Adam Lambert talks Halloween, Clears CD Misunderstanding on Twitter
Filed Under (album news,news,twitter ) by Admin on Friday, October 29, 2010
Posted at : Friday, October 29, 2010

Adam tweeted late last night that he's back in LA just in time for Halloween.
"Landed in LA LA Land. Just in time for my fav holiday: HALLOWEEN!!"
He also talks about the upcoming acoustic CD:
"Oh and just to clear up a bit of a misunderstanding, I'm not releasing a full acoustic album. An EP. 3-5 tunes. :) "
And finally, he congratulated Monte's anniversary. (Retweeted Tommy's tweet)
"Happy anniversary @Lisarrific & @Monterrific !!!"
Source: Adam's Twitter
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This is not a comment directly on this post, but I LOVE coming here... whatever ad music you have playing is making me NOT want to come here. I usually have music playing while I browse the net. Is there anything you can do??? Please??? I love it here!
Oh my, Hello! Hooot Babe/stuff!... work it BB! :)
Happy Halloween peeps! I'm gonna be a "nice Witch" without the broom!... lol
Yes please... Acoustic EP!
Congrats Monte and Lisa... and many many more!!!☺
anon 4:25 PM
I don't have that problem, so maybe it has to do with your browser? or your settings? ☺
Hear no music--totally confused by Adam's statement that he is releasing an EP of 3-5 songs--what does that mean exactly? Ok, so that means he has plenty of time to release another single. Some artists are releasing half their albums in a very short time. Is all this due to the sluggish economy? We need a financial adviser on this site.
I hate the banners covering the words and the stupid music that pops up...I just log off because it's frustrating.....
The Dark Side,
From my understanding he just wants to clear up some confusion of NOT releasing an acoustic "album" but an acoustic EP which only contains 3 to 5 songs and no more. I think instead of a single Adam is releasing and EP (extended play).☺
4:24: It's happening to a lot of blogs on blogspot lately. Not just 24/7. I heard blogspot will fix it.
But seriously, people you need to use Firefox! It's the best browser ever and I don't have any problem with ANY websites, including 24/7. But with internet explorer, I get so many problems, even Perez Hilton.
People, the banners (including music) seem to be customized by Google depending on your location/language. I don't think 24/7 has anything to do with it. GLb
EP releases are very popular/common nowadays
Can someone tell me what the new EP is about? Are they all NEW SONGS ? Or just acoustic remixes of WWFM and FYE etc?
Please reply! Thanks!
anon 4:50 PM
The acoustic ep will consist of songs from FYE album.
He said it will come from those he promo in UK and Europe earlier in the year and some from GNT.
So the CD is just a rehash of old material?
Awww darn it....I was hoping for new songs.
As to the ad "music" when you open the sight this P.M. - Uhhh, I'm at work. Not funny! :| ebbtide
I don't have the "music" or "sound" problem but I emailed 24/7 for you guys and they replied me very quick saying it's fixed just a while ago. The music problem should not be there anymore.
Is this new interview?
Chill out and take a break from coffee!
Patience is a virtuous and get some.
anon 5:26 Pm - It hasn't come out yet. Should be out this November.
anon 5:03 PM - New materials should be coming out this spring or early summer of 2011.
Speaking of this sort of thing, link from Examiner about WWFM
It's regarding Pink and WWFM and her releasing her version as a download online, different scenario than the old news of her having WWFM on a greatest hits album
I hope Lambert fans don't go cray cray with this, that just isn't good IMHO, just an opinion 'though, we all have 'em
have a nice rest adam! still voting for you at People's choice in 4 categories, it's the last day today so i am spending my whole day for you, hope i won't suffer from carpel tunnel syndrome but i don't mind because i love you.
glad you are ahead on music billboard top 100 songs and top 5 artists. think i should concentrate on PC awards first.
@MGF, did you get to listen to the snippet? I followed the link but I can't find it. Any luck?
found it on MJsblog...Copycat
I can't wait to hear the whole song and hope it brings Adam more luck :)
To you lovely posters having difficulties with the Banners and the sound of ads:
I had that when my browser was Internet Explorer. But my son told me to change to Mozilla Firefox, and I've never had those problems again.
Try it out and see if it works for you.
damn, only 3-5 songs? I thought it would be more...oh well, guess we will have to wait and find out which ones will make the cut. Im hoping he includes SW, Aftermath,, maybe Mad World...and WWFM will most likely be on there too.
But it would be nice if he would decide to surprise us and throw in something unexpected.
Just sayin.
I am a bit of a nerd on the terms. What is an EP?
I looked it up!
EP stands for "extended play" as they are longer than the original single 45s, usually containing 4 tracks. Artists usually release EPs before their whole abum comes out. It is to give the fans a taste of what is coming. It could include anywhere from 2 to 10 songs often depending on the length of the full album. The EP would come out anywhere from 2 months to a year before the full length album.
Im Glad Adams back in the States :) Have The best halloween Adam :) Katie :)
It's going to be what's it's going to be , but if I have any input which I don't at all I would LOVE him to sing Cant let you go "!!!! Hope he does that. I'm buying this new cd no matter what'S on it and yes I just learned what EP meant so thank-you for that because I had no clue either
Thanks 24/7 for addressing the annoying music problem. I kept hearing banjo music with yeehaws thrown in for good measure playing over and over on one or two of the threads the other day. It drowned out Adam's sound on his videos . I thought there was something wrong with my computer but all is well now! funbunn40
Over at mjs, did anyone view the Streisand/Diamond Grammy moment? I sat here is tears remembering.
Would be great to see Adam and Pink sing WWFM as a duet on the awards show.
Thanks MGF and ZZ for the links.
post the link Anon 5:14pm for the Streisand/Diamond Grammy moment.
GRACIAS por los enlaces MGF Y ZZ.
For the person who requested the Streisand/Diamond link and anyone else:
I hope I posted correctly.
@Anon 9:14am 10/30 - Thanks for link. MGF
I read in another place where Adam said he got with his guitarist MONTE and drummer ISAAc to do this acoustic ep . He didnt mention any other band members so does that mean its just him and the two he talked about ?
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