buy her music!!

Anonymous said...

@12.02, agree, My first thought especially the beginning was of IIHY. Saying that, I liked the video, and I quite like Kesha, think this is her best song, always makes me want to tap my feet. And I like that she loves Adam, and has stood up for him in the past, like the MTV awards.

HK fan

coloforadam said...

Very Cool!! Looks like a Halloween version of the IIHY romp in the woods by Adam. Hope they do something together soon - they are crazy good friends and would come up with something really fun and wild.

nancdruuu2 said...

Any friend of Adam is a friend of mine. Kesha has not only defended Adam, but also praised him as a person. Others that have been "kind" to him.
1. Kelly Rowland - very much so A+
2. Katy Perry
3. Jennifer Hudson
4. Justin Timberlake
5. Slash (came to his birthday party)
6. Jamie Fox (and that director-Stone?)
7. Girl starring in Glee - (very pretty one-A+)
Yes, I'm keeping a list! The "others" are either jealous of Adam or maybe creeps. Unless, of course, they prove themselves to be otherwise. (I did not have to include Paula Abdul who we all KNOW adores Adam).
(this has been bothering me: I believe when Adam's name was mentioned to Daughtry he said, "he's not my type". I have a problem with that)

Anonymous said...

@nancdruuu2/6:11pm - on the Daughtry thing, Daughtry did later tweet Adam that he liked WWFM, for whatever that's worth :).

I do have a strong POV regarding Kesha (pro btw :)) and how she/her thing relates to current pop scene and all that, too tired to type it out, lol, but I will take a sec to just throw out there that, as others here have already said, she publicly has gushed over Adam several times, like 3 or 4, too tired to find links now, but she has done so, again, for whatever that's worth. To me, Adam's support of this video says a lot more about him, in all the best ways possible, than it does about Kesha... another opportunity for him to give a little nod publicly to something that's part of his world to stay, to which I personally say - you go boy... but to each his own too, it's all good.

Anonymous said...

I thinks this song is really good. The video is really close to IIHY concept I think. You notice alot of people are Glamming it up these days. That is a compliment to Adam I think. Adam has plenty of support out there. Once people meet him he has them wrapped. One by one step by step Adam will be someone in the Entertaiment world that will be respected. That doesn't happen over night but it will happen. Adam knows how to play the game; let him play his cards after all they are his cards to play!

Anonymous said...

Ke$ha - please use some of your $ to hire a stylist!!! They're available to you, my friend, and would be well worth the investment. :)

I respect Adam's support of Ke$sha and the fact that she reciprocates rates high in my book, but don't like this song or video.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I didn't care for the video, kind of a trashy negative, poor visual, trying IMO to emulate Adam's visual of IIHY. I think her tunes are catchy and she obviously has lots of fans and that's great, something for everyone. Glad she's a friend to Adam and they support each other. Daughtry has the right to his musical opinion, just as we do and Adam not caring for Susan Boyle. Just a matter of taste and only an opinion, nothing more and no need to take issue with any of them. I also don't always agree with Adam's likes or dislikes, just because Adam likes or dislikes something. We all just like what we like.[Think I'm overkilling the word like and confusing myself!] funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Meatloaf, Fergie, Brian May, Oprah, Kelly Ripa, Ellen - just to name a few more that love/praise Adam.

Anonymous said...

Hey how come Slash was #5 on that list of Adams friends? Slash needs to take the #1 spot!

Anonymous said...

Don’t forget Jay Leno, he's always been very supportive of Adam, too.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Halloween time yet again. This song has been exhausted in my country, it seems so old now.
Like Kesha but I don't think she is super talented but I do like her better than Katy Perry.

Anonymous said...

Ke$sha just seems to lack the classy image.

Anonymous said...

What did Kelly Ripa say in support of Adam - do you mean just how she interacted with him when he was on her show after Idol? Or something different - if anyone could answer, I'd love to know.

Anonymous said...

Oh, sigh. It's a black light, poorly done rip-off of the "If I Had You" video. Doesn't anyone else see that? I mean, I cheer Kesha on (oh wait, sorry, Ke$ha) for supporting Adam, but seriously, she's not as talented as he is. She chants all of her "songs." Plus, he's way prettier.

What I really want to know is, will Adam and Slash do a song together, a la old Guns 'N Roses metal-style ballad like "November Rain"? Whoo, now THAT is something I am hoping to see some day...

Anonymous said...

Kesha is really not a singer. I think she talks alot in her music. I don't see her songs being remembered in the years to come. I find her very boring.