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Adam Lambert Says "I love you Tommy" on stage

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, October 10, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, October 10, 2010

Adam Lambert shouted out "I love you Tommy" on stage while performing "Music Again" in Tokyo 2010/10/07. (This is a different and better version.)


The Dark Side said...

Don't think I saw this before. If I did there wasn't the playing with Tommy or the I love you Tommy. Not taking this seriously, as we all know that Adam loves everyone in his band, and Tommy has to be the best sport in the world. Adam and Tommy repeatedly say they are not lovers. I believe them. It's all just rock and roll and a big part of the show. This Adommy thing has made them both more famous.

Anonymous said...

Too cute!


LP said...

I think there is a deep love between those two.Tommy is a couple of months older than Adam. I always thought he was younger. It's so nice to see a great friendship grow.

Anonymous said...

Adam, you are killing us all by saying that, who does not want to hear Adam say " I love You " Dont think Tommy can have a chance to resist him.

LP said...

Yes I think it is all rock and roll, but you can see the great friendship. I am sure Tommy will settle down some day and raise a family, and have all these great memories of his youth.

LP said...

What I have heard Adam say about Tommy is that he likes girls, well so does Adam. Doesn't mean either one has had a serious relationship with a girl. Adam still says he is single, which he is, and has made no commitment to anyone, We will all wait and see how this will end up.

Anonymous said...

Tommy is going to be Adam's Keith Richards, even though Monte is the song writer partner. They all have so many wonderful years ahead of them. Amazing to think just how young they are. All the current greats in R&R practically in their dotage. Steven Tylers face reflects most of the big guns in Rock and Roll. Adam is so all about love, what a positive message in today climate.

Anonymous said...

Hey peeps,

I just read that FYE is being danced to tomorrow night on Dancing With The Stars.


Anonymous said...

Loved seeing the audience in this version! It's nice to not only hear but also to see the response Adam gets from his fans!

Anonymous said...

The Dark side, I so agree with what you said. Thought the interaction between the two was adorable and the I Love You, Rock 'n roll all the way!!!! Love Adams dance steps in this. Adamluv

LP said...

They had fye once before, with Kate Gosslin. When Adam heard about it, he laughed and said I wonder if she had read the lyrics.LOL

Anonymous said...

Thanks for heads up on DWTS - I'll have to watch tomorrow nite. Hope this year they give it to someone who has some rhythm!!!!! OT but if I remember correctly, tomorrow has been designated by the Human Rights Campaign as National Coming Out Day. It's also Thanksgiving Day in Canada ! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

i dont know why tommy and adam dont date i mean its oveous that adam liks tommy and tommy liks adam they whauld look good together

Anonymous said...

Listen closely - I swear, right about 25 seconds into this (when Adam's got ahold of Tommy) - he changes the lyrics and sings "put your little TONGUE in mine"!!! Seriously! Am I imagining things????

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Good ear, Adam Fix, it does sound like that!
Tommy laughs after the I love u but then walks
quickly in the other direction... hmm
He is a good sport though

Anonymous said...

Pls tell me I have dirty mind, but did I just hear a lyrics change? Did Adam say "put your little tongue in mine look in to my eyes baby eyes"??


LP said...

Adam fix, I have run this over several times, and you are right, then he turns his head to see how the audience is taking it. You are very observant.

Anonymous said...

@Adam fix,thank god its not me. So he does change the lyrics, naughty boy..LOL I love it!


LP said...

I know Tommy walks away afterwards, but the show must go on. Adam doesn't miss a beat when he changes anything. So Tommy has to keep going too.

Anonymous said...

He definitely says "put your little tongue in mine" and looks back at the audience for the reaction! So cute though!


Anonymous said...

I love the video. Adam & Tommy are hot together, but I do believe they are just friends.

Anonymous said...

Yepper, they are just friends I think. But a little petting and cuddle rubbing never hurt anyone. Harmless kissing. Show the Love. Now days that's the theme, Show the love. Everyone kissing and rubbing. HAWT Tommy! He is so Pretty his face looks Porcelain in most of his photos..
Such smooth skin and the sharp lines of his jaw and nose and chin. MMMMmmmmm,,,, YumF***k! He wears makeup better than any girl I've ever seen. Of course not withstanding our Man Adam! I still say he is the best sport Adam could have ever have found to play that part! :)

Anonymous said...

I don't get how this is just "Rock and Roll".

I don't remember seeing Lennon and McCartney
tonguing each other. What does this have to do with Rock and Roll?

What makes it weird to me is that Tommy is not gay. I have dated lots of guys in rock bands and
I seriously can't imagine any of them wanting the other guy's tongue in their mouth on a nightly basis.

Even when the wilder rock bands did stuff "in the name of Rock and Roll" it was because they were stoned out of their minds, not just guys hangin' out havin fun.

Tommy is going above and beyond the call of duty imo, almost like they are still trying to show that the AMA kiss was ok - see how much
he likes it everybody? For his sake, I hope
he does really like it and is not just doing this for the fans or for success and certainly
not for "Rock and Roll"!

Anonymous said...

tommy is adam type you know, small cute. I had my picture taken with tommy, he's adorable! But come on guys your either straight or not, but if anyone has the power to change that it's adam lol!

Anonymous said...

So cute, and yeh Adamfix, definitely a lyric change...

HK fan

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

lyric change - and it's so funny to me too becaues I've noticed (through no fault of my own but because of all the amazing fanvids and GNT footage ;)) that Tommy's tongue is indeed sooooo dainty looking next to Adam's, LOL... again, not my fault for noticing, I just click on the play buttons man, I just click the play buttons. MGF.

Anonymous said...

Shoutout to GlamNation - let's ignore 11:40pm... the highroad needs some traffic lately.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

anon 11:45 I must've hit a sore spot after all you couldn't resist calling out what clearly is the truth. No point in salavating over a guy who's pecker won't rise no matter how pretty you may be. At least Danny Gokey is single and ready to mingle with the driest of crotches

Anonymous said...

anon 11:53 one day you will wake up with a grey hair and a dry crotch too. btw, Gokeys' fansite must be pretty bland for you to throw your useless 2 cents our way!!!

Anonymous said...

Desensitize,desensitize .. well you get the drift. Time men can show hotness and affection for each other. think slapping each others back sides in football,think of the hugs ,the kisses. It's actually time for men to be free to express themselves openly.. Big cheers for Adam and Tommy. My father was Russian and let me tell you there was major smooching and hugging with male family members..Makeup,holding hands,kissing it's all good and you don't have to be gay .. you just have to be human.No more hiding!!

Anonymous said...

Wonder what's Gokey fan doing unrelated opinion at all..??

Back to Adam.. I know he usually kisses Tommy during Fever. Does this means he kisses Tommy twice that night?

coloforadam said...

Nobody sings and dances FYE like Adam. It's nice to hear it will be performed somewhere but that song and the intrepretation, is his alone. I have to watch the FYE vid at least once a week and revel in the fact of being an ADULT!! What he liberates in that song is going to be watered down for a prime time ABC performance. Don't think I want to watch.

Anonymous said...

We love Tommy too!
I still don't understand how some people cannot accept that Adam is gay! He is beautifully gay
and proud of it!

Anonymous said...

Some people are SO threatened by someone who knows who he is, and is not afraid to act, do, say, be what he wants. He is not trying to BE anybody else. More importantly, why would he want to?

Adam lives an AUTHENTIC life, and I think that makes a lot of others angry and/or jealous because they don't have the guts to just be themselves.

Thanks for the vid.

Anonymous said...

This is only 50% rock and roll. Tommy is into heavy metal and Adam isn't.

Anonymous said...

To 3:27 am about the Russian men kissing. I agree that lots of cultures openly show affection, women walk hand in hand with their friends, men bear hug, kiss lips, etc.

BUT.. tell me if there is actually deep French TONGUE kissing like we see here. To me, that is much more like sexual affection than anything you are describing.

(Not sayin there is anything wrong with it, just that the two things are completely different)

Anonymous said...

10:33 2nd paragraph: Maybe in France????

Anonymous said...

The comment about this not being rock n roll - who died and made you the expert! RnR is whatever the performers want it to be! It's not scripted, it just is! And peeps, let's ignore the haters - they dont warrant out time! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

To 12:32pm it sounds like you are saying that 2 straight men kiss friends with tongues in France - is this true? pardon my ignorance...

Anonymous said...

To me, Rock and Roll is a style of music. There are common drum rhythms and chord progressions in all of the songs. I don't think this poster was a hater.

That's like saying, hey it's just Jazz if all the musicians are drunk or hey, it's just Classical if all the younger Symphony musicians are stoned (which they often are by the way in my city.. true because I know most of them)

Anonymous said...

tooo fukin hot!!!